Legend of the Asura

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Xi Ruo’s determination (Part 2)

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Xiao Tian shook his head and wanted to reject this, but thinking of how his boss was in danger, he finally gave her a small blade.

A woman’s nerves were more sensitive to pain, so women would be afraid of pain. Taking the small blade, Yang Xi Ruo didn’t hesitate at all as she cut her finger that was as perfect as jade.

Yang Mei only then saw the girl who had been silent the entire time. They were both women, but she couldn’t help being shocked. She was like an immortal descended to earth, she was simply trash when compared to this beautiful woman, whether it was temper or appearance.

The bright red drops fell onto the paper and soon a shocking thing happened. The two different drops of blood came together, as if they were sucked together and combined into one drop. Finally, they fused in the center of the blood testing paper, becoming a single red drop.

“Little sister Xi Ruo, you did it……” Xiao Tian’s expression was very complicated. He was happy, but also hesitant.

My god! Why did it have to be this delicate girl.

The restless look on Yang Xi Ruo’s face turned to happiness, “Quickly use my blood to save big brother Feng. As long as big brother Feng can get better, you can use as much as you want!”

Xiao Tian’s lips quivered, but he didn’t say anything. He turned to Chen Bing on the side and said, “If we really do this, would boss kill us?”

Chen Bing coldly looked at him, “I just want boss to live!”

Xiao Tian gave a sigh and turned away.

The bright red blood came from Yang Xi Ruo’s body into the giant syringe. Feeling her blood being drained, she revealed a relieved smile.

100 mL……

200 mL……

300 mL……

400 mL……

“Alright, enough! Your body is already very weak, you’ll collapse if you drain anymore!” Xiao Tian loudly said.

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Sensing how cold Feng Xiao’s body was and hearing his weak breathing, Yang Xi Ruo gave a determined shake of her head and extended out her arm.

“This little sister, you really can’t going.” How could Yang Mei not see how weak this girl’s body was? If she did keep draining her, it would be fatal for her later on.

“No! Big brother Feng has lost too much blood, just this isn’t enough……I’m fine, I’m really fine.” The beautiful and soulless eyes were filled with pleading.

“No! You’ll die before boss is saved like this!”

“Please, Xiao TIan……If you don’t agree, I’ll die right now for you!”


Yang Xi Ruo revealed a mournful smile and raised the blade in her hand. In front of everyone’s shocked gaze, she slit her own wrist and blood started spurting out.

“Little sister Xi Ruo!!”


Yang Mei’s mouth opened wide and couldn’t react for a long time before she quickly helped her stop the bleeding from the wound. It was a good thing that Xi Ruo wasn’t that strong, so the wound wasn’t that deep. Chen Bing quickly came to her side and used his ice energy to slow the blood circulation at her wrist. Only, the way that he looked at her had completely changed.

This girl……she was actually serious.

She insisted even if she would die, just for the hope of saving him. This weak and gentle girl actually had such passion and heat buried inside of her weak body.

The three of them all had wet eyes at that moment.

“Little sister Xi Ruo……why are you like this? What can I say to the boss?” Xiao Tian was completely stunned as he looked at the girl with the determined look. He was filled with hate, he hated his own body, why couldn’t his blood be used?

“Please……If there’s no big brother Feng, I definitely can’t live……Big sister Yao’er definitely can’t live either……” Yang Xi Ruo’s face was very pale, but the firm look in her eyes didn’t fade at all.

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Xiao Tian gave a painful nod before squatting down and holding his head. Chen Bing had been staring at her the entire time, as if he wanted to see through this girl.

Yang Mei wiped the tear from her eye before sticking the thick needle into the jade arm again……

If a person lost their vision, smell, taste, and touch, their attention could only be put on their hearing and this hearing would be several times sharper than normal.

Chen Bing and Xiao Tian’s angry shouting, the sound of the car breaking, the sound of blood dropping, Xi Ruo’s depressed crying, and the sound of a wrist being slit……was all heard by Feng Xiao.

There was a strange warm current that flowed into his body. Although there wasn’t any pain, he could feel his heart being filled with so much pain that it almost burst.


He desperately wanted to make a sound, move his finger, but it was as if his body didn’t belong to him and it didn’t react no matter how much effort he used.

“Ruo Ruo……how can I return these feelings……”

The strands of Chaotic Energy slowly gathered in his body, but he didn’t have any strength since he had lost too much blood.

Ruo Ruo’s blood…… so warm……but why was it this warm……

500 mL……

800 mL……

1000 mL……

Yang Xi Ruo’s face was as pale as paper. After losing a fourth of her blood, her forced consciousness scattered and she fainted.

“Boss! Quickly wake up! If you don’t wake up, little sister Xi Ruo will be leaving first!” Xiao Tian ruthlessly hit Feng Xiao.

The warm feeling became stronger, so strong that it was unbelievable. Their blood quickly fused together and slowly, the Chaotic Energy filled his body even quicker. It was so fast that he didn’t feel it was real and the blood returned to his body at an unbelievable speed.

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No……this wasn’t the power of the Chaotic Art……This was……

Countless streams of warm energy fused together, as if a hundred lakes became a sea. It formed a powerful wave of life energy that filled his body, repairing all the places that were injured.

Yang Mei carefully helped the heartrending little girl onto the bed before continuing to watch Feng Xiao who was receiving blood drop by drop. Her eyes suddenly opened wide as she couldn’t help covering her mouth.

Xiao Tian and Chen Bing also watched his body, looking on in shock as they saw a phenomenon that defied their common sense.

Feng Xiao’s wounds were currently healing at a visible speed.

Yang Mei covered her wildly beating heart. She even started to doubt that everything that she encountered this morning was just a dream.

A minute later, the wounds all healed without leaving a trace. Feng Xiao’s eyes opened and there wasn’t a single bit of weakness in them as he slowly sat up.

“Boss……you’re finally alright……” Xiao Tian let out a long sigh of relief, but there was still a regret in his heart.

“Xiao Tian, send this miss home and then have Maniac transfer a million to her.” Feng Xiao calmly said.

Xiao Tian agreed before sending Yang Mei out.

“This miss doctor, I’m very sorry for scaring you, but I was forced to do this. I will give you proper compensation, but you have to treat every person and everything said today as a dream and not mention it to anyone……Otherwise, no matter where your family escapes, there will be only one ending!”

Yang Mei quickly nodded. She naturally wasn’t foolish enough to cause trouble for herself.

After sending Yang Mei off, Xiao Tian came back into the room and uneasily stood in front of Feng Xiao.

“I was conscious the entire time.” Feng Xiao said.

“Sorry boss……We couldn’t do anything, so we let little sister Xi Ruo……”

“No! It was me, I shouldn’t have overestimated myself and challenged the Sword God! If it wasn’t for my laughable pride, Ruo Ruo wouldn’t have been injured like this……” Feng Xiao clenched his fists as he was filled with pain from remorse.

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Seeing Yang Xi Ruo’s pale face that didn’t seem to have any blood, Feng Xiao was so pained that he almost couldn’t breathe. He gently placed his hand on her chest and injected the Chaotic Energy that he had just gathered into her body without holding back.

The Chaotic Energy was like a stone being dropped into the sea, as if it was instantly completely swallowed or fused together with. Feng Xiao wasn’t discouraged as he emptied his Chaotic Power and his body weakly fell onto her. With his last bit of strength, he lifted up that gentle body.

The colourful world filled with flowers, plants, and cute little creatures. There was mother, there was big brother, there was the gentle big sister Yao’er, there was the cute little sister Rou Rou, and there was……the beloved big brother Feng.

So happy……If she could forever stay in this moment, how good that would be.

The scene disappeared and turned to darkness again. She painfully closed her eyes and let herself slowly fall into the abyss.

There was a sudden warm hand that held her, trying to pull her out of this dark world. Her body slowly rose up until it landed in a warm embrace.

Yang Xi Ruo slowly opened this sparkling big eyes and the face that she dreamed about entered her eyes.

“Big brother Feng……” Yang Xi Ruo reached out her weak hands, wanting to touch that dream.

“Ruo Ruo…….” Feng Xiao put her hands on his face. At that moment, he felt that Xio Ruo’s eyes were even more beautiful than the most precious gems in the world.

“Big brother Feng, this is my first time seeing you wear dark clothes. Although it’s very ripped, it looks so dazzling……Xiao Tian, you’re so silly, could it be that you never realized that your buttons are off……Also, Xiao bing, your shoes and clothes clearly don’t match, you must have been in a hurry.”

Xiao Tian quickly looked at his clothes and found that the buttons were off, so the clothing looked quite laughable. His face turned red and he quickly turned around to fix it……He suddenly stopped as he slowly turned back and looked at her in disbelief.

Feng Xiao was also struck by lightning as his body trembled.

“Ruo Ruo……your eyes……your eyes……”


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