Legend of the Asura

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Blood Emperor’s undefeated myth (Part 2)

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The Golden Peace Building, it represented the Shangguan Family’s biggest business and their dignity in the capital. The Golden Peace Building was currently brightly lit even though it was midnight and countless people were bustling around in terror.

Countless facts told them that all those that chose to stay or were forced to stay might lose their lives.

The surveillance system was used in full, checking every single corner. The inner members of the Shangguan Family had been placed in every location that people could come through, carefully looking around them. The firearms in their hands were all raised, not daring to relax in the slightest.

On the top floor, the door to a luxuriously decorated secret room slowly opened. The middle aged man in the room who had been pacing looked up and calmly asked, “How are the preparations?”

“Big brother, the experts of the Shangguan Family have been placed all over, there’s a surveillance net of everything within a hundred meters, and all the traps have been prepared. Everything is ready and will be absolutely safe. Moreover, the legendary Sword God has been deployed from above, so Ying Feng won’t be able to escape even if he had wings.”

“Good!” The middle aged man stood still, “If we take care of the Blood Emperor Ying Feng this time, the status of our Shangguan Family will reach a new height this time.”

“But big brother, although this plan is flawless, what if……So big brother, you should leave for now……”

“No need!” The middle aged man shook his head, “The Shangguan Family’s martial elites are all gathered here, so if I as the patriarch leave at this time, it would be a blow to their morale. Since he’s coming, I want to see if the legendary Blood Emperor Ying Feng can continue his undefeated legend!”

In the darkness, there was a shadow that flickered with a cold curve on his lips.

The Shangguan Family’s patriarch actually came personally, he, he, this was perfect. How should I repay you for your hospitality……”

His body turned into a shadow that was hard to see and went past all the densely placed infrared beams. Then he reached a dark wall and pressed against it like a gecko.

Search bit.ly/3Tfs4P4 for the original.

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“Oh, such a strict defense. If a normal person did anything, they would be immediately discovered. It’s a pity that……”

Time passed by and even if there was a perfect defense, everyone felt nervous because they’ve heard the legend before. As long as the Blood Emperor has chosen a place, on the seventh of each month at 11:50, there would be a life taken by the death god……Not a single second off, without any exceptions.

In the air fifty meters above the building, Ye Huang Tian was silently floating there with an aura that stopped the air around him from flowing normally. His move “Void Crossing” gave him the title of “God” in this world. He currently had his eyes closed as his inner power that was as vast as the sea spread around him. After a long time, he opened his eyes and gave a sigh.

If he wants to kill someone, I can’t stop him. Since it’s like this, then let him kill.

No one could stop time from flowing, so in this state of endless suffering while waiting, it became 11:50.

As the second hand passed by, all the living people let out a strong sigh of relief as their tense nerves relaxed. Many people even fell down in place as they started panting.

“Dad……time has already passed. According to the reports from the various places, there weren’t any casualties?” Shangguan Bu Fan came through the door and spoke in an excited voice.

To make the Blood Emperor Ying Feng retreat, only they had done it in the past three years. If this was known, they would become famous among the Noble Families.

The Shangguan Family patriarch Shangguan Tian Zuo’s knitted brows relaxed as he said to Shangguan Tian Yu, “Second brother, could it be that Ying Feng was really scared off by this battle formation? Or did he not come at all?”


“......Second brother?”

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Shangguan Tian Zuo trembled as a chill filled his body and his face turned as pale as a piece of paper. He tried to say something, but he found that his words were stuck in his throat and he couldn’t make a sound.

“Dad, what’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?” Shangguan Bu Fan noticed the change in his father’s expression and quickly came over to support him.

Shangguan Tian Zuo suppressed his quick beating heart and reached out a trembling finger, “Your second uncle is dead……”

“What!?” Shangguan Bu Fan’s mind exploded, “Dad……Ying Feng……he came?”

“I don’t know……I don’t know……Just now, I was having some tea with your second uncle and it was……impossible for anyone to come in……”

Just a few dozen seconds ago, he had been drinking tea and chatting with his second brother, but he had been killed without a sound in front of him. This kind of silent horror was even more terrifying than any bloody scene.

He knew that if Ying Feng didn’t choose his second brother, the one that died would have been him.

This kind of fear would be enough to last until the moment of his death.

Even Shangguan Bu Fan’s teeth trembled. He had heard many legends about the Blood Emperor Ying Feng and now, he had finally experienced how terrifying he was. This impregnable defense and surveillance, even a fly would have been detected, but that person had been able to sneak in without a sound and taken care of a peak expert in front of another peak expert without them finding out……Was this really something that a human could do?

Could it be……that he was a god? Or a ghost?

“Dad……what do we do?” The panic in his heart made him helpless.

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“The Shangguan Family that controls China’s south is only at this level.” A hoarse voice rang out through the room that made the two frightened people realize something.

Shangguan Tian Zuo forced himself to calm down as he said in a cold voice, “Today we acknowledge our defeat. If you fall into our hands one day, I will definitely repay you several times over for killing my little brother!”

“Oh, but I don’t think that day will come.” There was a shadow that appeared in front of them like it had teleported. It was covered in dark clothing and the voice was clearly changed, but they could tell that he wasn’t more than thirty years old.

“I’ve changed my mind. The Shangguan Family Head has come this far to the capital, so how could I not respond to the Shangguan Family Head’s good intentions?” Feng Xiao had a cold glow flicker in his eyes as the light red spiritual blade in his hand created a dangerous arc.

Shangguan Bu Fan was shocked when he heard this. He quickly came in front of his father and said through gritted teeth, “Blood Emperor Ying Feng, don’t think of hurting my father. There are at least thirty guards outside, as long as I give the order……”

“Is that so……Call for them then.” Feng Xiao curled his lips in disdain. There were indeed thirty fellows outside holding spears, but they were standing there with wide eyes in perfect shape, but they couldn’t breathe.

“You……” Shangguan Bu Fan’s body was covered in a cold sweat. He had already pressed the alarm several times, but there were no reactions at all.

“Fan’er, move aside……You still don’t understand? If the Blood Emperor Ying Feng wants to kill someone, no one can stop him.” Shangguan Tian Zuo gently pushed his son aside as his face suddenly became much older.

“Ying Feng, three years ago, you were an admirable lonely hero, but in three years……Before I die, can you tell me what kind of evil mistake our southern Four Noble Families have committed?”

“When I find the Duanmu Family’s hiding place, you will naturally know the answer to this question. But you won’t have that chance……unless you tell me where the Duanmu Family is.” Feng Xiao’s eyes had a cold glow to them.

Shangguan Tian zuo wanted to say something, but Shangguan Bu Fan had already rushed in front of him again with an azure sword in hand, “Blood Emperor Ying Feng, just kill me if you want to kill someone. I am the future head of the Shangguan Family, I think that my life is worth as much as my father’s!”

Seeing the firm and resolute look in this youth’s eyes, Feng Xiao was a bit moved. If his adoptive father had been threatened like this in the past, he wouldn’t have hesitated to stand in front of him as well.

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“Alright, as you wish.”

Shangguan Bu Fan’s heart was suddenly filled with an unprecedented relaxation. He turned back to the stunned Shangguan Tian Zuo and said in a serious voice, “Dad, although my older brother is rash in handling matters, with his boldness, I feel that he is better suited to be the family head……so……”

“No! Blood Emperor Ying Feng, didn’t you say that you would kill me! Then kill me! Why are you not keeping your word and making a move against my son?” Shangguan Tian Zuo wanted to put his son behind in a wild manner, but Feng Xiao’s strange power pushed him aside.

“Since you are so filial, I’ll give you another chance……” Feng Xiao’s expression changed a bit, but then it was replaced with a cold look, “If you take a single move from me, I’ll let you all go.”

“Alright!” Shangguan Bu Fan had a bit of hope in his heart. He was the number one expert of the Shangguan Family’s younger generation, he believed that it was impossible for Blood Emperor Ying Feng to kill him in a single move when they fought head on.

The azure sword released an azure flower, aimed at Feng Xiao’s chest. Feng Xiao’s figure just swayed a bit, leaving a red glow.

“Shangguan Family, tell your allies, forever live in fear or give up the Duanmu Family to explain themselves. It’s your choice.” The sound slowly disappeared before the shadow also completely disappeared.

Shangguan Tian Zuo shakily walked up to his son, as if he was walking the longest corridor in this world.

“Fan’er……are you alright……Did Ying Feng let you off?” Seeing his son’s stiff expression, Shangguan Tian Zuo’s voice couldn’t help trembling. His words were more for himself to hear.

“Powerful……” Shangguan Bu Fan said his final words. The sword in his hand was cut into five pieces and his body that didn’t have a single mark on it fell down.

The eastern Blood Emperor, killing without any blood. When the Flying Feather Blade soaked in the Chaotic Energy slashed out, it could easily crush people’s organs and blood vessels, not leaving a single mark on their body.

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