For me, who has fallen into a critical situation for any noble (even if I like this life more than being a noble) and I’m maintaining myself with leftover bread each time, it is quite natural to love bread and work harder to make bread.

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I think so!

“Michelle’s bread is amazing.”

While baking the bread in the kettle, there was still time until the stage of checking if it puffed up, so I was chatting with Michelle while hand-wiping the sweat floating on my forehead.

There is still more than an hour to await, so I can afford it. Michelle is the best bread maker, and in customer service I’m perfectly ripe to the finest details. So without having to hurry to bake all kinds of bread before opening, Michelle can bake additional bread while I’m out in the store, taking care of the customers.

“Is the bread amazing or delicious?”

“Of course it is! but I’m always helped by Michelle in the end. I want to be able to make it on my own soon! It’s a miracle bread.”

I praise Michelle with no exaggeration and nothing but respect.

“Miracle … hey”

Nevertheless, Michelle’s muttering face seemed rather bitter, rather than happy. I opened my mouth in a hurry.

“Um … maybe I’ve said something wrong…?”

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“Oh, no, just because I didn’t make bread with that feeling, I just felt weird.”

To Michelle, who smiled bitterly, I was relieved to hear that.

That’s right, most people will be embarrassed by the crazy praise of being said that they make miracle bread.

“I’m too insignificant to make a miracle. My bread at first, was just a big mess. I wanted to make something that people can feel tasty and be happy.”

Michelle shook her shoulders and said, as if nothing. How amazing it is. Many people long for miraculous happiness, but only a handful of people can experience such a miracle.

For most people, the accumulation of little happiness leads to a fulfilling life.

“I think it’s nice. I want to create more miracles.”

I chew on Michelle’s words. Rather than becoming a queen, leaving a name in history, or getting a lot of money, being respected by people, and living luxuriously, I want to live quietly, gently and happily as a commoner. Give small happiness to others and in return, get happiness while doing them good. That kind of insignificant life.

I look into the kettle and watch how the bread is baked… maybe a little more. Five minutes later…

“Fii can do well, because you’re better than you think.”

Concentrate on the bread, Michelle says, I only smile.

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I don’t have any intention to lose either. I don’t mean to do miracles, but I want to be able to make bread. No matter how much it costs me, I’m selfish about it. I’m not great enough to get everything I want, so I will continue to work hard to fulfill to the best, my wishes.

The bread from the kettle looked the best in my eyes. It’s a matter of conviction. Michelle transports a piece of still hot bread to a small cutout.

I stared at it quietly, my heart pounding like crazy.

“… Yeah, this is a good enough to go out to sell in the store.”

I opened my eyes surprised, and Michelle smiled gently at me. Joy grew in my chest.

“Ho, ho, really …?”

“Of course. I won’t lie to you.”

I laughed like a child. I’ve never been so happy since the day when I had his Highness cancel my engagement.

Speaking of his Highness, is he fine? Speaking of which, I only care about Lili-chan and I totally forgot about him after that. If I acknowledge that my feelings for his Highness were only of jealousy, because of my past and because he had such a kind brother, I may now be able to treat him a little more kindly.

No matter what! Yay!! Michelle accepted my bread!!

“Then, you can take a break from work tomorrow.”

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I stopped rejoicing abruptly, and I couldn’t understand the meaning of those words.

After a few seconds, I finally understood, and my feeble moment of joy dissipated and my blood drained from my face instead.

“… It’s probably … a firing notice …”

What?!!!!!!!! What went wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think seriously that I’ve been fired. I wonder if the miracle bread remark I said earlier was disturbing, in fact, I might be unaware of a super serious mistake I did at work. Wait! They have not even hired me in the first place, but! Well, it would be more profitable for Michelle if I were to come as a customer instead of an employee, because I like too much bread, and eat a lot… Five seconds went by during this time.

Until Michelle’s laughter began, I was desperate.

“Ahahaha! No, it’s different! Fii-chan seems to be in a very difficult situation recently, and I thought it may be a crucial moment for you. Rest for a week and stay fit.”

“Eh, oh, I don’t want to?! I’m good …”

But I’m really relieved. Some tears came out. It is not clear whether it’s the lingering despair or a happy cry.

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When I calm down a bit, a question comes up.

“Why do you think that… the deadline for my situation to be resolved is one week?”

It is strangely specific and uncomfortable. When I asked, Michelle showed a smile.

“My intuition says so. It’s okay, I’ll go out to greet you when you come back a week later.”

Intuition… In other words, almost unfounded. There is no reason why I’d have to be absent from work for a week …

Looking back on my memories of Michelle, I realize that this person was pretty convinced, aggressive, did not lie, and had only the positive element that everything she said was true.

Let’s take a break because Michelle says I have to take a break. It’s hard to refuse Michelle because this would be a hundred percent in my favor.

“… When I come back, I’ll cry if there’s another child in my place, alright?”

“Oh, absolutely.”

Nodding at her gentle smile, I looked at the watch and began to prepare to open the store in a hurry.

There is no way I can expect a big event such as the one that unfolds later… One that will shake me from my core.

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