Law of the Devil

Chapter 334

At such time, how could the Pope die as a spiritual leader of the human world?

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Even if Du Wei did not like him, he couldn’t let him die at this time.

About White River, if he was saved, then with his disposition, he would not forget how he was bullied by Sebasta. After returning, he would definitely avenge himself! In this way, Snow Mountain would definitely find trouble of the Northwest Army which was greatly beneficial to Du Wei.

Therefore, Du Wei’s kindness to White River was not entirely because of emotions.

But Semel didn’t seem to understand it and was angry with Du Wei: “If you want to take risks, it has nothing to do with me! You can play with your own life all you want to but do not forget that my life is linked to your life! Risking your life is same as dragging me down! If you die, I won’t survive! In this way, I really hate you kid! Not only did you almost kill yourself, you almost killed me too! ”

Semel seemed to be getting more and more angry. She suddenly flung her sleeves and said: “Boy, you have offended me greatly this time. For a month, don’t call me out to help you again!”

“Wait ~!” As Semer was about to disappear, Du Wei hurriedly said, “One more thing! I remember that my storage ring was broken by the Sebasta and everything fell out. Where did those things go? I have a lot of treasures in it!”

Semel’s voice sounded in his head: “It was all stored away by the little girl, Jojo. If you want to get them back, go to her.”

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After that, Semel said no more, no matter how Du Wei called. No one responded, it seemed that she was really angry this time.

Du Wei shook his head. He was thinking about how to get things from the Jojo. Everything else could be lost but not that badge. It was very important.

However, just now it seemed that he had offended Jojo. Looking for her at this moment would not be end up well. As he was pondering, he heard someone’s knocking on the window and then he heard Jojo’s stubborn voice coming in: “Hey Du Wei! Listen, it’s not me who is looking for you! It’s the guy Rodriguez has me come and ask you, if you are hungry or not. We have to pass a town. Would you like to go in and eat something? ”

With a bang, the window opened and Du Wei’s grinning face protruded from the carriage. Jojo looked at the face that made her hate and nervous. She could not help but her heart speeding up.

“This guy is so annoying when he laughs but … what am I nervous about!”

“I … what happened to me? I obviously hate this guy!”

“Yes, it’s annoying! How could he marry my fool sister! Most importantly, he didn’t even tell me!”

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“Yes, that’s right! I just hate him!”

Jojo thought so in her heart. Her face could not help but grit her teeth.

Du Wei said with a smile on his face: “Ms. Jojo, if you don’t say it, I’ll forget it. Now I’m really hungry. Tonight let’s rest in a small town. In this cold weather, riding (horse) outside is not good for you; you can come in the carriage.”


Du Wei said with a smile on his face: “Ms. Jojo, if you don’t say it, I’ll forget it. Now I’m really hungry. Tonight let’s rest in a small town. In this cold weather, riding (horse) outside is not good for you; you can come in the carriage.”

Jojo’s face unconsciously turned red but she still responded viciously: “Huh! Do you think I’m the weak girl from Vivian! I’m an ice magician. Does this cold weather make me uncomfortable? It’s just a joke! Anyway didn’t you tell me to go out just now! Huh, now I’m invited in again? Your broken carriage is dull and boring, so I don’t want to go in!”

The smile on Du Wei’s face became more and more kind: “This … it was my fault just now, but you are a lady after all, what is the reason for a lady to ride a horse and a man ride in a carriage? Come in quickly.”

Seeing that Jojo was still holding his chin high, Du Wei suddenly turned his eyes and whispered, “Oh, I suddenly feel dizzy… this feels strange…”

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Jojo couldn’t control herself and concerned expression appeared on her face and her anger disappeared without a trace. She said, “Ah! What’s wrong with you? Is your head hurting? Where is it hurting?”

Then, she got off the horse and got into the carriage and yelled at Du Wei, “You’re not well, lie down quickly! You … what’s wrong with you? I don’t think you look well.”

Having said that, she actually took a pillow and then helped Du Wei to lie on his back.

Seeing this “gentle” side of the violent girl, Du Wei’s heart suddenly jumped up!

He was not a fool, let alone an emotional idiot! Seeing Jojo’s appearance at this moment, he suddenly remembered what Semel had just said…

This … this girl, she won’t really like me…

The carriage was bumpy all the way but Du Wei did not feel the slightest pains during the journey.

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Just because he had Jojo beside him!

He didn’t know why Miss Jojo’s temperament suddenly changed in the past two days but she was extremely considerate to serve Du Wei along the way. She held the water and poured it into his mouth to feed him. When it was hot, Miss Jojo performed an ice magic to cool down the temperature. When he felt hungry, Jojo immediately ordered someone to bring food. She was also worried that Du Wei was physically weak after injury so she took out a knife to cut the food into small pieces and sent them to his mouth.

Even … even when Du Wei accidentally said that was having headache, Ms. Jojo frowned and after hesitating for a while, she actually got to Du Wei’s side and gave Du Wei head Massage with her slender fingers carefully…

Of course, Jojo had never massaged anyone in her life. This massage method was naturally extremely bad. For Du Wei, there was no such thing as enjoyment. However, looking at Jojo’s concern, how could he dare to criticise her?

If he said something wrong, he would anger this female devil!

He felt more and more uneasy.

This … Jojo, she won’t really…

Before he asked for his stuff, Jojo took out a magical storage ring and handed it to him. It was all the stuff she helped Du Wei collect. After Du Wei glanced over and found the badge, he exhaled a long breath and pinched it carefully.

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