Legend of the Asura

Chapter 210

Chapter 210: Immortal Beast! Heavenly Water Turtle Emperor!

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Asura slowly turned his head. When he saw his eyes, Blood Domain Emotionless couldn’t help taking two steps back as his eyes filled with endless fear.

Was this……still the eyes of a human?

It was completely red……From the Asura’s Illusion that blocked his eyes, there were two clear red marks! The red light was as cold as the nine hells, as if it would tear him from piece to piece.

“Big brother Asura……”

This was a voice that came from the heavens that made Feng Xiao’s body tremble. All the killing intent that filled him disappeared without a trace as he looked up in disbelief.

In the white light, Bao Bao looked at him with a smile on her face.

“This is……Sacred Spirit Light!”

Sacred Spirit Light: Passive Skill

Light resistance +30%, has a 30% chance of recovering to full when the user dies without any losses.

“Yi? Why is it gone? Was it a mistake?” Tian Xiu looked at the sky with a look of doubt as he started doubting his own intuitions.

“Forget it, I should make some lunch.” Tian Xiu jumped into the territory of the level 80 Golden Crabs, killing one with each slap before happily baking them.

“It’s good that Bao Bao is fine. It’s your big brother Asura that’s useless and couldn’t protect you properly.” Feng Xiao tightly held Bao Bao in his embrace, as if he was afraid that she would be hurt again. He really wanted to punch himself. If it wasn’t for him being careless, how could she have been hurt?

“When I saw big brother Asura getting angry for me, I was very happy……” Bao Bao’s face was filled with happiness before suddenly pouting her lips, “But I don’t want to see big brother Asura being angry. So big brother Asura can’t be angry in the future!”

“Alright! As long as my little Bao Bao isn’t willing, I definitely won’t get angry again.” Feng Xiao quickly agreed before carrying her onto Xiao Bai.

“Yao’er, we’re leaving……I must have made you worry this time.” Seeing Feng Yao’s slightly pale face, Feng Xiao’s heart was filled with guilt.

Feng Yao shook her head with a faint smile. She held her big brother’s hand as she got on Xiao Bai and then tightly hugged him. When Bao Bao had been shot, she had clearly felt that shocking killing intent and her heart had been beating fast the entire time.

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Looking at the slender white figure in front of her big brother, Feng Yao revealed a faint smile. This mysterious little Bao Bao had already become her big brother’s important little treasure.

If she was also hurt like that, big brother would also be that angry……So, she definitely had to protect herself.

Feng Yao leaned against Feng Xiao’s back, no longer willing to think about these silly questions.

The Infinite Space Gate opened and the one mount and three people disappeared. From beginning to end, Feng Xiao never looked at Blood Domain Emotionless, as if he had forgotten about his existence. However, he took a casual look when he was about to leave that left his heart beating wildly for three days and nights.

A minute later……the shocking video was spread all over the world in many forms. The instant killing of three thousand people shocked the world and various important people couldn’t sit still. The name Bao Bao became a name that no one could forget.

What also shocked the Chinese Server was the appearance of the City Construction Token.

The Flame Mantises were about to collapse……After less than ten minutes of peace, the two bored Super Divine Beasts were back again……

Xiao Feng and Die’er were also helpless……If it wasn’t for the orders of their masters, they would disdain caring about low level monsters like them.

“Big brother Asura……You really were scary when you were angry. You can’t be angry again in the future.” Bao Bao reminded him again as she wasn’t assured.

“Un, un, I promise that I definitely won’t be angry again.” Feng Xiao quickly lifted his fist to make this pledge.

“That’s right…..This is only a game, I can just revive if something happens. You definitely can’t get angry.” Bao Bao bit Feng Xiao’s face before running over to cheer Die’er with a blushing face.

A game?

Feng Xiao shook his head. This scene, who would regard it as just a game?

If that happened in the real world, he would have already lost Bao Bao.

This frustration of not being able to protect someone important to him and the agony of losing them……If he couldn’t protect her in the game world, there was no need to mention the real world.

Not to mention that he had experienced many strange things. He no longer treated this world as just a game world.

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“Yao’er, Bao Bao, I need to leave for a bit……”

“You’re leaving again!” Bao Bao quickly came back with a dissatisfied look.

Feng Xiao saw the care and unwillingness in her spoiled acting and he felt like his heart was going to melt. He gently patted her head and said, “It’s different this time. I’m going to see two friends, I’ll be at our house.”

“Our house?” Bao Bao was a bit dazed before her heart suddenly filled with a strange happiness.

“Then big brother Asura has to come back quickly.” Bao Bao’s face was a bit red. Although she was as pure as snow, her intelligence let her know many more things than people her age.

After exchanging a relieved look with Feng Yao, he used his fourth Infinite Space Gate of the day.

In the Feng House, Xiao Tian was currently watching the videos on the forums with Xiao Bing as he kept clicking his tongue.

Suddenly, he revealed a rather strange look.

“Ice cube, don’t you think that this little girl……is very familiar?” Although her face had been blocked, he could still hear her voice……He turned to look at Chen Bing and found that his face was also filled with doubt.

“Un, she’s actually with boss and they’re so close……This is interesting, hei, hei.” Xiao Tian revealed a strange smile.

“Ice cube, you can’t tell boss who she is or he’ll be tied up. This is a big chance for him.”

Chen Bing gave a cold snort which was considered a reply. His cold appearance in the game had always been an act, this was something that he definitely couldn’t take.

“Wait, has boss seen what she looks like……Un, it’s impossible, it’s very possible. Hei, hei, this really is too interesting.” Xiao Tian almost broke out in wild laughter.

With a flash of white light, he immediately stopped himself.

“Xiao Tian, Xiao Bing, did you lose anything?” Feng Xiao asked with a sigh.

“It’s nothing much. Just a level drop, the Golden Wolf Fang Sword and an earring, and seven sin. Xiao Bing is around the same.” Xiao Tian said with a careless look, “It’s fine, boss, we can just quickly get the levels back and Maniac has plenty of Gold Items.”

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Xiao Tian had initiated the PK and killed seven people, so his sin value had increased by seven. Chen Bing who was in the same party as him had also gained seven sin value.

“Go to Maniac to get one hundred and forty thousand to get rid of the sin.” Although the price for getting rid of sin was terrifying, Feng Xiao didn’t hesitate at all to use this money on them.

“Is there a need for boss to remind us…..Here, we already got the money from Maniac, we’ll go in a bit.” Xiao Tian said with a laugh.

“As for the Golden Wolf Fang Sword, wait for me.” Feng Xiao used the Infinite Space Gate to return to the Heavenly Water Lake.

Xiao Tian’s sword and equipment were a set, so he could only use the strongest effects when he had them all. Equipment would disappear ten minutes after dropping and it had only been less than three minutes. Although there was a 90% chance that it had already been picked up, he could only go and see if he could find it.

When he appeared on the Heavenly Water Lake bank, there was a strong sense of danger that came from behind him.

“Big brother Feng……”

Without Xuanyuan Wan’er’s reminder, his sharp reflexes and sense of danger made him make the best choice in the shortest time possible.

“Absolute Time Domain!”


Feng Xiao turned and was shocked to find that there was a large water arrow that had almost hit him.

In the Heavenly Water Lake behind him, there was a large turtle head that had opened its mouth to shoot something. There was a strange looking thing that was like a crown that was on its head. To its left, there was a life form that was very similar to the Destruction Tuna that was guarding it.

This was……a shark?

Heavenly Water Turtle Emperor: Level 70 Immortal Beast

HP: 4100000

The emperor of the Heavenly Water Lake. It was just a normal turtle, but one day it accidentally swallowed the hair clip that the Heavenly Dragon Goddess lost after taking a bath and evolved into an Immortal Beast with the residual divine power. It has a temperate nature and sleeps at the bottom of the Heavenly Water Lake year round, but it will wildly attack people who violate its taboos.

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Immortal Beast! An Immortal Beast that was even stronger than the Swift Thunder Swallowing Beast.

Feng Xiao couldn’t help breaking out in a cold sweat for the players that fished here.

As for why it came out, Feng Xiao understood with just a bit of thought. It must be because he had destroyed the Destruction Tuna and then it was angered by Bao Bao’s Heaven Weeping Bullet, so it came to vent its anger.

Seeing its skills that were countless times stronger than the Destruction Tuna, Feng Xiao broke out in another cold sweat. He knew that it was impossible for him to reclaim the Golden Wolf Fang Sword. As long as it was in water, it had an attack range of one hundred meters!

A quick look at tinyurl.com/37k7u89t will leave you more fulfilled.

If it left the water, it would be very weak. Its attack range would be cut in half, its physical and magic attack would drop by 30%, it couldn’t use its Forbidden Spell, and it would constantly lose HP.

So fighting this water attributed monster in the water was very dumb. Using all kinds of methods to draw it onto land was the best method.

“Xiao Bai, stun them for me!”

As soon as the three second Time Domain ended, Feng Xiao charged in front of the Heavenly Water Turtle Emperor. When it still wasn’t able to move yet, Xiao Bai released an overwhelming roar and created ripples on the Heavenly Water Lake.

The Heavenly Water Turtle Emperor and the right Destruction Tuna were stunned, falling onto the shore.

Feng Xiao came forward and used his “Flying Dragon Cloud Seeking Hand”.

“Ding, your ‘Flying Dragon Cloud Seeking Hand’ has failed. It has not been detected by the other side.”

“Ding, your ‘Flying Dragon Cloud Seeking Hand’ has failed. It has not been detected by the other side.”

“Ding, you have successfully stolen the ‘Water Evading Bead’. It has not been detected by the other side.”

“Ding, you have successfully stolen the ‘Heavenly Dragon Goddess’ Hair Clip’. It has not been detected by the other side.”

Using three Flying Dragon Cloud Seeking Hand in three seconds, Feng Xiao who didn’t have too much hope was stunned by the results. Then he quickly put the items in his inventory and used his final Space Gate to escape before the Heavenly Water Turtle Emperor could recover.


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