Legend of the Asura

Chapter 225

Chapter 225: Ignorant young miss (Part 2)

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10-13 minutes 15.12.2022

“Humph! I’m ignoring you!”

“You always ignore us when we ask you to protect us.”

“Right……And you call yourself good big brother! You’re not good at all!”

“You’re not willing to protect us, you’re not willing to lead us out to play, and you’re not willing to bring us to eat the Golden Banquet……”

“Wu……Let’s not talk and let’s eat. I’m so hungry.”

The three girls ignored him and took care of the sixteen dishes in front of them in an ungraceful manner. Their faces were filled with happiness and they acted like they were handling a very serious matter.

Feng Xiao was completely speechless. What not bringing you to eat the Golden Banquet, you’ve already eaten it five times and it seems like it was all on my account. That is two hundred thousand gold coins, although it all belongs to me in the first place.

“You really are disobedient. Forget it, I’ll go if you’re ignoring me.” Feng Xiao revealed a disappointed look and prepared to leave, making the girls scared when they heard this. Their hearts had been beating wild with happiness when they saw him, but their young miss personalities made them say these spiteful words. Seeing that he was about to leave, they began to panic.

Seeing these three young girls secretly looking at him, Feng Xiao muttered in a low voice, “I wanted to treat you to the Platinum Banquet.”

Platinum Banquet?

A large bomb!

The three girls immediately exploded and called out in surprise as they quickly went to stop Feng Xiao.

“Platinum Banquet……is it real?”

“Asura wouldn’t lie. I want to eat, I want to eat……”

“We’ve never eaten it before. Bring us to eat it, alright?”

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Platinum Banquet, twenty dishes personally cooked by Liu Qing Er. The colour, smell, and taste all reached the peak. Only one was sold each week and it wasn’t something that could be bought with money. This was as enticing as a Divine Item in the eyes of these three girls.

“No! Who told you to be disobedient?” Feng Xiao steeled his face and revealed a dissatisfied look. 4887

“Ah?” The three girls blankly looked at each other. After thinking for a bit, they found that they really were disobedient just now.

“Sorry, good big brother, we will definitely be good from now one.” Nangong Xiang Xue looked at him with a pitiful look. She grabbed his arm with her little hands as if she was afraid the Platinum Banquet would run away.

“Un, un, good big brother, bring us to eat, alright? I really want to eat it.” Nangong Xiang Ling eagerly looked at him. She didn’t doubt Feng Xiao’s words at all because in her small thoughts, Asura was “omnipotent”.

“Good big brother, good big brother, good big brother……” Nangong Xiang Ning pouted her little lips and pulled on his arm, looking at him like a spoiled child.

Nameless Weeping Blood’s face was as dark as coal. His fiancees were acting like spoiled brats for another man in front of him and they were acting so close and natural……

His anger soared. If it wasn’t for the trace of understanding that it would be an absolutely foolish move to attack Asura, he would have charged forward with his weapon.

Suppressing his rage, Nameless Weeping Blood did his best to reveal a kind smile, “Xue’er, Ning’er, Ling’er, Asura is busy. How about I bring you to eat the Platinum Banquet?”

Nangong Xiang Xue didn’t even look at him, “I don’t want it! You’ve lied to us many times and you’ve never kept your word.”

“Right, so that’s why we haven’t eaten it even once.”

Nameless Weeping Blood was at a loss for words. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to and it wasn’t that he didn’t try. But the competition for the once a week Platinum Banquet was just too intense that even he couldn’t do anything.

“Humph! You wanted to bully our good big brother last time, I’m still angry about that! Good big brother, we really wanted to stop them from bullying you that day.” Nangong Xiang Ning looked at him with a flattering look, or rather she looked at the Platinum Banquet.

Once the mask was ripped, Nameless Weeping Blood’s face turned dark and unstable.

“That is good. Come, good big brother will bring you to eat the Platinum Banquet.” Feng Xiao almost couldn’t help breaking out in laughter. He pulled one of them over and brought the three girls as excited as kittens away. As soon as he came in, he had already sent a message to Liu Qing Er to prepare a Platinum Banquet.

From beginning to end, he never looked at Nameless Weeping Blood once.

When the door closed, Nameless Weeping Blood’s fist slammed into the white jade table. His face twitched a few times as a sinister look sparkled in his eyes.

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Taking away his three fiancees and completely ignoring him, he didn’t even spare him a single glance. When had he ever suffered such an insult?

“Young master, what do we do?” Weeping Blood Mad Blade asked with knitted brows.

“He’s clearly targeting me.” Nameless Weeping Blood said through gritted teeth, “It’s clear that he wants revenge on the time we surrounded him.”

“But……I feel that he and the little misses already know each other and……I’m worried that they……” Weeping Blood Mad Blade stopped talking, but the meaning of his words were clear.

If Mad Blade could see this, how could Nameless Weeping Blood not see it? He gave two cold laughs, “It’s fine, they just like eating and are curious about Asura……Then again, the Nangong Family owe so many things to us, is there any need to worry about those three girls?”

“If I can be frank, once Nangong Xiao Yue takes the position of Sniper God, the Nangong Family’s position will surpass ours. At that time……”

“So we have to do it quickly!” Nameless Weeping Blood’s fierce look slowly disappeared as the calm from before returned, “As for Asura……I will openly defeat him. Come, let’s go level.”

Looking at the slender figures of these three girls and how they were quickly eating the food, Feng Xiao really wanted to know where all the food they were eating was going.

“Wu, wu……it’s too delicious!”

“It’s so much more tasty than the Gold Banquet!”

“Xue’er, Ling’er, you can’t steal from me……”

The price of the Platinum Banquet was a shocking three hundred thousand gold coins. But Feng Xiao knew that the price of the ingredients was only a total of two thousand gold coins, the key thing was Liu Qing Er’s skills as a chef.

Feng Xiao was a bit jealous of Xiao Tian. He would be blessed with good food marrying this kind of wife.

“It’s done!”

“So delicious!”

Search bit.ly/3Tfs4P4 for the original.

“Un, so full!”

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The three girls rubbed their little stomachs before finally paying attention to Feng Xiao who they ignored before.

“Big brother Asura really is great.”

“Call me good big brother!”

“Ah……Good big brother really is great.” Nangong Xiang Xue quickly changed her statement.

“Can you bring us to eat here again tomorrow?”

Feng Xiao’s chair trembled as he almost fell off.

“No!” If he had that bad tempered and somewhat lazy young miss Liu make a portion a day, she might just chop him up with her knife.

“Ah……Why? I will die from hunger if I can’t eat it.” Nangong Xiang Ling had an aggrieved look.

“Right……God big brother, we still want to eat in the future……You are our good big brother, you have to treat us well.” Nangong Xiang Ning grabbed his arms as she started acting spoiled.

“Alright, at most once a week.” Feng Xiao helplessly gave his bottom line.

It seemed like he had to ask Liu Qing Er to make one each week. As for the condition, a wage? Nonsense, if Liu Qing Er was lacking money, then everyone in this world would be a poor man. It seems like he could only get some high grade ingredients. That woman had the same look when seeing the Divine Grade Wolf Meat as Xiao Tian did when he saw the Dustless Sword.

“Alright!” The three girls happily jumped up.

“But……there’s a condition.” Feng Xiao’s smile became lewd.

“Ah? What condition?” The three girls were clearly unhappy as they pointed their lips.

“Un, un, it’s very simple. Each of you just has to kiss me.”


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“Mom said that we can’t kiss boys.”

“And we can’t let boys kiss us.”

Feng Xiao had a look that said he expected this and helplessly said, “Then forget it. You can’t even accept this small request, then I won’t bring you here to eat in the future.”

These little girls became more anxious as they came to his side like little butterflies, as if they were afraid that he would run away.

“But……we’ve never kissed a boy before……We don’t know how to kiss.”

“What if mom learns of this?”

“Mom will be angry.”

Feng Xiao’s expression became even more disappointed, “You really won’t kiss me?”

Nangong Xiang Xue hesitated for a while before finally being unable to resist the enticement of the Platinum Banquet. She timidly asked, “Then……How do I need to kiss?”

Feng Xiao’s finger tapped on her gentle lips before pointing at his own lips while his smile became more lewd.

The three girls secretly talked for a bit and looked like they weren’t suffering a loss, so…..Nangong Xiang Xue found the courage to quickly close her eyes before peeking and slowly closing them again. All at the same time, she slowly moved forward.

With those pure cherry lips that were lips jade moving forward, Feng Xiao couldn’t help having some other thoughts. His left hand took her by the waist and he stuck his lips on hers.

Nangong Xiang Xue was surprised and her body trembled as she didn’t know what to do. Even through the layers of clothing, Feng Xiao could feel the tender feeling of her body. Touching her cherry lips, there was a hard to describe beautiful feeling that came from his lips, that had the immaturity and fragrance of a young girl causing his breath to stop. He didn’t use much strength to open her teeth and caught her little tongue that was moist and tender.

Nangong Xiang Xue’s face turned red and her body shook as she revealed a stunned look. Her chest was pressed on him and the soft twin peaks rubbed up against him, while the little fragrant tips also started unconsciously standing up.

A young girl was pure like a flower blooming, while also being childish. This unconscious movement made Feng Xiao’s feelings surge as he kissed her even more.

“Wu……Such a strange feeling……”

Nangong Xiang Ling and Nangong Xiang Ning’s bright eyes trembled as their faces burned like flames and their bodies couldn’t help shivering. The three sisters were born at the same time, without any time difference, so their hearts were more connected and they could feel what each other was feeling. Feng Xiao kissed Xiang Xue, but he was also kissing the three sisters at once.

Nangong Xiang Xue’s cute lips were finally pulled from the passionate kiss. Her heart was filled with panic as she started panting. She weakly leaned against Feng Xiao’s chest without a single bit of energy.

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