Legend of the Asura

Chapter 219

Chapter 219: The Asura in legends

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“Alright, I won’t argue with you. Father still has many things to do, so I’m leaving…..”

“Wait…..Wait a second, old man Tian Xiu, I have something to ask you!” Feng Xiao grabbed Tian Xiu who was preparing to leave.

“Ask quickly!”

“Wu……Do you know where the Chaos Sacred Water is?” Feng Xiao asked with an expectant look. This Tian Xiu should have lived for three thousand years more than the other Job Instructors, so he should know a bit more.

“Chaos Sacred Water? What are you looking for it for?” Tian Xiu looked at him with a doubtful look. He naturally knew the legends about the Chaos Sacred Water and knew that everyone who practiced magic wanted it, but not a single person had found it. So in the end, it was only a legend.

“Could it be that you really know? Don’t worry about why I need it. If you know where it is, then just tell me.” Feng Xiao could see some hope. He grabbed that ragged black cloak out of fear that he would leave.

Tian Xiu thought for a bit before shaking his head, “No one knows where it is……” Seeing that look of disappointment on Feng Xiao’s face like he wanted to punch someone, he calmly added, “But there is a legend that might help you. Do you want to hear it?”

“Damn, stop wasting words! Tell me if you know!” Feng Xiao really wanted to grab this chatty old man by the collar.

Tian Xiu rolled his eyes at him, but he didn’t lower himself to the same level. He just slowly said, “This legend involves the Heaven Defying Scrolls. When that kid Heavenly War gave you that War God Scroll, he said that the great Heavenly Dragon Goddess had scattered the seven scrolls across the continent so that the heaven tribulation wouldn’t fall, but he was wrong. That was because there was one scroll that even when separated from the other six attracted the punishment tribulation lightning from the heavens because of its terrifying might!”

“The Heavenly Dragon Goddess naturally sensed this and used her divine power to find that scroll’s position as soon as possible……But it was a pity that the Heaven Defying Scroll had received too much thunder tribulation and had been half destroyed. At the same time, the remaining power was already quickly scattering.”

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“From unearthing the seven Sacred Stones to scattering her divine power, the Heavenly Dragon Goddess had spent close to ten thousand years to make the seven Heaven Defying Scrolls, so how could she let them be destroyed? She collected the most precious sacred water on the Heavenly Dragon Continent in the shortest amount of time and put the Heaven Defying Scroll in to prevent its divine power from scattering. Then she hid them together in a very mysterious place and no one had seen them for tens of thousands of years.”

“The sacred water used to preserve the Heaven Defying Scroll, is it he Chaos Sacred Water?”

“Nonsense! If it wasn’t, why would I bother saying all of this!” Tian Xiu rolled his eyes before continuing, “Although it’s just a legend, I’m 80% certain that it’s true.”

“There have been many people who have looked for it over the years, but no one has found it yet. Kid Wind Spirit, if you really need it, then you need to work hard.” Tian Xiu patted his shoulder with a dark hand. He was prepared to leave when he suddenly thought of something that had puzzled him for several days. He quickly turned back to ask, “Kid, three days ago, did you open the Slaughtering Heart for a short period of time?”

This novel is available on bit.ly/3Tfs4P4.

“Slaughtering Heart?” Feng Xiao shook his head with a confused look, “I didn’t.”

“Oh……How about this, did you really want to kill someone……Un, it’s that you wanted to kill everyone and kill them with the cruelest method. It’s that kind of feeling.” Tian Xiu looked at him as he asked this. He couldn’t not care because this was related to the prosperity and decline of Asuras in the future.

Feng Xiao’s body trembled as if he thought of something. When Bao Bao was plotted against, she could feel the powerful killing intent coming from him. It made her who loved him the most unable to stop her heart from trembling.

Feng Xiao shook his head again, “Absolutely not.”

When the Asura’s Slaughtering Heart awakened, slaughter and cruelty would take over their minds. It could be said that they would give up their feelings and would only leave behind bloodlust and the desire to slaughter. He would no longer be himself and would be a tool for killing. When his heart came back, it would leave an unclear memory and he could only remember bits of it.

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Feng Xiao didn’t know this and Tian Xiu who never awakened the Slaughtering Heart also didn’t know this.

Seeing that he didn’t seem to be lying, Tian Xiu had his doubts. Could it be that feeling of mine was a mistake?

“Old man Tian Xiu, speaking of Asura……Just where is the power of this Job?”

This was what puzzled Feng Xiao the entire time because comparing it to the Magic Warrior, Flying Dragon Sacred Rogue, and the Storm Ripper Job, the Asura was the most useless one. Because it only gave him a very powerful attack and some other things, it didn’t give him any useful skills.

If he didn’t agree to Tian Xiu’s request, Feng Xiao wouldn’t have cared if his Job was the Storm Ripper or the Flying Dragon Sacred Rogue, they would be just as flashy.

“Asura’s strength far surpasses your imagination. In the past, Luo Jia alone made the entire continent afraid. In the past, when people talked about Asura, their limbs would turn cold and their faces would turn pale. Everywhere that Luo Jia went closed their doors in fear and even when ten thousand soldiers gathered, no one dared to catch him…….Can you understand that kind of strength?” There was a look of yearning that appeared in Tian Xiu’s eyes.

“Only, those that can awaken the Asura’s Heart can become a true Asura. As for the past me and the current you, we have just inherited the normal person’s power of the Asura, we can’t be considered the Asura at all.” Tian Xiu shook his head with regret. He looked at Feng Yao’s peerless appearance beside Feng Xiao and shook his head again, “As for you kid, you have all this bullshit luck and you have a beauty by your side, you might never be able to open the Asura’s Heart in your life.”

“It’s a good thing that you have a good perception, so you should be able to comprehend some skills that one can only use with the Asura Power. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have given the Asura Job to a shameless kid who doesn’t respect his elders like you even if you beat me to death back then!”

“Asura’s Heart……” Feng Xiao silently repeated this twice as he felt a bit of yearning. Indeed, he didn’t dare imagine the level of power that Luo Jia had, but it was something that all men yearned for.


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“Old man Tian Xiu, what do you mean in the past? Are you not an Asura now?”

Tian Xiu really wanted to cut this kid up as he said with a fierce look, “Isn’t this nonsense! There can only be one Asura on the continent, so three days after you became the Asura, I lost all my Asura Power!”

“Oh……It’s like this.” Feng Xiao revealed a look of understanding before asking with a strange look, “Then why are you still so strong……Moreover, look at how you’re dressed, you look like an assassin.”

“Even if I don’t have a Job, that doesn’t mean I’ve lost my stats! Father’s stats trained over three thousand years aren’t for nothing…..Also, kid, you’re not wrong. I bumped into that old fellow Boundless Flames not long ago and got an assassin Job from him to play with, so it’s been quite convenient.” Tian Xiu twirled the black dagger in his hand with a proud look.

Boundless Flames? The number one expert Boundless Flames second to Fairy Liu Li?

The more he met Tian Xiu, the more Feng Xiao felt that this old man wasn’t simple. Not only could he act unscrupulously in front of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor, he even had a good relationship with the number one expert.

Feng Xiao who didn’t understand how strong the Asura was naturally didn’t know that each person who received the Asura’s inheritance was not someone to be offended. The bloody memories and lessons told everyone that once a sleeping Asura was awakened, it would be a nightmare and a disaster for the continent.

Speaking of Boundless Flames, Feng Xiao thought of a person and also a question that he had.

When this old man Tian Xiu saw Feng Yao, he didn’t have much of a reaction……Could it be that this old man was gay, or……

“Have you seen Fairy Liu Li before?” Feng Xiao suddenly asked.

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Tian Xiu trembled and was stunned for a long time before shaking his head, “That is a person that I want to forget, but can never forget.”

Feng Xiao was once again amazed by Fairy Liu Li’s charm and he couldn’t help asking, “How is she compared to Yao’er?”

Tian Xiu looked at Feng Yao before calmly saying, “The girl beside you, whether it is aura or appearance, she can compare to the number two beauty on the Heavenly Dragon Continent, the Snow Empress. If I didn’t see her, then I would have thought that this was the pinnacle of beauty, but……”

Tian Xiu didn’t say anything as he made it very clear. Based on his indifferent look, Feng Xiao understood his meaning, it couldn’t compare at all.

“Ai, I’m leaving. I’ll go look for that old man Flame Emperor……My heart feels suffocated when I think of her. It’s all your fault kid.”

Tian Xiu’s voice went further and further until his black figure disappeared from sight.

“Big brother……is there really such a beautiful person in the world?”

Feng Yao never showed off her beauty, but she understood her charm. If there was someone who far surpassed her, what kind of unbelievable girl would she be?

“Of course there won’t be.” Feng Xiao stroked her nation collapsing face and softly said, “Yao’er will forever be the most beautiful woman in the world in my heart. Even if there is someone whose face is ten thousand times better, they won’t even be 1% of Yao’er in my mind.”

“Un……I know, I’ve always known!” Feng Yao’s heart was filled with happiness. She knew her position in his heart and she knew his position in her heart even more.


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