Law of the Devil

Chapter 338

“You want to reinforcements for the Stormwind army, but we also have to reinforce the army in the Northwest! Whom to help first?

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Rodriguez’s last question made the Andrea speechless.

When Dewey heard this, he couldn’t help but admire Rodriguez. This Rodriguez seemed to not only have great martial arts skills but also deep insight!

“So, this call for reinforcements …” Andrea became anxious.

“As I said, you have not been to the imperial capital and you don’t know what the emperor is all about. The Duke of Tulips is the most trusted minister of the current regent and only he can influence the decision of the regent! Some word of politeness, even if the Prime Minister today says ten words, it may not be equal to one word of our Lord Duke. You have to go to the emperor to ask for reinforcement. You might as well talk to the Lord Duke first to see if he can help you. What’s more, this is not considered as leak of military secrets. As long as the Duke returns to the Imperial City and you inform this matter to emperor. Within a day, the Regent will tell the Duke about it.”

Andrea weighed it in his mind. In the end, this was indeed not a very confidential military secret. Anyway, when he arrived in the capital, the news would always spread.

Secondly, this Duke of Tulips has been extremely powerful in the past two years. He had heard his reputation when he was in the north. Many people even believed that the young Duke who is under the age of 25, can become the youngest prime minister in the history of the empire! (The current Prime Minister is the old man of Augustine VI. Although the regent did not remove him, everyone knows that he has no real power.)

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If such a great man talks for about this issue personally, maybe this time…

General Andre sighed with his eyes full of anxiety. He finally patted the table and said: “Send a few brothers to guard around, do not let idle people approach. I want no one here!”

Immediately, ten cavalrymen stood up and pushed the owner and waiters out of the hotel. They the checked the entire lobby and guarded the entrances.

After all this was done, General Andrea gritted his teeth: “Lord Duke, six days ago you should have also felt the abnormal movement of the earth’s oscillation?”

Six days ago, Du Wei calculated the days. It was the day when White River and the Pope faced each other!

Then Andrea dipped his fingers in water and drew a pattern on the table…

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The water was dripping on the table and it seemed that General Andrea was not good at drawing. Fortunately, although the painting was rough, the meaning was clear.

Andrea pointed at an arc in the drawing: “Look at this, this is the border line at the southern end of the frozen forest. Speaking of it, although our storm group has 200,000 male soldiers but this damn forest is really too big! The border line at the southern end is as long as a province! Although we have 200,000 troops, it’s very difficult to station them to cover whole border. In fact, for many years, we have adopted the strategy of focusing on garrison and sending more patrols and cruises. This is barely met the requirements. “


Andrea pointed at an arc in the drawing: “Look at this, this is the border line at the southern end of the frozen forest. Speaking of it, although our storm group has 200,000 male soldiers but this damn forest is really too big! The border line at the southern end is as long as a province! Although we have 200,000 troops, it’s very difficult to station them to cover whole border. In fact, for many years, we have adopted the strategy of focusing on garrison and sending more patrols and cruises. This is barely met the requirements. ”

He casually drew a few small circles under the arc that symbolized the southern border of the frozen forest: “Our army is stationed in several places according to the division, close to the southern end of the forest. At the same time, with the cavalry squad as a unit, they patrolled back and forth every day and night according to the set route. The soldiers worked hard. Fortunately, there have been no major disturbances in these years. There is one point, other legions are different. Our Stormwind Legion does not have a main camp! There is always lack of soldiers. Even General Rostock’s regiment only have 20,000 people which are stationed in a place slightly south. This is not a secret for a long time so it’s okay to tell you.”

“The earthquake six days ago was really scary. As I came to the south, I also asked people along the way. It seems that the situation here is okay, but in the northern frozen forest, it’s different! There is major avalanche! Unfortunately, our two cavalry battalions were stationed in a valley. As a result of the avalanche, they were buried alive below the snow…”

After saying that, Andrea’s eyes turned red and his tone choked.

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After all, he was a soldier in nature so took a deep breath and calmed him and continued to draw a few south-facing lines in the arc.

“No one in the army or general has experienced this kind of thing. For a time, everyone was frightened even if they were generals. Although everyone calmed down, their hearts were still uneasy after all. Sure enough, in the afternoon, the disaster happened!

I don’t know where it started first. Anyway, a large number of beasts attacked simultaneous from the six directions!

Although I have been in the North for many my whole life, I have never seen so many beasts!

Most of beasts have some intelligence even if it is low-levelled one. If a head of beasts meets our patrol team, they often know when to attack and when to retreat. Unless they meet some powerful, our soldiers will be killed.

Moreover there were a large number of beasts, not one, not two, not tens or hundreds, but thousands!

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Moreover, even if we are training hard, most soldiers are just ordinary people! They do not have magic items; they only use knives, bows and spears!

After that soldiers retreated in the military fortresses. Later, we decided to use the fortress walls to defend. The soldiers stood on them and shoot arrows…

But those beasts did not stop and became more brazen!

The soldiers were already fighting for their lives! But those things are too much! Later, there were even some brothers who choose decisive death. They organized the cavalry to fight back with those beasts and set fire all the way, trying to scare them away. This fire trick is very useful previously. But this time, it didn’t work.

Just that afternoon, we lost tens of thousands of people! The two big camps on the west were breached and those beasts crossed our line of defence and went south!

Afterwards, General Rostock was furious. He immediately mobilized the cavalry from behind to hunt and at the same time issued a death order to keep attacking until all the beasts are dead. Unless the last person was killed in the battle, soldiers must not take a step back!

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