Law of the Devil

Chapter 339

The military order was like a mountain. That night, I accompanied General Rostock in the general camp, but after a while, a commander ran to report the situation, saying that many people died and the situation is critical and requested reinforcements…

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Next morning, when I was about to take my guard to the battlefield, General Rostock said to go to reinforce the fortress.

I went to the frontlines. We saw battlefield filled with corpses of our comrades. We met many beasts and fought my battles in the south. My soldiers under my command lost their lives.

“The battle continued for two days. After two day, beasts finally retreated and gave us breather. After that General decided to send to ask for reinforcement from Imperial Headquarters.”

With that said, Andre, the brave general suddenly smiled bitterly: “I actually survived that battle and now I think of it, I am quite lucky!”

“To deal with these beasts, we need more and stronger power! Its better … it’s better to have a magician! Only magicians can deal with this kind of Warcraft!”

When Du Wei heard this, it became quite.

Faint fear began to envelop his heart!

North … frozen forest!

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Why do those beasts suddenly go south? Or swarm south? Is it just the earthquake (which led to avalanche) that shocked these things that led to mass migration?


Anyway, what happened to the Dragons?

At the moment, Du Wei was most concerned about the exiled races in the north. Had they defeated the dragon territory?

If yes … then was exactly what the Pope said “a crisis never encountered in a thousand years!”

It also seemed to in line with what the Pope said!

Du Wei worked hard to calm down the confusion in his heart and his voice was a bit dry: “General Andrea, please allow me to pay tribute to the heroes of your regiment generals! You are true Imperial soldiers! You have defended your honour and Duty! Defend the people of the Empire! I will inform the Regent truthfully about everything I heard today. At the same time, I will do my best to convince him and give more support to the North! This is my promise!”

After talking, Du Wei stood up and bowed to the general deeply. Andrea quickly got up to pay his respects and after getting Du Wei’s promise, he seemed to be little excited.

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Rodriguez next stood up and gave a solemn knight bow to Andrea.

“So, after beasts retreated. You hurried to the south immediately?”

“Three days and three nights without sleeps.” General Andrea smiled bitterly: “When we set off, each of us brought two extra horses, all of which were the best horses we picked! Half of them were already dead and some unsustainable horses were handed over to the local garrison officers on the road. ”

Du Wei couldn’t help but feel moved.

Coming here from the north, more than a few thousand miles?

Three days and nights, sleepless! These guys can really be called iron men.


Du Wei couldn’t help but feel moved.

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Coming here from the north, more than a few thousand miles?

Three days and nights, sleepless! These guys can really be called iron men.

“Today I saw that the brothers seemed to be unable to support themselves so I ordered to enter this small town to eat something. Otherwise, everyone have to continue to carry dry food on horseback.” When General Andrea said to this point, Du Wei noticed that, as the matter of fact, all the cavalry he accompanied looked thin. Although they were still in defensive stance, fatigue couldn’t be masked.

Du Wei asked, “I am worried about the North … Those beasts suddenly migrated on a large scale …” Du Wei used the word “Migration” instead of “Invasion” because it was really difficult to judge whether these things were caused by natural migration after the earthquake or by some force.

“Besides, are there any other movements or anomalies in the frozen forest?”

General Andrea shook his head: “Sorry, Lord Duke, I don’t know any of this. When I set off, General Rostock had organized two death squads and sent them into the frozen forest to explore. But because I set off immediately, so I don’t know if they found out any news. But I think… ”


“I think mercenaries and adventures teams go in and out of the Frozen Forest all year round. There are also some magicians who will enter the Frozen Forest to find the beasts they need. Maybe in those days, someone noticed something… Before I left; I had already suggested about it to General Rostock. ”

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Du Wei nodded: “This is a good idea.”

Then he glanced at General Andrea: “Well, I think you are already very tired, I think you might as well take your warriors to rest here tonight. After all …”

Andrea immediately shook his head: “No! Lord Duke, thank you for your kindness. Before I set off, General Rostock made a decree that I must arrive at the capital in five days. The official document I carry with me has the order and time limit signed by him personally. That decree must be signed by command in chief and confirmed by the military ministry before completing the task. Otherwise, if we do not arrive within the time limit, we will be guilty of violating military law!! Moreover, it’s urgent and can’t be delayed. Although I’m exhausted, the dead brothers are watching me! If I delay time, I will be condemned! ”

Du Wei admired General Andrea more and more. After sighing, he took out found out two bottles from his space ring and passed them to General Andrea before saying, “I believe you also know that I am also a magician. This is a magic potion I prepared to treat injuries and it can help people recover quickly. Please accept my gift. Drinking it can also relieve some fatigue of your subordinates. ”

After a pause, Du Wei said to Rodriguez again, “Go to those cavalry who guard us and let them give away the twenty best horses to General Andrea and his men. General Andrea and soldiers’ horses have travelled so far, I am afraid that they cannot maintain full speed.”

General Andrea was immediately grateful. He kept the two magic potions of Du Wei and took a deep breath: “Lord Duke, thank you for your kindness! I also ask you not to forget your promise and go back to imperial capital to meet regent…”

“I will do my best!” Du Wei solemnly swears.

Du Wei asked for a horse. How could the cavalryman dare to refuse, he picked out twenty best horses and gave them to Andrea and his men. Then General Andrea and his men nodded to Du Wei. Without saying much, he sighed and took his twenty horses and went south like the wind.

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