Legend of the Asura

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: Mei Yu’s sorrow

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The scarred face’s HP quickly drained and he finally stopped escaping. He suppressed his humiliation and begged with tears, “This big brother, stop hitting……stop hitting……I submit……Look at how pitiful we are, we don’t even have enough money to get food or clothes, we can’t even afford weapons. We can only work as bandits, so just show some mercy to us brothers.”

Seeing the pitiful look, Feng Xiao felt a chill and wanted to cut him down right away.

“Big brother……Look at how pitiful they are, how about we let them go? We can go to another place to level.” Feng Yao’s heart was soft and she couldn’t take it anymore when she heard him begging.

He couldn’t understand Feng Yao’s kindness anymore than he already could, so he took back the Xuanyuan Sword with a faint smile.

“Since my Yao’er has begged for you, then I’ll let you go.”

The scarred face gratefully looked at the person who had spoken for him and was stunned as his drool came out. He didn’t even react even after they had left.

“Boss, what do we do? So many of our brothers were killed.” Seeing that the people who had intentions towards them were gone, one of the bandits carefully spoke by the scarred face’s ear.

“What do we do! Don’t forget that we are monsters, we can respawn!”

As soon as his voice fell, there were white lights around him as the bandits that had died before appeared again.

“Boss, we’ve never suffered a loss like this before. We must take revenge~” The bandits who just respawned said with tears in their eyes.

“Pa!” The scarred face sent a slap out, “What revenge! If it wasn’t for the fairy begging for me, I wouldn’t have appeared in several months! I’m different from little soldiers like you, I’m a Gold Boss. Remember, I’m a boss! A Gold one!”

The bandit nodded with his swollen face before weakly asking, “Then what do we do now?”

“Un……This small place isn’t suited for us bandits to develop. Now that the Death Volcano is gone, we can go to the legendary Heavenly Dragon City. I heard that there’s plenty of goods there and also beautiful women……Ze, ze!”

“But we’re monsters, we can’t just move randomly……”

“We are monsters with intelligence and thoughts! Can’t you use your brain!!!”

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So from that day forth, the bandits from the Worn Out Castle completely disappeared.

“Big brother, I’m sorry, I was being willful.” Feng Yao sat in his embrace with a slightly unsettled feeling. She was worried that her actions just now would have made him unhappy.

We are bit.ly/3Tfs4P4, find us on google.

“How could that be!” Feng Xiao found it a bit funny as he said, “If my Yao’er is willful, then there’s no such thing as a willful girl in this world……My Yao’er is the most kind girl in the world, the angel given to me by the heavens.”

Feng Yao’s heart was filled with a happy warmth as she closed her eyes with a smile. She just silently enjoyed the warm feeling of being in his embrace, wishing that it would last forever.

Flame Mantis: Level 52

HP: 12000

A normal mantis that turned into a variant after being exposed to high temperatures for a long time. It has a giant body and violent nature. With sharp sickles that are covered in flames, it is incomparably terrifying.

Innate Skills:

Lives in groups: Does not go out alone.

I love flames: Flame Resistance +50% and all attacks deal 100 flame damage.

Weakness: Slow move speed. Fears water, Water Resistance -50%.


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Flame Sickle, Sickle Cross Cut, Swallowing Flames.

“Alright, it’s this group of red mantises!” Feng Xiao put Feng Yao on the Golden Winged Phoenix before using a “Blazing Flames” and charging forward with Xiao Xiao and Xing Xing.

Feeling the danger, the Flame Mantises brandished their red claws to attack. A leader bore the brunt of the attack and used a cross attack when they came close!

-152, +60, -156, +60.

Even with Feng Xiao’s high defense, if he didn’t have the 160% Flame Resistance, then he would have lost over 500 HP. It was a pity that……

The two 100 flame damage became a joke. The Flame Mantis’ strongest attack only dealt less than 200 damage to him.

Feng Xiao curled his lips. I like fighting monsters without any challenge.

The other mantises had approached and raised those large sickles to greet him, creating a bunch of red and green figures. At the same time, ice flowers shattered around him.

When the water attributed “Ice Shattering Slash” was released, almost half of the mantises were killed by crits or instant death effects, while the other half lost most of their HP. At the same time, the Golden Winged Phoenix’s Outer Space Meteor kept falling, creating three seconds of fiery hell.

Although they had 50% Fire Resistance, the Golden Winged Phoenix’s 9000 magic attack was terrifying. The several dozen mantises in the thirty meter range in front of Feng Xiao had lost most of their HP and then he took care of them with a “Sacred Light Cross Spin”.

In front of the Golden Winged Phoenix’s powerful stats and skills, Feng Xiao felt that his own Divine Pet Yin Yang Illusory Star Dragon was just trash……

It could jump levels to fight monsters and had this powerful large range attack method, allowing its experience bar to soar! If one had to describe it, it was refreshing!


At an unknown map.

A red haired man dragging a giant sword pushed open a door covered in death energy without any expressions on his face.

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“I’m here!”

Hen Tian calmly said these two words as he dragged Doom Yellow Spring in.

“Scram! This isn’t a place that you can enter!” Seeing Mei Yu still following him, Hen Tian roared out in a low angry voice.

Mei Yu wasn’t scared by his anger at all and just pouted her lips with dissatisfaction. Then she revealed a cunning smile as she quickly ran in while he was stunned.

Hen Tian gave a cold snort and released the Slaughter God’s Wings. Without seeing him move, there was a gust of wind that approached Mei Yu, throwing her out of the cave.

The stone doors slammed shut and Mei Yu looked in front of her in a daze, finally showing a sorrowful look that she had never shown Hen Tian.


Mei Yu’s tears couldn’t help falling down as she walked in an unknown direction alone. She knew that with Hen Tian going in, he wouldn’t come out for a month.

In order to chase him in that incomparably dark abyss, she had used the most extreme methods and had offended everyone in her family. For him, she had gone from a princess to someone who took care of everything for him. For him, she had entered «Rebirth» and had become a cleric that could protect him, silently following him.

The Slaughter God’s inheritance would be filled with danger. Without me, who would protect you……

Hen Tian, what is carved in your bones isn’t hatred or cruelty, it’s……loneliness!

I can break through the barrier that only humans can break……Do you really not know what this means?

No……I definitely can’t let you forget your only family……Otherwise, you will become a demon if you lose all emotions……

Mei Yu's eyes gradually lost focus and the unbearable trivial memories started playing in her chaotic mind.

After killing for three hours, Feng Xiao’s experience bar increased by 7%. This speed really was something he was satisfied with. After sending Yao’er to sleep, he went back to the Feng House.

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“Ruo Ruo, it’s time to sleep!”

Although she could walk on her own already, her body was still weak after losing too much blood. She needed to sleep properly and not be in a half asleep condition like when she was playing the game.

“Big sister Yao’er also called me, I’ll be going soon……Big brother Feng, this is the White Potion that I refined today. Perhaps it can help you.” Yang Xi Ruo took out the five hundred bottles of White Potions that she spent half the day refining and gave it all to Feng Xiao.

Seeing the stats of the White Potion, his reaction was the same as Xiao Tian’s.

Seeing the shock and praise on his face, Yang Xi Ruo revealed a smile from the bottom of her heart. She suddenly felt that all her hard work was worth it.

“I’ve been having Xiao TIan help with gathering the other materials, if there’s a chance, I might even be able to refine an Immortal or Divine Grade Medicine……Big brother Feng, you should also sleep early.” Yang Xi Ruo finished saying this with a faint smile before turning into white light as she logged off.

“Young master……Big sister Ruo Ruo has always wanted to help you and she always talks about you in front of me……She said that without you, she definitely wouldn’t be able to live. Young master, you can’t let down big sister Ruo Ruo.”

Feng Xiao nodded. There was her blood in his body, so their life was already connected. Even if she wanted to leave, he wouldn’t let go, definitely not……


Feng Xiao looked at Shui Rou Rou with a strange look. This delicate and shy girl only cautiously followed his orders in front of him and did anything that made him happy. He had never heard her saying anything deeper than this before.

“Little darling, if you and I lived in the same world, how great that would be.” Feng Xiao placed a kiss on her forehead and lovingly caressed her hair before entering his room with a bit of regret on his face.

He liked this girl who considered what he wanted and protected the home, waiting for him to come back.

He wasn’t willing to link her to a bunch of data from a game……


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