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In addition to White Bird's growing power, just after the attack on White Bird's HQ, the Underworld Reapers gave him a surprise visit.

He was anxious every time the Reapers were within his parameter, afraid that they'll notice that he's not the real Vermillion Dragon.

The Reapers were informed about his attack on White Bird's territory and gave him a warning to not attack her ever again. That time, She Gu's eyes widen, his hands clenched until they turned white.

Never in his life did he expected that the Underworld Reapers would side with White Bird. Just who are the Underworld Reapers? If the Underworld was a country, then the Reapers is the president. In short, the Reapers are the Underworld's supreme rulers.

To become a Reaper, one should show capabilities and power. Eventually, a Reaper will choose whether you are worthy and will let you inherit their position. The current Reapers were the former Leaders and the Reapers on their time gave them their position and so on.

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The Underworld Reapers are usual neutral and unbiased, if they were easily wavered, She Gu could've have their backing long ago.

Just how on Earth did White Bird made them come to her side?

She Gu hate to admit but, White Bird is now the most powerful person in the Underworld.

Her position is steady, unwavering. With the Underworld Reapers' backing, no one would dare attack her, the whole White Bird Organization and her allies.

"You know what I hate the most?..." Lillie Bai's cold voice blew through her ears. "...people who don't know the meaning of 'satisfaction."

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She Xi Lan flinched, she watched as how Lillie slowly walk towards her like a lioness to her prey. Sweat built up to her pale skin until they stream down.

" know who I am, then you must know what my father is capable of!" Even She Xi Lan thought that her words were stupid. As if White Bird would be scared to a little mouse's squeaks.

She knew, that in White Bird's eyes, she's merely a worthless bug that she could easily killed with just a finger.

"Oh, I do know what your father is capable of. He did stole Vermillion Dragon, right?"

She Xi Lan's breath hitched, the secret that only she and her brothers knew was actually found out by White Bird?! Then, her father is really done for!

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"W-white Bird, p-please have mercy! I was blessed with sight and yet I-I failed to see Mount Tai!" [1]

"I-It was my father who made me do this, I-I have no intentions in trapping Etha-..Mr. Li into marriage in the first place! Please let me go just this once!" She Xi Lan's attitude shifted in 360 degrees. Wasn't she being all high and mighty just a few moments ago too? Who is this pathetic woman?

She Xi Lan wanted to curse her own father. Oh how she despite him. If she didn't make it out alive, she swear she'll haunt him like a vengeful ghost forever.

"Thought so, your father had always been the type to bite off more than he could chew. He already have Vermillion Dragon, now he want my husband's power?" Ethan's ears perked.

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"H-husband?!" If this was a nightmare, She Xi Lan would be relieved because she knew it was just a dream.

But no!

It's f*cking reality!

Not only was she extremely rude towards her, not only did she tried to hurt her, she also tried to trap her husband into marriage!

She Xi Lan, has f*cked up.

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