Legend of the Asura

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Blood Emperor’s undefeated myth (Part 1)

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Heavenly Demon Guild Hall.

“Is there any news on Asura?” Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud looked over at Heavenly Demon Shadow. He casually threw a grape in his mouth, looking like he didn’t care as he asked this.

Heavenly Demon Shadow gave a shudder before saying in a trembling voice, “Reporting to the young master……Asura appears and disappears mysteriously. Unless he reveals himself, no one will be able to find any traces of him……This subordinate suspects that he’s hiding in a Hidden Map or he’s somewhere far away from Heavenly Dragon City……”

“Oh, this means that the thirty thousand people spread out over the continent can’t find a trace of him?” Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud squeezed the grape in his hand, causing the green juice to fly out.

“Forget this, this can’t be blamed on you since this isn’t the real world.”

Heavenly Demon Shadow simply couldn’t believe his ears. The incomparably ruthless young master had actually…..forgiven him like this?

Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud didn’t have any intentions to kill him, or at least not yet. It wasn’t easy to train a loyal and skilled dog like this, so he would have to waste quite a bit of time replacing him.

“Don’t stop the search……Also, prepare for the wedding over the next few days.”

“Yes! Young master……Young master……forgive this subordinate, but the Duanmu Family’s young miss doesn’t seem sincere about marrying the young master. I’m afraid that when the time comes……”

“You think that I can’t see what you can see? He, he, she is just a woman in the end, she will become one of my toys.” Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud had an evil look in his eyes.

In the game, there wasn’t a harassment penalty between husband and wife, so bending her over like an overlord was a good choice.

“Wedding……Heavenly Dragon Church……Oh.” Feng Xiao stroked his chin as he revealed a cold smile.

After flying for around three hours, he finally arrived at a village. Feng Xiao let out a long sigh as he slowly landed in this village that wasn’t that big.

That was only relative to Heavenly Dragon City. Although this was only a village, it was on the same scale as Yuzhou and was much bigger than most modern villages.

As he had expected, there weren’t any players here right now. There were NPCs all over and there were many large and small normal quests, but Feng Xiao wasn’t interested in these normal quests.

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Although the village was small, other than not having an appraiser, there was a general store, a pharmacy, a warehouse, a weapon store, a restaurant, a teahouse, and a mount store. The items that were sold here weren’t less than the items sold in Heavenly Dragon City.

Feng Xiao went around and found the general store with great difficulty. He just bought some City Return Scrolls for this village and some medium grade herbs.

Medium Recovery Herbs:

Requirement: Level 40

Instantly restores 1300 HP, has a 5 second cooldown.

“Ding! Your wife ‘Yao Dreams of Loving Wind’ has logged on!”

Feng Xiao rushed to a safe corner as soon as possible and picked up the communication device, “Good Yao’er, you’re here! Come and let big brother kiss you!”

Feng Yao happily laughed for a bit before saying in a gentle voice, “Big brother, it’s so strange. As soon as I logged on, I received many messages……There are four beautiful women that want to join the Loving Wind Pavilion.”

“Four?” Feng Xiao was surprised as he thought that his good girl really was something. If these four were included, six out of the top ten beauties in China were in the Loving Wind Pavilion. The Loving Wind Pavilion would become the sacred land of all men in the future.

“It’s the three sisters from the Nangong Family that you mentioned and also……Madame Proud Moon.”

Madame Proud Moon?

Feng Xiao knitted his brows. This girl from the Duanmu Family actually left the Gods Domain to join the Loving Wind Pavilion, this was interesting.

Want to find who I am? I will let you come easily…..and then never leave!

“Let them join……Un, there might be another little elf soon.” Thinking of Bao Bao, Feng Xiao’s heart couldn’t help feeling warm. The slightly gloomy mood slowly became much better.

“Little elf?” Feng Yao was confused.

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Feng Xiao revealed a faint smile. After asking where Feng Yao was, he used an “Infinite Space Gate” to head over.

“Big brother!” When she saw Feng Xiao appearing beside her, Feng Yao gave him a strong hug. Although it had only been a day, her feelings filled her heart like a flood when she saw him.

Feng Xiao was the same. A day without Yao’er, he kept thinking about when she would come home.

“Good girl, good Yao’er, you’re still like a child even though you’re this old.” Feng Xiao said with a smile. His finger drew a small circle on her full cheeks.

“But……I can only go home once a week. If I can’t touch big brother’s real body for a long time, I will feel sad.”

“Hee, hee, is your sibling affection time over?” Yang Xi Ruo came over with Rou Rou. When she met Feng Xiao’s gaze, there was a moving blush that appeared on her smiling face.

Feng Yao saw Yang Xi Ruo’s expression and hit her big brother. She ran over to take her hand and softly said by her ear, “Little sister Xi Ruo, did big brother eat you last night?”

“Eat me?” Yang Xi Ruo was stunned before her face turned even more red and she stuttered, “How could that be…..Big sister Yao’er, don’t speak nonsense.”

“Is that so? Big brother can hold back? Then who washed you yesterday?”

Yang Xi Ruo’s face turned even more red, “It was……big brother Feng……”


Rou Rou couldn’t help laughing when she saw this. Xi Ruo quickly found the best way to hide her embarrassment and quickly drove her off. They started chasing butterflies in the yard as voices like birds singing rang out.

Feng Xiao looked in a daze for a bit before running over to bring them back, one in each hand.

“Three fairies, I’ll let you see what a little elf is today.” Every time he thought of the cute Bao Bao, Feng Xiao couldn’t help revealing a smile. He carefully took out his camera and showed them the pictures that he had secretly taken.


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“So cute……”

There was an unbelievably cute girl in the picture that was currently nibbling on her snow white finger as she slept. The cute little face was like ice jade, the pitch black hair fluttered in the wind, and the translucent white skin reflected against the black hair was just like clear jade. The young girl’s smooth and plump lips were slightly curled, her exquisite nose wrinkled with her cherry lips, making her incredibly cute.

“Big brother Feng……She’s simply……like she came out of a painting. God, too cute……”

“Hee, hee, big brother, where did you get this little angel from? It seems like she rested quite well in your arms.”

Shui Rou Rou stared at Bao Bao in a daze for a while as her eyes were filled with love. She really wanted to take the cute doll in the picture in her embrace, properly loving it.

“Big brother Feng, can you bring her here to play? I really like her.” Yang Xi Ruo’s look of love wasn’t less than Rou Rou. Feng Xiao couldn’t help praising Bao Bao’s charm, it killed men and women.

“Relax, little sister Xi Ruo, big brother will definitely bring her back……Un……Perhaps she’ll become our good little sister?” Feng Yao looked at Feng Xiao, revealing an intoxicating smile on that beautiful face.

Feng Xiao gave two coughs before taking back Bao Bao’s picture. He looked at his darling Yao’er as he said, “Yao’er, are you prepared to receive them? After receiving them, what will you arrange for them……Or rather, what will you have them do?”

“I don’t know!” Feng Xiao raised her brows and looked at her big brother with those beautiful eyes, “It’s fine as long as they are in the ‘Loving Wind Pavilion’. The small Loving Wind Pavilion is just a meeting place, they can go wherever they want normally.”

“But I believe that as long as they join, they won’t leave.”

Feng Xiao was a bit surprised. He suddenly had a bit of understanding as to why Feng Yao created this guild.

“Yao’er, why are you so foolish, why are you doing this to yourself?” Feng Xiao gently took her in his embrace. He had already done this many times since they were young, but each time they hugged, the palpitations of his heart became stronger along with the feelings in his heart.

“Big brother……I’m not aggrieved at all. As long as big brother is fine, I will always be the happiest person in the world.” Feng Yao was enchanted by the warmth of this embrace. In her world, every corner was filled with his figure. He was her sky, her land, her life, her everything.

The ones that could be with him had to be the most outstanding girls in the world. Whether it was appearance……temper……or background……

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“Yao’er, do you want to hear a story?” Feng Xiao took her hand.

“Un, as long as it’s from big brother.”

Feng Xiao already knew that this was the only response. His heart turned soft as he slowly started telling her the story of the Ocean Heart.

Rou Rou and Ruo Ruo happily playing outside were slowly attracted by Feng Xiao’s story and they silently sat down to listen to this chilling love story.


In the evening, Feng Xiao logged off and began his kitchen husband life again.

Find the original at bit.ly/3Tfs4P4.

Feng Yao gave a sigh at the three girls who were exactly the same in front of her. Their beauty, their red lips, their charm that was above this world, these were three fairies that people dreamed of.

Three young girls, each one with beauty that wasn’t beneath Xi Ruo’s and perfect figures. The innocent aura that accompanied their beauty made people want to conquer them. When Feng Yao saw them for the first time, she knew that they would become favourites of her big brother.

“Big sister Loving Wind, where’s big brother Asura? He’s ignoring us……”

“Right…...We even called him good big brother, but he ran away from us. So angry……”

“Big sister Loving Wind can definitely find that big baddie Asura……”

Feng Yao’s charming smile became even wider. It turned out that her big brother had already made a move against these three pitiful looking little fairies.

The light on the horizon slowly dimmed as the sunlight disappeared bit by bit. Gradually, the darkness replaced the light as the curtain of night had descended.

The moon gradually climbed into the sky and the room received its grace, receiving scattered light. Feng Xiao opened his eyes after taking a nap and pulled his hands out from Xi Ruo’s went and burning thighs. He carefully removed himself from her grapes and gently took out the night coloured clothes to move over to the balcony.

After a while, there was a dark figure that flew out from the balcony.

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