Legend of the Asura

Chapter 175

Chapter 175: Evil Blade Heavenly Punishment

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A sharp cry of sadness rang in Feng Xiao’s ears and Feng Xiao didn’t reveal a single trace of regret or pity on his face, rather he revealed a dark smile.

You had the chance to die for your father and you succeeded……I didn’t have that chance back then.

I envy you very much……and you should thank me in the Yellow Springs.

Feng Xiao didn’t immediately leave, but quickly ran up the smooth wall. The Sword God’s aura, he had already experienced it many times.

Even if it was deliberate provocation, he had never rejected it. This was his confidence and his pride.

When he reached the roof, the man in azure clothes and with the purple sword was waiting for him.

“In twenty years, other than that person, you are the only one that I’ve admired and you’re this young. It’s a pity that you’ve touched the country’s bottom line.” Ye Huang Tian gave a sigh. There were few people that could force him to move and he was one of them.

Feng Xiao didn’t reply. His Flying Feather Blade slanted a bit as he calmly said, “I’m not your match, but I still came……Do you know my goal?”

Ye Huang Tian didn’t say anything.

The first time they clashed, he had easily used his inner energy to suppress this person. But this time, he found that he couldn’t do the same.

“To repay a debt!” As soon as the cold voice fell, the black figure turned into red light as it stabbed out at him.

“Such quick speed!”

On a three hundred meters tall building, there was a middle aged man in red clothes with a pair of binoculars who couldn't help praising him.

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“But it’s only limited to this. Brother Ye should be able to easily defeat him.”

Xiao Ying shook his head, “You’re looking down on him too much. Someone that can make brother Ye personally make a move, would he only be at this level? HE is someone who could avoid my shots.”

A fire red glow appeared in the eyes of the red clothed person as he focused on the fight, lest he missed even the smallest detail.

Ye Huang Tian didn’t move, it was almost as if he didn’t react. Feng Xiao who was stabbing out felt a vast pressure falling on him, making it so that he couldn’t even breathe. His brows immediately knitted as he released his Chaotic Energy. His counterattack wasn’t slow as the red glowing tip stabbed into Ye Huang Tian’s arm.

The Sword God’s expression slightly changed. He moved backwards as fast as he could while the Purple Sun Sword in his hand finally moved.

“Brother Ye’s aura not only couldn’t suppress the other side, but he was forced to retreat. This is incredible……” The red clothed man knitted his brows.

“The other side is too fast, brother Ye wouldn’t have a chance to use his sword if he didn’t back off. In the world of martial arts, speed is the strongest and these words have been proven. In terms of inner power, he can’t compare to brother Ye, but with his speed that transcends the mortal world, he has the ability to fight against the Sword God.” Xiao Ying gave a sigh as he couldn’t help thinking of his previous failure.

“Brother Xiao, if you used your ultimate skill, do you think he could dodge it?” The red clothed man asked.

Xiao Ying was a bit surprised before saying in a deep voice, “Perhaps he could……I think that he has a 20% chance of dodging it.”

“What?” The red clothed person almost dropped his binoculars. He had only said it casually, he never thought that he would get this kind of answer.

“Your ultimate skill is something that even gods can’t dodge, could it be that he could really dodge it?” Although it was only 20%, as long as it was possible, it would be enough for him to be shocked. Because even if it was the invincible Sword God facing the Sniper God’s ultimate move, he could only use his true energy to block it, but as for avoiding it……it was absolutely impossible.

Thinking of the unbelievable scene of him dodging his bullet last time, Xiao Ying gave a serious nod, “I can only guarantee that it can hit him 100%, but it’s only an 80% chance to hit a fatal spot. If he’s prepared for it, it would be less than 50%. He has a terrifying ability to detect and dodge danger.”

The red clothed person’s expression became more serious and excited at the same time. It had been a long time since his blood had started to boil.

Once the Sword God made a move, it would certainly be shocking. The purple sword in his hand fell like raindrops, as it sent out several hundred slashes in just a breath, blocking all paths forward for Feng Xiao. At the same time, countless purple shadows howled through the air, covering him like lightning.

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Ye Huang Tian had faced ten Japanese experts alone in the past. When the purple sun came out, the sky was filled with purple sword energy and the ten experts couldn’t get within three meters of him. Instead, there were countless wounds left on them by the sword energy that was as dense as rain.

Although thirteen years had passed, the five remaining people of the ten experts would shudder when they thought of the battle from that year. Everyone knew that they were defeated by the Sword God alone, but no one would have imagined that the fight would end so quickly. Just a single move……The Sword God’s Purple Sun Sword only moved once, killing three and injuring two. They couldn’t even touch the hem of the Sword God’s clothes.

They were filled with fear. They used to go into the Chinese martial arts world to challenge themselves, but since that battle thirteen years ago, they never took a single step in China.

The ice cold sword energy filled Feng Xiao’s face and body with pain. The Sword God’s sword was faster than his body and unless someone could follow the speed of his sword, they definitely couldn’t avoid or resist it.

Feng Xiao was one of those people that could catch up to the speed of his sword. It wasn’t his eyes, so he couldn’t see the path of the sword nor his hands, so he couldn’t block it. It was his body, so he was able to dodge it.

The Sword God’s full force sword strike hit thin air as Feng Xiao was already five meters away, panting with large breaths. His body then quickly charged forward as if he wasn’t holding back his speed at all, as if he was about to clash with the Sword God.

Ye Huang Tian was surprised as the Purple Sun Sword created a faint breeze and no sound as it was raised. Feng Xiao could feel the shocking wave of sword energy and it was as if he was the boat that could be overturned at any time.

Facing this kind of violent storm, Feng Xiao didn’t show any fear at all. The Flying Feather Blade in his hand turned into a red light as it flew out. At the same time, he reversed the space with his Chaotic Power, which moved him back at an extremely quick speed.

Seeing the red glow flying at him, the Sword God’s expression didn’t change. He didn’t show any intentions of dodging, he just casually flicked the Purple Sun Sword in his hand, accurately matching the red blade flying at him, using his powerful internal energy suck the Flying Feather Blade in.

While sucking in the Flying Feather Blade, there was a sharp sound that came from in front of Ye Huang Tian. When Feng Xiao went backwards, he used the remaining Chaotic Energy to reverse the space in front of him, allowing him to once again shoot at the Sword God at an unbelievable speed.

The Sword God was a bit surprised and it was already too late to reverse his blade. However, even if he was surprised, because the other side had a weak internal energy, it was impossible to harm his body without the help of a divine weapon.

But he was wrong.

A black glow that made people’s hairs stand on end came from Feng Xiao’s black sleeve, leaving a deep wound that reached the bone on his arm.

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The red clothed person’s binoculars fell to the ground as a dangerous spark appeared on his head, “The Sword God was injured……”

“Yes……Since he finished training, this was his first time being injured. Even when he faced those Japanese experts, they couldn’t even touch his clothes.”

“Brother Chen, is he qualified to make you make a move now?” Xiao Ying looked at him with a serious look.

The Fire God Chen Yan.

Chen Yan’s body was covered in a purple flame and the surrounding temperature reached a terrifying level. Xiao Ying had to move ten meters away just to avoid being burnt.

“A speed that surpasses bullets, I want to see how you approach my flames that can burn everything.” The Fire God Chen Yan released his aura and the ground under him started to melt. The strange thing was that his clothes didn’t show a single sign of being burnt.

Find the original at bit.ly/3Tfs4P4.

Ye Huang Tian didn’t show any panic in his eyes. His left hand slowly came down as the blood from the wound came out at an unbelievable speed. Even with his internal power as vast as the sea, he could only slowly stop the bleeding.

“The cursed evil blade, it has a wild suction for blood. Once it leaves a wound, it will suck them dry. The heavens want to destroy it, but they can’t destroy it and can only let things run its course. The second of the Chinese Ten Great Divine Artifacts, the Evil Blade Heavenly Punishment! Who is the Wind Spirit Sword Saint to you?” Ye Huang Tian didn’t seem to care about his left arm, his eyes slowly fell onto the black blade in his hand.

“He’s my father!” Feng Xiao’s body stumbled a bit. The Chaotic Energy that he didn’t have much of had already been used up, he only left a bit in his feet to escape with.

“So it turns out you’re an old friend’s son, it’s no wonder you hate the southern Noble Families so much.”

“The crime of murdering a father cannot be reconciled!”

Ye Huang Tian gave a sigh as he tried his best to stop the sensation of his arm being devoured, “The matters of the past, although the southern Noble Families are at fault, it was your father who was mainly at fault……”

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“Shut up!” Feng Xiao released a powerful aura as the angry red glow in his eyes couldn’t help making even stunning the Sword God, “Even if you are the Sword God, you can’t slander my father!”

“No matter who you are! You cannot stop me from slaughtering the Duanmu Family!!”

The cold aura caused the surrounding temperature to drop by several degrees. Feng Xiao then leaped off the roof and disappeared without a trace.

Ye Huang Tian stood there in a daze. How could he not see that the other side had already used up his power and he could definitely kill him if he caught up, but he didn’t do it. Or rather, he wasn’t interested in doing so. Today was a short battle, but it had left a large impression on him.

Feng Xiao ran several kilometers and came closer and closer to his house, but his body was also getting weaker and weaker, as his vision started to fade. Finally, he fell right into a common looking alley.

Before he passed out, he used his final strength to bring out a perfectly protected cell phone and sent a text before fainting.

Countless streaks of blood dripped down from his body. Although the Sword God’s sword had never touched him, the sharp sword energy had left countless wounds that were as thin as ox hair all over and inside his body. Now that he ran out of Chaotic Energy, he couldn’t stop the blood from flowing out.

In the Capital City University, there was a gracefully decorated single dorm room where a peerless elegant person was tossing and turning. Although it was the middle of the night, she wasn’t able to sleep at all. She kept looking at her big brother’s photo on the ceiling as those beautiful eyes filled with worry. Suddenly, the white cell phone beside her shook and she quickly sat up, picking up the phone as quickly as possible. Finally, her face that could make all men lose their soul revealed a sweet smile before she gave a relaxed yawn and pulled up the small blanket to go to sleep.

When Feng Xiao woke up, the sky was already starting to light up. He struggled to pick up the phone, pressing button by button before dialing a number.

When the call connected, there was a dissatisfied voice, but Feng Xiao couldn’t understand it. Before he fainted again, he finally spat out two words in an unclear voice.

“Save me……”

Xiao Tian’s hand holding the phone froze and his drowsiness completely disappeared. After being stunned for a few seconds, he started calling Chen Bing’s phone with shaky hands.

A minute later, a black car quickly left the military compound. The fully equipped guards at the entrance looked at each other, but no one dared to stop it.


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