Legend of the Asura

Chapter 209

Chapter 209: Divine Judgement! Instantly killing three thousand!

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“That……Big brother Kuang Dao……”

“Why is he inside……Ah, we need to siege Asura!”

“Why is it like this……Wu……Ah, big brother Chong Yun, let them come back!”

The three Nangong sisters were so anxious that they were about to cry as they started shouting at Nameless Weeping Blood.

What surprised them was that Nameless Weeping Blood who always listened to them acted like he didn’t hear anything, as he had an uncertain look in his eyes.

“......Big brother Chong Yun, was it you! Did you have big brother Kuang Dao charge in!” Nangong Xiang Ling suddenly spoke in a very angry voice which also helped her two sisters understand.

“Humph! Other than him, who else could it be?” Howling Moon’s voice was filled with disdain. His eyes were still on Feng Xiao who moved at a shocking speed as his blood started to boil.

“Why are you sending so many people to deal with him!”

“How did Asura offend you!”

“Quickly call them back!”

Nameless Weeping Blood revealed an awkward look. With three beautiful fiancees that were more beautiful than fairies, it had always been his biggest pride and capital to showing off. He never did anything to make them unhappy and didn’t make any poor impressions on them……

But he couldn’t resist the enticement of the City Construction Token……

Nameless Weeping Blood gritted his teeth and ignored them.


“Big brother Chong Yun, we won’t talk to you anymore if you don’t call them back!” Nangong Xiang Xue angrily said.

Nameless Weeping Blood’s face twitched a few times. He turned back with an uncertain glow in his eyes, “For an Asura, you’re actually saying that you’ll ignore me?”

“Who told you to be bad! Asura was already being bullied by others and not only did you not help him, you’re acting the same as the baddies!” Nangong Xiang Ning’s face was filled with anger. Nangong Xiang Ling and Nangong Xiang Xue’s beautiful eyes also angrily stared at him.

“You all……”

There was a powerful frustration and hatred that came from Nameless Weeping Blood’s heart. The way he looked at Asura changed as the bit of shock and yearning inside of his greed turned to a fierce look.

Howling Moon’s sharp intuition captured the change in his expression and he revealed a look of ridicule.

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“Come! We’re ignoring him!”

“We have to tell Asura about what happened today!”

“Big baddie! They are all big baddies!”

The three faint moving figures slowly disappeared and returned to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City. Then they indignantly went to the Popular World Restaurant to eat the gold meal. Moreover, it was all free, as all the expenses were paid by Asura.

Venting their dissatisfaction with food, they liked this method very much.

“Earth Destruction Wave!”

The people around him were sent flying. Feng Xiao’s Absolute Shadow disappeared and his speed dropped to a level that people could match.

Everyone surrounded him again and the earth and wind mages started throwing spells at their target. But this figure flashed before an ice flower appeared.

Feng Xiao and Xiao Bai’s figures teleported through the crowd. Although they dodged most of the attacks, Feng Yao and Bao Bao who were in a party with him could still see his HP quickly dropping. Even if it suddenly increased, it would drop more than it increased.

“Bao Bao……is angry!!”

“Truly angry!!”

The sacred glowing demon gun appeared in her delicate hands. Bao Bao didn’t attack, but held the demon gun in her embrace as two giant holy wings suddenly appeared on her back.

With this sacred light, the slender body slowly floated into the air. When she was ten meters up, the barrier stopped her. But Bao Bao didn’t reveal any surprised or unhappy looks, she just closed her eyes.

“Bao Bao, what are you doing?” Feng Yao quickly called out. Countless people noticed Bao Bao’s actions and called out in shock and praise.

Wings……white light……also the perfect lips under the mask, as well as that unbelievably fine skin……Just what kind of young girl was this?

No one disturbed her, or rather no one was cruel enough to hurt her. There were even people in the crowd who slowly fell silent, afraid of disturbing this scene that was like a dream.


With a soft sound, there were countless yellow fissures that appeared in the sky. As these fissures disappeared, white light slowly passed through the barrier and continued rising into the sky.

It had actually……defeated the Mountain Sealing Formation!

Feng Xiao’s heart that had been tense finally fell. As long as she could leave the barrier, no one inside could attack her.

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Only just what was Bao Bao doing?

After being slightly distracted, many wind spells hit him and his HP dropped down. After taking his final Spiritual Wood Pill, Feng Xiao gritted his teeth and refused to back down as he killed even more people.

If he wanted to run, he would have used the Unbounded Needle to run already, but he already no longer planned on leaving alive today.

The enemies that had harmed his brothers……he could not live in the same world as them!

Bao Bao rose up to around thirty meters before stopping and just floated there in the air.

Feng Yao’s hands grabbed the hem of her clothes. She didn’t know what Bao Bao was doing, but she had a bit of hope. This was a little girl that kept surprising her, so she didn’t know if she could help her big brother out of this pinch.


The crowd was stunned. Even the players inside the barrier that were wildly attacking had stopped their actions. Feng Xiao had also looked up into the sky with a surprised look.

Bao Bao……

Could it be that she……

Feng Xiao revealed a relaxed look as his burning heart slowly calmed down. He looked at Bao Bao in the sky with a gentle look, as if he was looking at a little angel. As for the people around him, he looked at them with rage and a bit of……pity.

The sacred light made people not dare look directly at it. There were twelve angel wings that slowly appeared behind Bao Bao and these six pairs of wings spread wide open. Although her appearance couldn’t be seen, this sacred aura had made everyone suffocate.

“I am the messenger of punishment Sariel, those whose sins have touched my bottom line, receive the punishment of the heavens……”

The angel’s voice filled the air and in front of everyone’s stunned looks, thirteen lights appeared in the air. They created white beams that slowly became bigger……and bigger……







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The thirteen shells fell onto the Mountain Sealing Formation and each one created a shocking and bright explosion……

The people in the Mountain Sealing Formation were like chickens as the entire barrier was filled with light as the shells fell, making it so that not a single person could be seen. The only thing was the sounds of the shells falling and the faint pitiful wails.

The dazzling light lasted for five seconds before slowly dissipating. When everyone came back to their senses, they were filled with shock again. Countless people rubbed their eyes, as if they didn’t believe what they had just seen.

Inside the Mountain Sealing Formation, there were only two people left……

The other three thousand people were all on the ground. They were corpses that hadn’t returned to the city yet, as if they didn’t believe what they had just seen, or they still hadn’t recovered from the shock yet.

The green grass field was filled with holes as the residual light energy still flickered.

It had actually destroyed the environment!!


This should have been done by that little girl!!

“Hee, hee, you baddies that bullied big brother Asura, know how powerful I am.” After defeating the ones surrounding Feng Xiao, Bao Bao revealed a happy smile and slowly fell down from the sky.

The crowd trembled as everything that they had seen had already surpassed what they could imagine. The way they looked at Bao Bao had also changed……The most terrifying one wasn’t Asura, but rather this cute and pure magic cannon girl beside Asura.

The Divine Judgement ᐧ Heaven Weeping Bullet had left a shocking mark on everyone’s heart. Because with one move, three thousand people were instantly killed! At the same time, the Heavenly Demon Guild’s Mountain Sealing Formation had been destroyed since their members had all died.

Second Demon Wolf came back to his senses with great difficulty as the hatred and shock in his eyes made him go wild. The Demon Wolf Gang had not only not gained anything in this battle, they had lost two hundred people to Asura and the remaining eight hundred had been destroyed by this shocking move from this little girl……A thousand people had lost a level and they had dropped countless pieces of equipment…..

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This giant loss, it was a frustration that they never felt before!

Heavenly Demon Shadow was trembling……It’s over, when he went back this time, it was unknown what kind of punishment he would suffer.

Blood Domain Emotionless had the same pale look as he cursed a few times.

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Nameless Weeping Blood looked at Bao Bao slowly descending from the sky and gave a sigh. His guts turned green from regret. He clicked his arm and chose to return to the city to flatter the three Nangong sisters. He wanted to at least reverse the negative impression that he had made today.

“Big brother……Bao Bao is very powerful.”

Feng Yao had a pleasantly surprised and relaxed look as she came to Feng Xiao’s side. The eyes looking at Bao Bao were filled with praise and shock.

“Big brother Asura, I’m very powerful, right……” Bao Bao opened her arms and wanted to fall into Feng Xiao’s embrace.

“My Bao Bao is naturally……”

Two sharp glows passed by Feng Xiao’s eyes……His heart trembled.


Blood Domain Emotionless slowly put down the bow as he revealed a dark look……Second Demon Wolf’s bet was right, a powerful skill had a strict limitation and a strict penalty!

Bao Bao’s penalty was: All her stats would fall to one for five hours!

Seeing Bao Bao falling from the sky with an emptied HP bar, Feng Xiao felt as if his heart had shattered to pieces.

A killing intent that he had never felt before wildly started filling his heart……

At a golden sand beach……

Tian Xiu who was currently relaxing his old bones on the beach suddenly sat up with a shocked look in his eyes……as well as fear!

This was…….the Asura’s Slaughtering Heart!

No……It needed to be a bit stronger still……


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