Legend of the Asura

Chapter 218

Chapter 218: Many things to scare you to death

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Seeing the Golden Mantis running over, Feng Xiao quickly made the best choice.


The Golden Mantis’ target wasn’t him, but rather the Puppet Substitution that was still there even after being attacked many times. It brandished its sickles to send out three attacks.

-2900, +250, -3002, +250, -2949, +250.

Feng Xiao staggered when seeing this. This fellow’s three consecutive attacks almost dealt over ten thousand damage……That was even without critting. This kind of attack power, even against a knight that used “Shield Guard”, they might not be able to take more than two hits.

Shield Guard, that was the skill that knights gained after their second Job Change into a Heavy Knight. They would use the shield to protect themself and would cut physical damage in half. They couldn’t attack while this was up, but it didn’t have a time limit or cost them anything. It was the skill that was necessary for a party to face a powerful boss. Normally several knights would go forward to block the boss while the backline attacked, which created a safe boss raid.

Of course, that was against a normal or Silver Boss. But against this very rare and powerful Gold Boss, even with several dozen knights, they might not be able to keep everyone safe.

Facing a Gold Boss, at least eighty players of the same level had to gather to dare fight it. There weren’t that many people in the world that could solo these Gold Bosses…...Let alone when they were at a lower level.

Feng Xiao wasn’t a foolish enough to face it head on. He quickly withdrew thirty meters on Xiao Bai and changed his weapon to the Seven Star Shattering Moon Bow.

Players needed three seconds to replace weapons and they couldn’t be interrupted during this process.

Using the support skill “Starlight Sparkle”, he locked the Golden Mantis that had destroyed the Puppet Substitution in two moves. Feng Xiao narrowed his eyes and sent out seven green glowing arrows from the Seven Star Shattering Moon Bow.

The seven arrows flew in the formation of the Big Dipper and howled through the air as they hit the Golden Mantis that had been caught off guard……

-1784, -1788, -3520……

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Feng Xiao couldn’t help giving a sigh. Whether it was the stats or the increased stats, the Seven Star Shattering Moon Bow was much weaker than the Xuanyuan Sword. This attack was naturally also much weaker.

He pulled back the string of the Seven Star Shattering Moon Bow again and green arrows formed on the bow. It gradually turned into a small tornado as in an instant, green arrows quickly flew out from the small tornado.

Sou, sou, sou, sou, sou, sou, sou……

Once the “Storm Arrow” came out, Feng Xiao couldn’t even see a trace of the arrows. He could only hear the sounds of the arrows cutting through the air. He couldn’t help secretly being surprised by this.

With the speed of these arrows, who could dodge them?

The arrows of the Storm Arrow kept hitting the Golden Mantis and its charging form kept being pushed back. It moved back several steps every second and after three seconds, it had been pushed out of his attack range.

Feng Xiao was surprised before giving an arrogant laugh. He took a few seconds forward in a satisfied manner as he used his Storm Arrow again, forcing it back even more.

“Ding, you are too close to a monster, you can’t shoot with your bow.”

When the system notification appeared, the Flame Mantis that had just spawned by him slashed at him. At the same time, the Flame Mantises behind him also attacked him.

Close combat was forever the pain of archers.

“Xuanyuan Sword!”

“Ding, you have been attacked. Your weapon change has failed.”

“......Xiao Bai, go up.”

Flying up twenty meters, Feng Xiao looked at the creatures on the ground with pity, “I didn’t want to be this petty, but since you’ve forced me……”

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“Storm Arrow!”

“Ding, players cannot shoot at monsters on the ground that can’t fly.”

Feng Xiao: “......”

“Forget it, this rule is necessary.”

This rule was to avoid breaking the balance of the game. Otherwise, once an archer could fly, they could just freely shoot at monsters from the sky. Powerful monsters that can’t fly would become firewood and the balance of the game would be destroyed.

But this was clearly unfair for players because many monsters could fly and they could attack enemies that couldn’t fly. For example, the Golden Winged Phoenix and the Fantasy Rainbow Butterfly. There was also the exception of Bao Bao’s demon gun that could fire all over the place from the sky, not caring about whether you could fly or not.

This rule only protected “monsters that couldn’t fly”, it didn’t protect monsters or players that could fly!

“Since I can’t shoot……then I’ll let them fall!”

“Torrential Arrow!”

The Seven Star Shattering Moon Bow pointed up and the wind elemental energy became even more wild, shooting out wisps of green light. Three seconds later, the green glow fell with the strong sound of wind, covering the twenty meter range around Feng Xiao, creating a bunch of yellow and red damage figures.

Although the range of the “Torrential Arrow” wasn’t as free as the Golden Winged Phoenix’s “Outer Space Meteor”, it was much bigger. The more than ten Flame Mantises in the range were almost all instantly killed. Feng Xiao fell from the sky and used the Sacred Light Cross Spin’s wide range to kill the rest of the monsters. At the same time, the Golden Mantis angrily charged over. As soon as it reached the fifteen meter range, its two golden sickles released two golden slashes. The Death Slice’s horizontal and vertical slash were released at the same time. The two giant spinning blades created a cross as they flew forward at a dazzling speed.

When used together, they represented five times the damage. It was already too late to fly up to dodge it, so Feng Xiao used an “Absolute Shadow” to dodge to the side. At the same, he called out the Seven Star Shattering Moon Bow and shot the Storm Arrow again, pushing back the Golden Mantis with howling arrows once more.

The Golden Mantis was about to go crazy. It swore that he had never seen such a shameless and despicable life form like this before. Although it had only been born for less than a minute.

It had suffered several dozen hits while the archer didn’t let it touch him, not even letting it approach him.

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The Golden Mantis let out a roar filled with rage, trying to charge forward again and again, but it was sent back by the Storm Arrows without fail. With this anger and unwillingness, it raised its sickles and released a grating roar.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from tinyurl.com/37k7u89t.

“Ding, your despicable fighting method has completely enraged the Golden Mantis and it has entered a ‘berserk’ state. Its attack has increased by 20%, defense has decreased by 20%, it can no longer be pushed back, and has an increased 100 meter aggro range towards you.”

Feng Xiao almost couldn’t stop himself from breaking out in laughter. So what if its attack increased, so what if it couldn’t be pushed back? With the range of the Seven Star Shattering Moon Bow, this Gold Boss shouldn’t even think of attacking him with its move speed. Rather, it would die faster because its defense had dropped.

The Golden Mantis’ golden glow became stronger while it charged at Feng Xiao who kept shooting out the Storm Arrow.

Feng Xiao used a thought to have Xiao Bai retreat, maintaining a set distance with the boss. The Storm Arrows that he shot never stopped for an instant as he quickly reduced the Golden Mantis’ HP.

The increased aggro range let the Golden Mantis leave the territory of the mantises, chasing into a safe zone that it never stepped foot in before, but its HP had fallen to one fifth after being whittled down by Feng Xiao. There was a sudden notification that surprised Feng Xiao.

“Ding, your wife ‘Yao Dreams of Loving Wind’ has logged on.”

Yao’er’s position when she logged off yesterday was……

A white light flashed ten meters away from the Golden Mantis and a fairy like figure appeared.


As expected, as soon as it saw someone appearing, the Golden Mantis gave up on the enemy that it couldn’t catch. The Death Slice that had just come off cooldown was aimed at Feng Yao who just appeared.

Before she had appeared, Feng Yao could feel the strong twisting wind blades that were approaching her. Her face turned pale in fear and she didn’t have a chance to dodge at all.

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“Infinite Space Gate!”

“Xuanyuan Sacred Flames!”

Zi, zi……

Feng Xiao appeared in front of Feng Yao the moment right before the Death Slice hit her with the Infinite Space Gate. At the same time, he released the Xuanyuan Sacred Flames that created a golden glow that protected them.

The powerful wind blade went past them, but it didn’t deal any damage to them. Feng Xiao let out a long sigh of relief as he planned on using “Absolute Shadow” to bring Feng Yao away.

A black figure came out of the corner of his eyes, also sending out a black glow……


With this giant red figure, the Golden Mantis slowly fell with a confused look. It didn’t even know how it died as it died.

Feng Xiao’s eyes shrank……Such quick speed, such a powerful attack.

He quickly looked at the jet black figure and that person also turned to look at him as both of them were surprised.

“Damn! Kid, how did you get here?” The black figure’s eyes opened wide as he almost thought that his eyes were going bad with age.

Feng Xiao gently held Feng Yao’s hand and eased her residual nervousness. He looked at the gray bearded old man in the black clothes, “Old man Tian Xiu, shouldn’t I be asking you this? Weren’t you wandering around in nature? Why would you be interested in coming here to bully weak monsters?”

“Bullshit! Father is just passing by……As for why I’m here, it’s easier to explain. There was the Death Volcano stopping me before, so I couldn’t come here even if I wanted. Now that it’s strangely gone, I could come and take a look and play with the Flame Emperor……Speaking of this, kid, why are you here?” Tian Xiu looked at him with a bright glow in his eyes, “With the distance between Heavenly Dragon Imperial City and Fire God City, you wouldn’t be able to get here even if you ran without sleeping for two months.”

Feng Xiao didn’t even have time to respond as Tian Xiu quickly rushed over and grabbed his right hand without any courtesy, “Oh, isn’t this the legendary Asura’s Reverse Scale? It really is amazing, your little kid’s luck really is something.”

“I have plenty to scare you with.” Feng Xiao secretly curled his lips.

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