Legend of the Asura

Chapter 201

Chapter 201: Sand Treading Bead

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Returning to his room, Feng Xiao called out the Xuanyuan Sword.

Sealed Xuanyuan Sword: Unknown grade

Attack Speed: Fast

Seals unlocked: 4/7

Stats: Physical Attack +800, Physical Attack +20%, HP +800, MP +800, four basic stats +80, Luck +10, Accuracy +20%, Critical Attack +15%, 15% chance to block attacks, 5% chance to break weapons, 5% chance to shatter armour, 5% chance of instant killing, 15% chance of destruction, increased destruction rate.

Xuanyuan Sacred Flames: Support Skill Immortal Grade

Uses the sacred flames of the Xuanyuan Sword to increase the user’s fighting spirit. It will greatly increase the user’s abilities for a certain amount of time.

Effects: Attack Power +100%. Crit Chance +100%, Defense +100%, Accuracy+100%. Lasts for 40 seconds. For the first 4 seconds, the user will be in an invincible state. Can only be used once per day.

“Wan’er, are you there?”

“Big brother Feng, I……”

“Hu……You’re finally here. Were you sleeping earlier?” He had called Xuanyuan Wan’er several times in the Worn Out Castle, but he never received an answer.


Xuanyuan Wan’er’s answer was a bit unnatural, but he didn’t mind as he asked with a look of anticipation, “Tell me, what do we need for the fifth seal?”

It was impossible to say that he wasn’t worried. Each of the seven seals required something different and the fourth seal already needed the life of a sacred beast, so what abnormal requirement would the fifth seal have?

“The baptism of the Chaos Sacred Water.”

Chaos Sacred Water?

“Wan’er, what is the Chaos Sacred Water?” Feng Xiao knitted his brows as he asked this.

“I also don’t know, this is my first time hearing its name. It sounds like it’s related to big brother Feng’s Chaotic Body.” Xuanyuan Wan’er replied.

Even Wan’er didn’t know, just what was this thing?

Moreover……Why do I feel that I’ve heard this name before?

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Feng Xiao thought about it for a while without being able to think of it. After staying with Shui Rou Rou for a bit, he headed out to the Heavenly Dragon Square.

“Old man Heavenly Shield, can I ask you something?” Looking at these five old men who had nothing to do with a superfluous smile, Feng Xiao casually said this.

Heavenly Shield rolled his eyes. If anyone else dared to say this, his shield would have sent them flying.

But this kid was the Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy, so a small Job Change Instructor like him had to give him some courtesy.

“Ask.” Heavenly Shield weakly replied. At the same time, the other bored old men also came over.

“Have you heard of the Chaos Sacred Water?” Feng Xiao asked with an expectant look. These old men who had lived several thousand years should know something.

“I’ve never heard of it.” Heavenly Shield thought about it for three seconds before replying.

“Sacred Chaos Water? What are you looking for the Sacred Chaos Water for?” Heavenly Law who had been silent on the side suddenly asked.

Feng Xiao became spirited as he immediately threw away the useless Heavenly Shield for Heavenly Law, “Instructor Heavenly Law, do you know about this Chaos Sacred Water?”

One was called old man Heavenly Shield and the other was called instructor Heavenly Law……Heavenly Shield really wanted to smash him into the ground with his shield.

“I only heard my master mention it before. It’s a sacred water of legends, it’s said to collect the purest element in the world. Only one drop forms on the Heavenly Dragon Continent every ten thousand years. It’s said that each drop contains a powerful and incomparably pure elemental magic energy that can awaken the unawakened magic power in a person’s body……As for where it is or whether it actually exists or not, no one knows.”

“It definitely exists!” Feng Xiao said in a firm voice.

Feng Xiao didn’t have too much hope for these old men because it wouldn’t be considered abnormal if he could ask about it that easily. Still, it was good that he could get some information.

“Alright, I have another question. Un……Have you guys ever heard of Fairy Liu Li?” Feng Xiao secretly watched their reaction after asking this.

They were all stunned. All of these old men had the same reaction, silence and dazed.

“Little kid Wind Spirit, where did you hear this name?” Heavenly War was the first to come back to his senses as he did all he could not to touch the memories of the first half of his life.

“Flame Emperor!”

“So it was him……”

Heavenly War gave a sigh before cherishing his memories and saying, “The Heavenly Dragon Competition from a thousand years ago, us old fellows also went……Ai, meeting her, I really don’t know if it was a great fortune or a great misfortune. She made me see the most beautiful scene in the world and gave me the most beautiful memory, but now I take all other women as dirt and I’ve lived alone for the rest of my life……”

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“There’s always something better. After meeting her, I finally realized the true meaning of these words.” Heavenly Bow muttered.

“Even now, I still doubt that I am in a dream. How could there be such an unbelievably beautiful woman in this world……” Heavenly Thorn had the same infatuated look on his face.

Feng Xiao was completely stunned.

This scene was hard for him to believe.

This Fairy Liu Li, just how powerful was she? Just what kind of level did her beauty reach?

Feng Xiao had a strong urge to see this scene.

“Fairy Liu Li……We can only ever have fantasies about her. Even the Demon Executioner Hidden Ghost Boundless Flames was taken out by a single move from her. The heights that she’s reached, we aren’t even qualified to look up to.” Heavenly Shield shook his head as he said this with a dim look in his eyes.

“On the continent, the only expert at the Super Divine Grade was defeated with a single attack, it’s really hard to imagine just how strong she is.”

Feng Xiao was once again stunned.

A single move……to defeat a Super Divine Expert!


“How did the Flame Emperor rank in the most recent competition with his current power?” Feng Xiao suddenly asked.

“Seventh.” Heavenly Shield replied.

“What? Divine Grade power only ranks seventh?” Feng Xiao was a bit surprised. The Heavenly Dragon Continent really was filled with crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

“That’s right. The Heavenly Dragon Emperor that passed was ranked sixth. First was still Boundless Flames. Without Fairy Liu Li, there’s no one who could match him.”

“The Heavenly Dragon Emperor was actually such a powerful expert……I really couldn’t tell.” Feng Xiao mumbled to himself.

“Although Thunder Magic is powerful, it greatly weakens the body and damages the internal organs, so the Heavenly Emperor’s death was by no means an accident. The current Empress Shui Yue almost suffered a tragedy because of the same reason.”

“It turns out that Shui Yue almost got in an accident because she hurt herself while practicing Thunder Magic.” Feng Xiao suddenly understood something. Thunder Magic dealing self inflicted damage didn’t just appear on NPCs, it also appeared on players. Every time Thunder Magic was cast, it cost MP and a certain amount of HP. The higher the level of the magic, the more HP it cost. So although Thunder Magic was powerful, the user could easily die from it.

“Wait……Empress Shui Yue is a Thunder Magician?” Feng Xiao suddenly almost jumped up.

“That’s right, is there a problem with that?” Heavenly Law looked down on his shock.

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There’s a big problem……

The Sacred Grade Medicine Qilin Blood……It had the effect of increasing Thunder Magic by three times. This meant that Empress Shui Yue’s power was four times stronger than when she was sick.

My god.

Feng Xiao was covered in sweat. It was a good thing that it was Thunder Magic, otherwise he might be in trouble if he tried to harass her.

“Actually, the competition isn’t a true representation of the power ranking on the continent. There are many experts hidden in the corners of the Heavenly Dragon Continent who don’t care about fame or fortune.” Heavenly War said.

Feng Xiao agreed with this very much since he already knew such a person.

Jing Tian who was at the Super Divine Level!

Also Tang Xue Jian with Immortal Grade power and was equipped with Divine Items.

He was just a child learning how to walk in front of them.

“Then I’ll leave it at this. You guys can keep playing by yourselves, I’m going to look for Empress Shui Yue to play……Ke, ke, goodbye, right, goodbye.” Feng Xiao waved his hand before preparing to leave.

“Big brother Feng, didn’t you always want to get a Hidden Job for big sister Feng……That old man called Heavenly Law has a Hidden Job Change Scroll on him and it’s his most precious treasure.”

Xuanyuan Wan’er’s voice made his footsteps stop immediately.

Hidden Job!

A good Heavenly Law, you said that you didn’t have one last time I asked and you even dare play this young master.

Feng Xiao gave two coughs before coming in front of Heavenly Law, looking right at him.

Search bit.ly/3Tfs4P4 for the original.

Heavenly Law felt his hairs stand on end at this and couldn’t help covering his chest, “You…..Kid, what do you want!”

“Hei, hei, it’s nothing, I just wanted to change to a mage Job, but I’m not familiar with the attributes of magic. Can you tell me about them again?” Feng Xiao said with an eager look.

“So it’s like this.” Heavenly Law suddenly revealed a look of understanding before he started droning on, “Then I’ll just tell you. First, there’s Fire Magic……”

Feng Xiao stood within two steps of him and listened seriously while his hands moved at a speed that the naked eye couldn’t see.

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“Ding, your ‘Flying Dragon Seeking Hand’ has failed. The other side hasn’t noticed.”

“Ding, your ‘Flying Dragon Seeking Hand’ has failed. The other side hasn’t noticed.”


Although the Flying Dragon Seeking Hand had a 100% success rate, since there was a large difference in power between him and Heavenly Law and Heavenly Law’s items weren’t simple, it was inevitable that it would fail.

After six ‘Flying Dragon Seeking Hands’, he was finally able to nab something round.

Sand Treading Bead: Special Item.

Can negate all earth attributed damage and can walk on sand without falling in. Can only be used ten minutes per day. Will still work when put in the inventory.

Since he didn’t know the name of the scroll, he couldn’t set a target to steal. Although the first thing that he got wasn’t what he wanted, based on the description, it was still useful. It was like the Thunder Evading Orb that he had gotten from the little Swift Thunder Swallowing Beast.

Only this Heavenly Law was an Earth Magician, so why would he have this Sand Treading Bead? Based on the five elements, he should have a Wind Evading Bead.

“Ding, your ‘Flying Dragon Seeking Hand’ has failed. The other side hasn’t noticed.”


“Ding, your ‘Flying Dragon Seeking Hand’ has failed. The other side has noticed.”

The expressions of the two froze at the same time.

Heavenly Law had a look filled with killing intent, “This brat, you dare plot against this old man……”

“Ha, ha……Ha, ha, it’s a joke, it’s a joke. Let’s end it like this, bye bye……” Without another word, Feng Xiao used an “Absolute Shadow” and disappeared at a speed that stunned the old men.

“Damn, what kind of fortuitous encounters did this kid meet? Other than Boundless Flame, this is my first time seeing this speed.” Heavenly Thorn gave a sigh. Even if he was a Shadow Assassin that grew with speed, he couldn’t see through it.

At a rough estimate, that speed was over 500. A normal person was only at 30 to 50 without a mount.

If he knew that after Feng Xiao used all his support skills that his speed would be over 1800, it was unknown if he would go home and cry in his blankets.


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