Legend of the Asura

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: The sadness of the bandits

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“Flame Emperor, are there any human monsters nearby?” Feng Xiao asked the Flame Emperor. He hadn’t been leveling recently, so his own superiority was growing smaller.

The second place Hen Tian had rushed to level 40 at a shocking rate!

And Heavenly Demon Wind Cloud was even more shocking. It was unknown what miracle he used, but he took Hand of God’s place and reached third on the level ranking at level 38.

“Human monsters?” The Flame Emperor’s attitude towards Feng Xiao wasn’t as strong as before and there was even a hint of respect in his voice. After thinking for a bit, he said, “Thirty miles to the west of the city is a ‘Worn Out Castle’. There are many mountain bandits hidden in that place that should be around level 40 to level 50.”

“Alright, many thanks. Bye, bye~~”

Feng Xiao impatiently rode Xiao Bai to find Feng Yao. He hadn’t killed monsters seriously for a while, so his hands itched a bit.

Killing people and killing monsters were completely different. Killing people would mean having to deal with all kinds of plots and coming up with strategies, so it was very binding and very dissatisfying. It was different when killing monsters. Facing these brainless monsters that didn’t have any plans, he could just beat them up and have them group up on him. He just needed to dodge a few move and he could kill a bunch of them, satisfying his need for violence.

What? Shouldn’t he look for a challenge? Damn, this young master isn’t a fool or a masochist.

Feng Yao’s Golden Winged Phoenix could also be ridden, but the pet’s movement was decided by their move speed. It was far inferior to the speed that Feng Xiao and Xiao Bai had, so Feng Yao flew west with him on Xiao Bai.

Few people stepped in Fire God City and it was impossible for players to appear here. Xiao Bai dashed forward without any hindrance and after more than ten minutes, he reached his goal.

The Worn Out Castle, it was indeed worn out because Feng Xiao couldn’t link this building that was barely a building to the word castle.

“Who is it! Daring to trespass on our “Invincible Gang’s’ territory! Leave quickly or don’t blame our subordinates for not showing mercy!” As soon as Xiao Bai came to a stop, there was an arrogant roar that came from below.

The blind bandits calling out really let down the name of ‘bandit’. They were all holding strange looking weapons and were wearing green bandit clothes, looking very poor. They also had a white cloth that had been dyed black on their heads that Feng Xiao even thought was some cloth that they had just picked up.

The monsters here were living people, not like the undead corpses that had been raised by the death energy in the Death God’s Tomb, which were boring to fight.

The fun thing was that he didn’t need to worry about anything.

The not fun thing was that these fellows had some intelligence.

Feng Xiao curled his lips and didn’t waste any words as he used a special all purpose skill.

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Wind Wheel Slash.

After the fourth seal on the Xuanyuan Sword had been released, his base attack power had reached a shocking 4388! He believed that even if he met Hen Tian now, he would be able to kill him in two attacks.

Pa! Pa! -6072, -12152.

A quick look at tinyurl.com/37k7u89t will leave you more fulfilled.

The leader of the bandits was killed with one move. Feng Xiao caught the Xaunyuan Sword that flew back before lazily looking at the stats of the other side.

Bandit Subordinate: Level 47

HP: 7600

A group of bandits that were forced to become bandits because of their living conditions and took over this old worn out fort that no one lived in as their territory. They often scare underaged children and are very narcissistic. However, they are loyal to their friends and comrades.

Innate Skills:

Can speak, but their intelligence isn’t high or low.


Threaten: Has a small chance to make timid people fall into a 3-5 seconds state of fear.

Drugs: Uses the ‘Universal Invincible Great Return Pill’ made by the bandit group leader to heal 1000 HP. Can only be used once.

Fighting Dog Stick: The Invincible Gang’s must learn stick technique. Deals good increased damage to dog monsters.


Too weak! These little minions were an embarrassment among monsters!

The strength of these level 47 monsters, other than having a decently high HP, their overall power couldn’t even compare to the level 38 Undead Knights in the Death God’s Tomb.

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“No matter what, they are level 47, but they are just too weak.” Feng Xiao disdainfully waved his middle finger at them.

Seeing the strong attack of the enemy, the remaining bandits were stunned. They were woken up by Feng Xiao’s words and were all filled with rage.

Only only did he kill their brother, he was even calling us weak!

How could they endure this!

“Brothers, charge, chop him up for me!”

Not a single bandit responded and blankly looked at each other. After a while, one of the subordinates weakly looked at the leader and said, “Seventh brother, we are poor people that can’t even afford blades…...We have sticks, how can we chop him up?”

Feng Xiao almost fell off Xiao Bai and Feng Yao couldn’t help laughing.

The one called seventh brother had his face turn red before he angrily said, “Stop wasting words, all of you god damn charge for me!”

As soon as this roar fell, the bandits all charged forward with their sticks in hand. At the same time, bandits came out of the castle that was just piled up stone, joining the ranks to attack them.

Seeing these hundred people who came out of nowhere, Feng Xiao suddenly focused. When he was about to release the “Illusory Shadow” and charge forward, the red sky suddenly became even more red.

The sky turned red, but it only lasted for a single second. Then countless red flames fell from the sky that covered all the bandits.

Outer Space Meteor Shower: Calls a meteor shower from outer space to attack a circular area with a diameter of 30 meters within 100 meters of the user. Lasts for 3 seconds. Costs 700 MP and has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

The fire rain mercilessly fell down and created a bunch of red damage numbers as the bandits wailed out. Once it ran out, the bandits with some fire resistance only had a sliver of HP left.

Feng Xiao had a frozen expression as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva……This was the power of a Super Divine Beast. It was only level 0 and it could almost instantly kill a bunch of level 40 monsters. How crazy would it be if its level was higher?

Why were players crazy about Super Divine Pets? It was because they were so few in numbers and they were all incredibly powerful, so you could freely move unhindered if you had just one.

There were only ten Super Divine Beasts on the Heavenly Dragon Continent. One was killed by the Purple Lightning Qilin and two had been willing to give up their power to become pets, so there were only seven left.

Super Divine Beasts……Feng Xiao gave himself a moment of silence. He had two pets and one mount, each one had a bigger and more mysterious background, but they couldn’t compare to this Golden Winged Phoenix.

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The bandits were stunned by this. They were powerful and dignified bandits, how could they be defeated so easily! They were truly angered by this.

So they chose to run.

No! It wasn’t escaping, it was a tactical retreat!

Feng Xiao curled his lips and looked down on the move speed of these bandits. He patted Xiao Bai to instantly catch up and he became a bright tornado. Wherever the “Sacred Light Cross Spin” went, the bandits that didn’t have much HP left were all taken down.

Xiao Xiao and Xing Xing who were on Xiao Bai’s didn’t miss this chance, so they sent out Twisting Winds and Dark Breaths, killing the enemies that slipped through the net. At the same time, the Golden Winged Phoenix released its Phoenix Flame Dance. Two phoenix shaped flames fell down from the sky and hit two circular areas with diameters of 15 meters, leaving two empty spaces in the crowd.

The over a hundred bandits were taken care of in less than half a minute. The Golden Winged Phoenix kept releasing golden light as it reached level 20 with cheerful cries, doubling its power. Feng Yao who never made a move just watched the bandits turning into white light with an unwilling look in her eyes.

Although they were monsters, they were still humans.

With the Gathering Skill, Feng Xiao received a “Foot Wrap”. His hand trembled and he quickly threw it away, giving up any thoughts of gathering things.

After losing so many brothers, the boss of the bandits finally couldn’t help appearing.

Invincible Gang Leader: Level 48 Gold Boss

HP: 98000

The leader of the bandits, bold by nature with superb swordsmanship, but is very dissatisfied with his own appearance.

Innate skills:

Can talk and has a higher intelligence than the other bandits, but is still limited.

Weakness: Easily provoked.


Threaten, Drugs, Dog Killing Swordsmanship, Bandit’s Mountain Bending Sword (Single target, double hit), Bandit’s Revolving Sword (Hits all surrounding enemies), Violent Shout (Increases the attack of the user and subordinates by 15%), Ghost Evade (Teleports 5 meters).

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A Gold Boss!

Feng Xiao knitted his brows and gently lifted Feng Yao off Xiao Bai. He had her stand in a safe place before charging forward to greet this boss.

A Gold Boss, a normal person could go half a year without seeing one, but for him, they couldn’t be more normal. Especially after passing through the trial of over a hundred Gold Bosses in the Shennong Cauldron trials. He had already lost his excitement about these Gold Bosses that large guilds would have to bring an entire team to fight.

Although he wasn’t afraid, he definitely wouldn’t look down on a Gold Boss because they all had powerful strength and abilities that were hard to guard against.

Although this scarred face in front of him didn’t seem like much of a threat.

“You actually killed so many of my brothers……Hey, hey, why are you attacking so quickly……”

Before the scarred face could finish speaking, Feng Xiao’s Dragon Flame Slash put him in a panic. He refused to dodge in the end and used a “Bandit’s Mountain Bending Slash” to greet him.

-8934, -4484, -8834.

-1642, miss.

The scarred face’s attack and defense made Feng Xiao slightly knit his brows. He quickly used a “Dark Soul Eater Slash” to heal up to full before using another Dragon Flame Slash while starting to consciously dodge the attacks.

The scarred face almost wet his pants in fear. This person riding the tiger, his attacks were too strong weren’t they?

After three Dragon Flame Slashes, the scarred face’s HP had fallen by half. He finally started to feel fear, but he had his dignity as a leader.

So he couldn’t choose to run.

He chose to start using the Ghost Evade skill.

The scarred face teleported five meters away before arrogantly shouting, “Father will spare you today since I’m not in form, consider yourself lucky! Wait until father……”

Before he could finish with his threatening words, there was a white figure that appeared in front of him with a golden sword spewing flames. The scarred face was shocked and dodged quickly. He kept using the Ghost Evade to escape, but what made him collapse was that like his shadow, he would follow him no matter where he teleported and kept draining his HP away.

As long as there was a shadow, no one could escape the “Chasing Shadow”.


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