Legend of the Asura

Chapter 178

Chapter 178: Master……was injured!?

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“I saw the most beautiful scene in the world in my dream, I saw my beloved big brother Feng……When I woke up from the dream, I could still see big brother Feng.” Yang Xi Ruo revealed a happy smile as her tears couldn’t help coming out.

“God, boss, this is simply a miracle!”

“Ruo Ruo, you can really……you can really……” Feng Xiao didn’t know what to say at first, but then he couldn’t stop his laughter……

“Ha, ha, ha, ha……”

Feng Xiao tightly held Yang Xi Ruo and laughed without holding back. He didn’t know how long it had been since he laughed like this.

“Boss, it must be that little sister Xi Ruo moved god, so he gave her back her light.” Xiao Tian also started laughing as all his feelings were swept away.

Feng Xiao didn’t stop laughing as he hit Xiao Tian and Chen Bing once each. Xiao Tian staggered back and gritted his pain, but he didn’t stop excitedly laughing for a second. Chen Bing’s eyes also revealed a rare glow as he silently looked at this girl, feeling heartfelt happiness for her.

Xi Ruo slowly fell asleep listening to the wild laughter from these two men. She really needed to rest.

“Xiao Tian, Xiao Bing, your family will definitely notice if you leave for too long. You should quickly head back.”

“Alright! That old man wouldn’t dare do anything to me anyway.” Xiao Tian patted Feng Xiao’s shoulder before leaving with Chen Bing.

Feng Xiao silently sat by Xi Ruo’s side and stared right at her. It was as if he wanted to remember every single part of her. At the same time, he couldn’t help thinking of something that puzzled him.

There had to be some kind of strange power hiding inside of Ruo Ruo! Just what kind of power was it?

Feng Xiao suddenly thought of something and he gathered his mind, but he couldn’t come to a conclusion in the end.

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When Xiao Tian got home, it was already six in the morning and the sky was gradually lighting up. When he opened the door, old Xiao Ying was sitting on the sofa in the living room. It seemed like he hadn’t slept all night.

“Dad!” Xiao Tian anxiously walked in as his heart couldn’t stop beating fast.

Could it be that his dad had noticed something?

Xiao Ying looked at him and gave a sigh, “Xiao Tian, don’t go racing cars that early in the morning, do you think that the cameras on the roads aren’t working……Forget it, I’ll forgive you this time. Go look for your master after you’ve had breakfast.”

A quick look at tinyurl.com/37k7u89t will leave you more fulfilled.

Xiao Tian secretly let out a long sigh of relief before saying with a smile, “Dad, you really are reasonable, broadminded, righteous, and the model of a kind father……Oh? Go see master? Why?”

“When he clashed with the Blood Emperor Ying Feng last night, he was injured and the wound is very strange. Your master’s inner power isn’t able to close the wound. Ai, his arm still won’t listen to him even now.”

“What? Master was injured……Dad, are you joking?” Xiao Tian simply couldn’t believe his ears. In his memories, his master had never been injured or it could be said that it was impossible for him to be injured. He was the “person closest to god in the east” that the world recognized.

He acknowledged that his boss was abnormal, but if he could even injure the Sword God……that couldn’t be described as abnormal anymore.

“Would I lie to you about this? I was also there at the time……Ai, your master’s injury isn’t unfair. Ying Feng is just too fast, so fast that even your master couldn’t resist with his sword.”

Xiao Tian immediately went to his room to change. He was worried about his master while also being stunned, as he was filled with admiration towards his boss.

Boss, just how many secrets are you hiding?

When Xiao Tian closed the door, Xiao Ying’s face sunk and his sharp as hawk eyes filled with a complicated and strange glow.

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When Chen Bing got home, he coldly looked at his father waiting for him. He didn’t say a word as he headed to his room and closed his door.

Chen Yan gave a deep sigh as he revealed a pained and helpless look.

Was my decision back then really wrong? I just wanted to train him into a proper successor!

When morning came, Feng Xiao fed Xi Ruo her breakfast and then after she slowly fell asleep, he entered the gaming cabin. The things that he agreed on, he definitely wouldn’t go back on. Let alone that the other side was the cute little Bao Bao that he wanted to swallow.

Seeing that Bao Bao still hadn’t logged on, Feng Xiao let out a sigh of relief before going to eat with little Rou Rou.

“Little darling, your big sister Xi Ruo might not come today. You have to look after the house alone.” Feng Xiao said with a laugh. His eyes fell onto Rou Rou’s perky chest with a lewd look. Shui Rou Rou’s heart was beating fast as she was being stared at.

“I understand, young master. Right, big sister Ruo Ruo wanted me to give this to you.” Shui Rou Rou walked into the back yard before coming back with three green leaves in hand.

“Spiritual Wood Immortal Leaf!” Feng Xiao rubbed his eyes. This was the Spiritual Grade Herb that one could only be lucky enough to find, that could instantly fully heal his HP and MP, an absolute life saving treasure. It would be sold for a sky high price if it was sold.

“Rou Rou, where did you and Ruo Ruo get these Spiritual Wood Immortal Leaves?

“It’s the Spiritual Wood Seed that young master gave us a few days ago. I don’t know why, but recently as long as plants are planted in the garden, they would grow ten times faster than before. Big sister Ruo Ruo and I can’t keep up with the pruning. Big sister Ruo Ruo said that in at least another week, the Spiritual Wood Immortal plant will start growing the Immortal Rank Spiritual Wood Immortal Flower.”

“Ten times faster? Is it the Shennong Cauldron?” Feng Xiao quickly thought of the only possibility.

“Big sister Ruo Ruo also said this. Moreover, her current growing skill, gathering skill, and alchemy skill are all very powerful. Big sister Ruo Ruo was gathering all kinds of high grade herbs and she said that she would refine some high grade pills for young master.” Shui Ruo Ruo’s face was filled with excitement. Although she could only be big sister Ruo Ruo’s assistant, as long as she could help the young master, she would be happy.

Thinking of that weak girl, Feng Xiao’s heart filled with pain. Whether it was Yao’er, Xi Ruo, or Rou Rou, their world all seemed to revolve around one person and he……owed them too much.

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“Ao Tian! Ruo Ruo’s eyes have recovered.” Feng Xiao softly said through the communication device.

“......” There was silence from the other side for a long time before a trembling voice finally rang out, “Boss, are you……telling the truth?”

“If you have time, come and see Ruo Ruo.”

“No! I caused all that suffering for Ruo Ruo in the past and I feel ashamed to see her without taking revenge……Boss, thank you. After I, Yang Ao Tian take my revenge, I will definitely repay you for your grace!” Yang Ao Tian hung up. The cold look on his face melted and he wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. He stood alone among the mobs laughing, but his sharp eyes had become even more determined.

“As long as Ruo Ruo is happy, I don’t have anything to worry about in this world……Ximen Kuang, prepare to accept my vengeance……In the game, in reality, I will become the incarnation of the death god and bring death to you!”

“I should be the one thanking you……” Feng Xiao helplessly looked at the communicator device that had been hung up on.

“Ding, your friend ‘Invincible Obedient Treasure’ has logged on!”

Feng Xiao couldn’t help smiling before saying to Rou Rou, “Little darling, young master will be leaving first! Look after the house!”

“Come home soon……” Seeing where he had been standing, Shui Rou Rou said this in a soft voice.

As soon as Bao Bao logged on, she was taken in a warm embrace. The familiar aura made her give a moan before she said with a laugh, “Big brother Asura, were you waiting for me?”

“I sensed that Bao Bao was coming, so I flew over.”

“I knew it, I would see big brother Asura right away. Is this having a sixth sense like mom said?” Bao Bao blinked her cute big eyes, it was so cute that Feng Xiao’s mind was taken.

“Un! Sixth sense……Bao Bao, let’s go. We’er going to a place closer than Fire God City.” Feng Xiao gave Bao Bao a City Return Scroll, which was the scroll for the village that he had gone to yesterday.

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Bao Bao didn’t act like she was being kidnapped and took the scroll without any questions before she was sent to the unfamiliar village with Feng Xiao.

“Xiao Bai, fly.” Taking Bao Bao’s slender body in his embrace, Feng Xiao jumped onto Xiao Bai and activated the Wind’s Spirit as well. Xiao Bai opened his wings and started heading south for Fire God City.

Although they had only been together for a day, Feng Xiao felt that he couldn’t leave her. This absolute cuteness, pureness, elusiveness, and beauty had deeply attracted him.

This was a fatal little elf.

Feng Yao was currently in her third year of university, when she was at her busiest, so she could only log on in the afternoon and at night. So Feng Xiao accompanied Bao Bao while flying to Fire God City in the mornings, bullying little mobs along the way. In the afternoon, he spent his time with Yao’er, Xi Ruo, and Rou Rou at the Feng House. His level wasn’t that important. Even if he never leveled, the second place Hen Tian definitely wouldn’t surpass him without two weeks of hard grinding.

“Yao’er, did that Madame Proud Moon really join?”

“Un!” Feng Yao took out the “Loving Wind Pavilion’s” guild list and the names were clearly written on it. Guild master: Feng Yao, vice guild master: Yang Xi Ruo, members: Nangong Xiang Ling, Nangong Xiang Xue, Nangong Xiang Ning, Madame Proud Moon.

“Then did she ask you anything?” Feng Xiao asked with knitted brows. He didn’t cause this woman trouble yet and she came to his door.

“No, she didn’t ask anything. She didn’t even ask why I made this guild. As for the three Nangong little sisters……” Feng Yao’s beautiful eyes looked at him and she said with a smile, “They keep asking me where you are, as if they won’t rest unless they find you.”

“Is that so……” Feng Xiao was covered in sweat. Those three girls were strangely attached to him. Although he had some ideas about those three girls, he didn’t want to become their prey.

The three girls would always talk in a shocking manner and they would completely ruin a person’s reputation.

This was the horror of pureness.


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