Law of the Devil

Chapter 333

After closing the carriage door, Du Wei took off his shirt and looked down. His chest did not have any scars. Then he pondered for a while and then summoned Semel.

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The voice of Semel was heard in his ear: “Are you finally awake? Hey, these two days has been hard for the girl named Jojo. You really shouldn’t drive people out that way just now. Go out. You’re hurting a girl.”

Du Wei replied, “What are you talking about? I told her to go out for the convenience of talking to you! Tell me, what happened after I passed out that day?”

But Semel did not answer but instead said: “The girl named Jojo … she seems to like you very much, right?”

Du Wei suddenly felt that his whole body was overwhelmed: “What are you talking about! She … she is like a female dinosaur, would she still like a man? Even if she is interested in me, I am afraid that she wants to make me into a soul crystal or something like that… The two of us are completely opposite. Don’t make such a joke!”

“Hum.” Semel smiled as she said: “Is it? Am I wrong? But when you are not awake, the girl is sitting next to you with a tense expression. That expression was not like she was thinking about refining you into soul crystals.”

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Du Wei still shook his head. He never thought that Jojo that violent girl would have interest or affection for him. She was mostly likely disgusted with him.

Semel’s tone suddenly changed: “Is that girl old apprentice of Gandorf? I don’t have a good opinion of Gandolf. I just hate this guy and I always feel that he has some relation with me. Not to mention … Hum, this old guy took in a girl who looks like me as an apprentice… I’m afraid he doesn’t have any good intentions! If you don’t like this girl, then it’s better! I’ve always wanted to make myself a body so as not to be like a ghost-like existence. Since you don’t like her, let me kill this girl and… ”

Having said that, the tone couldn’t help but rise up…

Du Wei was startled and quickly shook his head: “No, no! You are becoming more and more absurd! This is absolutely not possible! Jojo is Vivian’s sister. You must not have any her idea about her!”

Semel smirked and sat in front of Du Wei with her pair of white legs crossed. She looked at Du Wei with a grin: “Look, I just said a few words and you become this nervous. Well, you don’t have to refute, I don’t say that.”

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After a pause, her face became serious: “What happened that day, speaking about it made me scared! That thing is really weird, you … you …”

Subsequently, Semel described how he woke up when he was about to die that day and used his powerful strength to easily beat Sebasta and made him flee for his life.


“I knew that he, at that time, was definitely not you. You couldn’t have such ability. And … when he grabbed my neck, I was really scared to the extreme. I don’t have a physical body. I’m just a phantom but he can still catch me easily. He apparently has broken through the law of space which is definitely the strength above the Holy Order! At that moment, I have a feeling that as long as he wants to kill me, I’m done for! Well, at that moment, you are almost like someone else… Well, it’s like you were possessed by ghost! ”

When Du Wei heard it, he smiled unconsciously: “Possessed by ghost? I am really possessed by ghost!”

He knew immediately that the person who got possessed him must be the memory of “Aragon”! When his soul entered the badge and talked with “Du Wei 1”, Aragorn ran out and drove the Sebasta away.

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“So, what happened later?”

“Later … Later, after he made Sebasta flee, he told me a few more word. He told to tell you something. After that, he held the long bow and just sat there. It’s over. Well, what he told me to tell you is, “Work hard! Whether you can end it all depends on you.” Well, that’s it. ”

“What about White River and the Pope?”

Semel shook her head and said: “You sat there all night long! Later White River went out of the cave with the old Pope and the two stood by you for a long time. The pope seems to be curious about you. White River checked on you and saw that you were not injured. Then both of them sat by your side all night.”

“At dawn, White River suddenly said to the Pope, ‘You should leave now. I’m afraid that after I have recovered a little strength, you can’t go away if you want to go. Even if you stay here, I won’t let you touch this kid!’ Then the old pope was helpless so he went away. White River was worry so sat beside you again until noon. At that time, Rodriguez and others arrived. White River also seemed to have recovered some strength so he left quietly. With his strength, as long as he recovered a little, he was definitely not someone that Rodriguez could detect. In fact, White River’s departure and Rodriguez’s arrival were just one after the other. ”

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Speaking of which, Semel’s tone seemed strange: “The old Pope seemed to have some bad feelings for you. But because White River was there, he couldn’t do anything.”

Du Wei knew that White River left safely. He didn’t know what had happened with White River so he was relieved now.

After speaking, Semel suddenly got a little annoyed: “Speaking of it, you really asked for this! Whether White River and the Pope die or not what it has to do with you. Are they your relatives or friends? At that time, you could have just fled but you just didn’t go! Hmm … As a result, you almost drove yourself to a dead end! You are so smart. How come are you so stupid regarding this matter? ”

Du Wei shook his head: “You don’t understand. Although I also hate the pope but he can’t die for now. The Pope and White River talked vaguely about something I don’t understand (regarding north)… In addition the pope said that the barrier was broken and a disaster is about strike! If… if…”

He suddenly remembered the corpses that he saw under the mountain when he went to the Dragon God Mountain. The orcs who looked very different from humans! If he was really from those exiled races… He was afraid that it was really a crisis that human beings had never encountered in a thousand years!

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