Legend of the Asura

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: Summoned by Shui Yue

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“Boss, did you find it?” Seeing Feng Xiao appear, Xiao Tian quickly stood up to ask this.

Feng Xiao shook his head, “There was no way. There was an Immortal Beast that appeared by the Heavenly Water Lake, so those that went to pick up the equipment all died.”

“What? Immortal Beast? ……Ah, boss, don’t stop me, I want to see what the Immortal Beast looks like!”

“You’ll die if you go!” Feng Xiao grabbed him before revealing an apologetic look, “I implicated you this time. You’ve offended many people for me.”

Xiao Tian’s exaggerated expression froze before he almost burst out in anger, “Damn! If you say this, do you even treat us as brothers!” Then there was a dark look in his eyes, “Actually, we were too useless. Other than being a burden, we couldn’t do anything else.”

“Boss, ice cube, do you remember our goal before the release of «Rebirth»? Yes, we had pledged that we would take over this world……Boss, when it comes to duels, you’ve already reached the level of taking over the world, but ice cube and I……We are only trash that are only a bit stronger than normal people.”

Chen Bing didn’t get angry because of Xiao Tian’s words, but he also revealed the same dark look. He knew that he was telling the truth and he couldn’t even compare to normal people.

The nightmare that restricted him in reality, he also couldn’t reach his goals in the game world.

Ice……Just what is your direction!

Feng Xiao was silent. He wanted to comfort them, but he didn’t know what to say. He always knew that under Xiao Tian’s playful appearance, there was a pride that was unwilling to be below anyone.

Chen Bing had even more reason to become stronger.

“Boss, we need your help.” Xiao Tian looked at him with bright eyes.

“We don’t need boss to get us better equipment and items, we have to work hard to become stronger ourselves. What we need is a turning point!”

“Turning point……”

“I understand!” Feng Xiao looked at Xiao Tian and Chen Bing, using his fist to hit their chests.

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“My brothers definitely won’t be worse than me!”

“Right, have you see Ao Tian these days?” Feng Xiao suddenly asked.

“We did. Does boss need him for something?” Xiao Tian rubbed his painful chest before looking at the stiff Chen Bing with a strange look.

“When you see him, help me give him this.” Feng Xiao took out an unappraised dagger and scroll that he gave Xiao Tian. These two were items that he had gotten from the Destruction Tuna.

“Immortal Grade Water Blue Fatal Thorn…..Also a Water Blue Burst Skill Scroll……My god!!! Boss, is there anything for us? Although chances are important, we can’t lack items!!” Xiao Tian looked at Feng Xiao with an eager look, hoping that he could take out some Immortal Grade Sword or some warrior scroll.

“Damn!” Feng Xiao stuck his middle finger at him before pressing his hand on his chest, “Hold onto me, I’ll take you leveling.”

“Leveling?” Xiao Tian’s eyes lit up and quickly grabbed Feng Xiao’s clothes as he asked, “Where?”

“A very far place, you wouldn’t know about it……I’ll also bring you to see my little Bao Bao.” Whenever he thought of Bao Bao, he would always unknowingly revealed a faint smile.

Xiao Tian’s hands quickly shrank back.

“He, he……This……Boss, what we need now is to practice, we can’t just keep leeching experience off boss. So it’s better if we level alone……Isn’t that right, ice cube?” Xiao Tian quickly hit Chen Bing’s arm.

Chen Bing in a rare move nodded in agreement which made Xiao Tian give a secret sigh.

“It’s like this?” Feng Xiao looked at them with a strange look for a while before not asking anything. He thought of Feng Yao’s name before he disappeared into blue light.

He and Feng Yao already noticed that as long as they thought of the other person’s name, they could teleport to the other person’s side, even if there was a barrier. What was most powerful was that they could even teleport with other people!

When Feng Xiao left, Xiao Tian suddenly looked at Chen Bing with a strange look. Then he asked with a smile, “Ice cube, how are you feeling?”


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There was a large ice crystal that hit his face.


“Ding, congratulations to player Wind Spirit on reaching level 45……”

As soon as he teleported to Feng Yao’s side, Feng Xiao’s 99.99% experience bar filled and he reached level 45.

Water Evading Bead: Special item.

Grants immunity to all water attacks, can freely move underwater without stats dropping. It can only be used ten minutes per day. Can be used from the inventory.

Heavenly Dragon Goddess’ Hair Clip: Special item.

The favourite hair clip of the Heavenly Dragon Goddess, was lost when she took a bath in the Heavenly Water Lake.

Looking at the blue bead and the beautiful multi coloured hair clip, Feng Xiao couldn’t help giving a sigh. He got two more strange items.

In the distance, the Golden Winged Phoenix and the Rainbow Fantasy Butterfly were wildly attacking a bunch of Flame Mantises. Bao Bao and Feng Yao were having a secret girl talk while Feng Xiao was racking his brain about the turning point that Xiao Tian talked about.

“Big sister Yao’er……What do you want the most right now?” Bao Bao looked at this big sister Yao’er that she liked more and more and tilted her head to ask this.

“What I want the most……” Feng Yao’s eyes looked at Feng Xiao with affection, “I want to graduate sooner and then always be with big brother.” Thinking of how it would be Monday tomorrow and she would have to leave for several days, her heart filled with a bit of pain.

“Big sister Yao’er, do you want to become big brother Asura’s wife?” Bao Bao suddenly asked. Her pure eyes surprised Feng Yao a bit before she revealed a loving smile.

“I do……I even dream about it……”

“Really!” Bao Bao became happy at this, “If we become big brother Asura’s wives, then can we be together forever?”

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“Yes……So Bao Bao needs to grow up faster.” Yao’er stroked the long hair flowing down Bao Bao’s back as she spoke in a gentle voice.

“Un! I will definitely grow up quickly.” Bao Bao revealed a happy smile. This was a pure smile that came from her heart, it was as if it could melt all the evils in this world.

Although Bao Bao’s stats had all fallen to 1 and even a rabbit could kill her, Feng Xiao and Feng Yao weren’t worried about her safety. The monsters in front had all been cleaned out by wind and fire and it was impossible for players to appear around Fire God City……or at least for a month.


Looking at the gold glowing token in his hand that everyone wanted, Feng Xiao felt his head ache.

“How do I use it?”

When he finished the “Ice Spirit Herb” quest, the Heavenly Dragon Emperor had promised that he could claim a piece of land without an owner as his territory. But now that he had the City Construction Token, he still didn’t have this territory.

The Heavenly Dragon Continent was big, so what would be the best choice?

Moreover, even if he chose to construct a city there, it would take a lot of manpower and money for this large project. It definitely wasn’t something that he could take on himself, unless he had the finance of the noble families.

Even if he kept fighting and became stronger, even if he became an emperor and founded a new country, would he have the mental capacity to care about it?

The more he thought about it, the more Feng Xiao felt that this City Construction Token was a hot potato. Not only was it a bit useless, it would cause all the major powers to try and capture him.

“Things will eventually sort themselves out, it’s better to let things run its course.” Feng Xiao stood up and walked over to Xiao Xiao and Xiao Bai in the middle of the corpses. He picked up Xing Xing and then threw him into the Flame Mantises……

“Go! Let those two Super Divine Beasts see that a Divine Beast isn’t worthless!”

Xing Xing woke up from spinning in the air and quickly turned into a ten meter long dragon in a panic using the “True Dragon Transformation”.

Xing Xing had just reached level 40 and his stats were worse compared to the level 10 Golden Winged Phoenix. He had also comprehended the new skills: Dark Curse and Light Storm. Although the effects weren’t as abnormal as the Golden Winged Phoenix’s skills, it was enough to take care of these mobs.

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The Flame Mantises completely collapsed as they couldn’t take it anymore. It wasn’t the end with two Super Divine Beasts, but now there was another Divine Beast……

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All the Flame Mantises angrily turned to the boss Flame Mantis that had just spawned. It must be your ancestor that must have done something wrong in the past and now even we’re being implicated……

The next day……

Yao’er went to school and Bao Bao was listening to her mother’s teachings, so he was lying on the grass alone. Feng Xiao didn’t have any intentions of fighting the mobs. He who was used to having two Super Divine Beast killing things for him wasn’t willing to do anything himself. If it was changed to going slower even if they went all out in fighting the mobs, no one was willing to do it.

“The Nalan Family’s Blood Domain Guild……He, he……” Narrowing his eyes, there were the cruelest methods of retaliation that filled his mind.

“Wind Spirit……Brave warrior Wind Spirit……This is the Heavenly Dragon Imperial Palace’s talisman master……”

“Oh, I know, I know, master Zhang Tian. Did you need me for something?” Feng Xiao thought that this really was amazing. This master Zhang Tian really could do everything, he could even message a player.

“It’s like this, Empress Shui Yue is summoning you!”

“Alright, I understand. I’ll come right away.”

Feng Xiao thought before lazily standing up. He used the Infinite Space Gate to return to the Heavenly Dragon Imperial Palace’s royal study.

“Hi, beautiful and noble empress.”

This voice had scared Empress Shui Yue when it appeared in her ears. When she was about to get angry, there was an even stronger trembling that filled her body.

Master Zhang Tian who respectfully stood on the side was so scared that he almost peed himself. The Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy had actually……nibbled on the empress’ ear.

“I didn’t see anything……I didn’t see anything.” Master Zhang Tian muttered as he lowered his head. At the same time, he thought that he had already heard that the Heavenly Dragon Secret Envoy and the empress had relations and now it seemed that it wasn’t just a rumour……

The empress wouldn’t kill me to silence me, right……Master Zhang Tian thought before breaking out in a cold sweat and lowering his head as much as possible.

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