What to do on my first day off after Michelle said that my week off was confirmed. Mmh, there is only one place I’d like to go.

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“But… isn’t there better options for you to meet on a day off? For example… to date a noble, silver-haired handsome guy…?”

Nana-chan seemed to have not yet fully understood my relationship with Nika-sama, and made a strange face.

Nana! You’re my best friend!

I want to say it loudly.

But it’s not time yet. We’ve got to know each other just recently.

If we get along for sometime and gain a level of trust where my annoying friendship will not chase her away, then it’s time to tell her that she’s more important.

“…That ’s right, have you ever met Nika-sama, Nana-chan…?”

The information about a noble, silver hair, and good-looking guy coming for me everyday is probably what she heard from the rumors circulating around that Nana-chan mentioned before.

“Ah, yes! The teacher said that he wanted to apologize to Fii and asked if it was possible for you to meet him somehow!”

As Nana changed the topic, I also felt uncomfortable thinking about love and rumors and switched my mind to the next question.

“Well, I’m not completely unfamiliar with him so I can, but why is he apologizing?”

Jack, who is doing something like currying my favor by giving me Nana-chan today, thank you for lending Nana-chan!

She seems unlikely to know the advantage Jack gets in this, perhaps I understand exactly why he wants to apologize.

At first glance, Jack thought it was noble to lend her in exchange of help, and it wasn’t too hard to know if I came to meet her after getting information from her chattering.

“Hmm … I went to the bakery where Fii works, right?”

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“Yes, you came”

“I gave the bread I bought to some people as a souvenir and we talked about it. They… seem interested in visiting the store now.”

I lost my understanding of the situation. Why Jack, do you think you have to apologize after hearing from Nana-chan that she was promoting the bakery?

Did bread’s problem-solving power exert anything on Jack’s brain with hyperdimensional capabilities?

“Are you really saying it’s only because of a recommendation you did of the bakery?”

“I don’t know.”

“So you don’t know…”

They tilted their heads.

“Hmm … can you tell him Nana-chan, that he doesn’t need to apology for reasons I don’t understand? If it’s because he feels guilt about it, tell Jack to just give you, Nana-chan, a break. I’m not angry at all. “

“Yes! I’m glad to!”

Looking at Nana-chan, who salutes quickly with the answer, I smile.

In the first place, Jack is like a parent to Nana-chan, but Nana-chan is my best friend, so he doesn’t have to feel bad because of using my weakness in a way. … Well, maybe he wasn’t feeling guilty but scared?

… I’m a former Duke’s daughter, and maybe he even knows that I was to be the next queen. I guess he may have heard it directly from Mel.

Then, is he afraid of the connections and remnants of authority though they are nothing like the original?

My position now may be that of a commoner, but the lower aristocrats are more cautious of me than with ordinary people.

Well, no matter what I think, there is no doubt about Jack’s uneasiness.

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“Mmmh, maybe I know why …!”

“… I don’t understand? Maybe? What is the cause then?”


Nana-chan drops her voice, puts her hand next to her mouth, and whispers in secret, as if she wanted to not be heard by anyone. Her face is full of a mysterious confidence.

I’m confident that I can’t trust her intellect at all, but she’s so cute that I think it’s fine. So naive and cute… I worry.

“Maybe it’s because Michelle is the owner of the bakery. That’s why. The teacher is afraid of Michelle’s fury.”

I couldn’t understand what was said. What is the connection between Michelle been my employer and Jack apologizing to me? I don’t think there is any.

I don’t think there’s any connection, but I like Nana’s runaway mode, so I decided to encourage her with a serious face.

“… What is it?”

“I can’t understand very well… why is he afraid of Michelle?”

“You don’t know?”

“But Michel seems to be a great person.”

“Maybe. But no one in the neighborhood can raise his head in front of her if she’s angry.”

“Oh … I feel like I understand it a bit.”

I can’t go against Michelle too. It’s not about money, power, or physical power, but rather, she’s a kind of person who you can’t go against. It’s… a feeling…

Indeed, did Nana-chan get this misunderstanding about Jack because of his morals? Interesting.

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“Someone said that Michelle knew everything about everyone! I’m sure she’s actually an agent of a secret organization in the country!”

“No, I think it’s difficult to work at a bakery from morning till night, and be a secret agent at that.”

Nana-chan seemed to be seeing a behind the scenes and to go as far as to create a secret story.

She excitedly told me about the oblique and ridiculous idea she had thought about.

But I hope Nana-chan looks at Michelle without prejudice from now on.

It’s obviously wrong her belief, but to try to correct the trajectory of Nana-chan’s skipped thoughts… will be difficult.

“I… I’d like to try working at the bakery too… But… I don’t think Michelle will hire someone like me who knows nothing …”

“Well, I think she would hire anyone except nobles.”

I think Michelle had praised Nika before, saying he felt like a noble.

Well, it’s common for ordinary people to praise nobles, but indeed, Michelle doesn’t like aristocrats basically.

Then, I think, it would have been enough for her to not hire me, if she knew I was a former noble.

Because we everyday have to work together, employees are hired based on confortability rate, and good feelings from the first meeting.

Moreover, I realize that I am quite annoying at that.

If she knew who I was before I became Fii Kurou, the usual reaction would be to stay away from me and not wanting to get involved.

No, I don’t think it’s necessary to think so seriously about Nana’s strange assumptions in the first place.

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My thoughts were sealed off with the following words. It was just common sense spoken out truthfully.

“There are circumstances why she doesn’t hire because of performance or status.”

It wasn’t as fun as it was just before, to continue with this topic of conversation.

Nana-chan seemed to realize the truth, but she couldn’t say anything.

“Everybody lives for a reason and has a mission. That’s what the world is like, so Fii, be happy.”

Might be so. However, it’s funny to be told such a deep truth after such a ridiculous story. Why is Nana preaching to me with a grin?

“… Nana-chan?”

I was confused because I couldn’t understand anything from the last words.

I couldn’t believe it came from the cute little girl in front of me. I’m fine anyway! Without any basis! Because it’s me! I want to say that to you—

However, my desire is easily betrayed.

“Well, I know. Thanks Nana!”

Nana-chan, smiles innocently like a child.


I’m in a fool state because I don’t know Nana-chan’s circumstances or reason behind those words, only after a big incident that took place during this week’s holiday.

I was the only one who knew about this world, and the people who live in this world, and in fact, I knew it first.

They didn’t even know their destiny.

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