Law of the Devil

Chapter 332

“What Semel?” The surprise on that face instantly turned into a deep loss and then into anger: “Hum! What woman will you see when you wake up! Semel? Who is that woman! See, I’m Jojo! You asshole, you are engaged to my sister but you are thinking of another woman.”

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With this series of fury, Du Wei looked at her quietly and warmth spread into his heart.

Yes, it’s Joanna, its Jojo.

(T/L: Can’t understand what author meant!)

Although this girl had fiery temper, Du Wei’s dry seemed to have injected with warmth!

He finally smiled then rested his eyes on Jojo and replied, “Well, yes, you are Jojo, my little aunt… haha. And I …”

He sat upright and stretched himself lazily: “I’m Du Wei! I am not 1234 … I’m Du Wei!”

Jojo looked at him and couldn’t help frowning: “Did he become a fool after two days of fainting? What does one, two, three, four … mean?”

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After sitting up, Du Wei felt extremely light. The original injuries on his chest had disappeared.

And after glancing at Jojo, he immediately asked: “Am I saved by you? Then … white … and …”

Jojo glanced at Du Wei and was about to speak. Suddenly he heard someone knocking on the window outside the carriage and Rodriguez’s voice came: “Is the Duke awake?”

Du Wei opened the window and felt the sun outside shining brightly on his face. Rodriguez was riding on a white horse, wearing light armour, looking at himself with a smile. Du Wei looked back. Behind the carriage, there were hundreds of cavalry guards.

“Knight Rodrigues, did you save me? Then I am with …”

Rodriguez smiled and then whispered: “Master Duke, do you mean the Witch King? He … After leaving the hotel in the town that day, I immediately took Miss Jojo with the guards. We decided to send some soldiers to Northwest Loulan City to ask Hussein and your teacher to come together. To be honest, that His Majesty the Witch King is too powerful. I am by no means his opponent so my idea is to make every effort to delay Witch King’s speed as much as possible to win the time for reinforcements. But that day…”

After a pause, Rodriguez sighed: “I was looking for you all the way, but I felt strange movements. Others don’t know but I can feel that Holy Order strongmen had caused it. I immediately took Miss Jojo to rush with me. Unfortunately, I was a step too late. We only found bodies of three divine knights nothing else. Later we saw footprints on the ground. We chased all the way and finally found the woods. When we entered the woods, we saw you sitting alone there, your long bow in your hand.”

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“So, what about White River?” Du Wei immediately asked: “And… what about the Pope?”

“The Pope?” Rodriguez’s face changed. “The Pope? Did you see the Pope?”

Du Wei shook his head: “This matter will be explained later. Tell me first; when you found me that day, what was the situation?”

“I saw you sitting there alone, originally I was surprised. I also looked around and found no other people. It seems that Mr. White River has left.”

Du Wei frowned: “In the woods, you found me, there should be a cave in the back.”


“I saw the cave, but there was nothing in the cave, there was only some blood on the ground.”

Du Wei nodded: “There was on the ground … But where did White River go?”

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That guy left by himself?

Or was White River taken away by the Pope?

No, no … The Pope’s injury was more severe than White River’s injuries unless a holy knight came to help. But if the Holy Knight came to help, then Pope would have killed me, how could he leave me there?

So to speak, the two old guys both left after finding themselves out of danger?

“The mess in the woods obviously indicated that a very fierce battle happened. Especially in the west … almost half of the forest was completely destroyed by some very powerful force! There are dozens of trees broken. It seems that something bumped into them. There was long mark left on the ground. Those who can exert such power must not be ordinary experts. However, although I can’t figure it out, I was able to retrieve you safely, which is my greatest luck. ”

After Du Wei heard, he was silent. After a while, he suddenly patted his head: “Oh, I’m so stupid! Of course you don’t know anything!”

After that he thought of Semel. What happened that day, Semel must know.

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Du Wei then returned to the compartment and smiled strangely at Jojo: “This … Joanna, can you go out first? I want to take off my clothes and look at the injuries.”

Jojo rolled her eyes and said, “Hum, do you think I am willing to sit with you? Rodriguez begged me to take care of you. If you conscious, I would not bother to sit next to you! Huh! This place is small. Sitting with you, a half-dead guy, was very upsetting! Now that you are awake, I can’t wait to go out to ride the horse to show how happy I am!”

Seeing Jojo suddenly getting angry, Du Wei was shocked. He wonder why Miss Jo suddenly became so angry.

But as soon as he gave it some thought, he immediately understood a few points and quickly said sincerely: “Ah, I am wrong! Jojo, you have taken care of me for so long, I haven’t said thank you to you yet. I just woke up and told you to go out. It’s really my fault! Thank you for taking care of me… Also, I don’t dislike you staying in the carriage, I just want to take off my clothes, it will not be convenient if you are by my side. ”

Jojo’s anger quenched somewhat but her tone was still unpleasant: “Huh! Who wants you to thank me! I just saw you half-dead and was worried if you died my poor fool sister would become widow. As for the injuries on your body … Huh, there is nothing wrong about it! I don’t know if you got luck! Whole forest was in messy but you’re not hurt at all! The Rodriguez has thoroughly examined you and you haven’t even lost a strand of hair! ”

After that, she kicked open the door of the carriage and jumped out. There was a soldier right next to her. When Jojo came out, he came to her and asked in flattering tone: “Miss, what do want?”

“Give me your horse!”

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