It was not that I had never thought that there was another other-world person other than me.

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However, I didn’t think anything was wrong until that person took action. I didn’t feel any deviation from the original story until that happened.

Therefore, I was confident that there was only me who came from another world.

And, even if there is another other-world person, why can’t we talk and laugh and have fun together.

Noran came back again…

“Oh, looking at this cushion at the table, where I have sit before… It makes me think… Can I request to stay today?”

“Stop. No.”

I don’t expect anyone to stay and I don’t want to waste money buying items for visits, so I have only one futon.

There is no such thing as staying at a friend’s home for the neighbouring prince in the first place.

Also, Noran doesn’t let me concentrate when he’s here, and it’s really annoying. I like his company, but he’s troublesome.

“Noran, tomorrow, you will have to be at public affairs from morning until late into the night, so you will not be able to make it if you sleep here. It’s best if you sleep in the horse-drawn carriage.”

“Eh? Really Zero?”

“I told you in advance that the schedule would be tight if you came here, right?”

“You were enthusiastic too. Let’s talk to Liliana to exclude me from public affairs for now.”

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I’m grateful at Zero for stopping Noran, but they started to talk about something disturbing.

Did you look for Liliana every time you wanted to escape from public relations duties?

Nana’s story was plain but it made me feel uneasy about how I haven’t noticed the possibility of another other-world person? If Zero is connected to another other-world person…

It’s scary to think of such a possibility. If that’s so, I’m likely to be woken up in a big incident before I could do anything about it.

…I don’t feel like I can beat Zero.

“Noran, are there any people around you who act like they know the future?”


“No, not me… other… What ?! Me?!”

Eh, did I do something like that? I think for a moment and immediately examine myself.

Is it about the prophecy I told the king about the neighboring country?

But that doesn’t matter now.

“I’m fine, I’m not?”

“When it comes to knowing the future, isn’t there Ellie?”

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“…Ellie? Do you know about that person ?!”

“Ah, you don’t know Ellie?”

I suddenly feel like I was hit.

I leaned forward, nodding, and asking Noran more details. My shoulder was gently pushed back and I was moved back to my seat.

Of course it’s not Noran. It’s Zero. Noran cannot do such a gentle movement.

“Noran-sama, it’s a state secret the information about Ellie, just because you feel that she is an ally you’re okay with giving her state secret information? His name wasn’t even disclosed to Felicia when she still had her nobility title, so please discriminate at a minimum about what you should speak and what not.”

“But if I talk about Ellie and that makes the royalty of this country angry, we can go to war, right?”

I lost my voice. I was innocently asking, but it had a more dangerous effect than I expected.

I’m also scared because Noran has a calm face and while talking about provoking a war between two countries. Even though he kills time here, he doesn’t seem to give up the idea of provoking a war between the two countries. He’s a time bomb. My brother Jed was a landmine for me, but Noran even if he’s funny and I feel comfortable with him, but in terms of danger level, he feels like a wide-range bomb.

I don’t want to think which one is worst. Please stop both of you, and change for this world sake.

“It won’t be a war what you get. If you provoke Ellie, you’ll be crushed and nothing will be left of you even before you start.”

Ellie seems to be a nuclear missile… comparing him to the other two.

It’s great that Zero seems to know him, and is capable of scaring Noran, the wide-range bomb, to not provoke the missile.

However, as it is, no information is likely to be available for me.

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If Ellie is really an other-world person like me, I don’t think I have that much power to confront him if he knows the story and wants to return it to its original path, but if he’s just the strongest and not and other-world person, I’m forced to look for ways to avoid the war that will crush my country.

…Next time, I’ll ask Mel-chan. If he knows something about that person.

“By the way, can you say anything more? Age, gender, etc.”

“I don’t even know that, how can I say it?”

“Eh, that is, have you never met…?”

“Hey, Ellie never shows in public. It’s only the king of this country who knows his face, aside from his existence. We don’t know his real name or gender, nor his age. It’s been said that 16 years ago he appeared.”

“Wait….Why 16 years ago? Why?”

Sixteen years ago… I was the heroine, and that’s the year when many of the other novel characters were born. I should ask Mel later.

There must be some reason why rumors about him started 16 years ago.

“Sixteen years ago, Ellie prophesied the birth of a baby of a nobleman, who will shake the future.”

“Noran.. If you still want to die on the battlefield, and not be annihilated before it even starts, please refrain from speaking.”

“…I talked a little too much. It’s a man’s pride that makes one want to bring happiness to women.”

Noran laughs while speaking ridiculous things. I shut up.

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Sixteen years ago, he predicted a noble baby’s birth. …A coincidence? There is no such thing.

But isn’t the prophecy a hit because he knew everything from the beginning?

…If he predicted sixteen years ago, at least he wasn’t a baby at that time. So we can calculate his age from that… But from the beginning, prophecy is also what children do as play. It wouldn’t be strange for a child to have given a prophecy.

Even if we don’t take that into account at first, there’s a common scenario for cases like this. Even if people don’t like a prophecy, it will be considered important.

It’s reasonable that children will not be believed if they are seen, that’s why it’s understandable if they aren’t allowed to show their faces, as it is difficult to be trusted if you’re young.

However, since only the King knows his face, he is allowed to assume such a position that there is a high probability that he will have a fairly high status.

…I don’t know his age or gender, he can also be pretending to be a stranger and have already met me in social circles, he can also have already talked to me.

“Then, Fii. We’ll be going back now… Don’t you have anything interesting to tell me at all?”

On the way back, Noran came up with an idea and whispered it in my ear.

The essence of Noran, which is usually forgotten by me, was now by chance reminded by the words he whispered at my ear, it’s too crazy and horrifying.

From his looks, I can’t help but feel that he’s a prince, even though his clothes are not so conspicuous because he came in disguise, and even if he walks in a rough way.

Zero, your task is too difficult.

However, along with that, the existence of Ellie, who could even make him retract his plans, seemed so powerful to me.

Can you win? … I have to win. I must change this story.

Otherwise, I won’t be rewarded with the happiness I want.

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