Legend of the Asura

Chapter 226

Chapter 226: Broken border! Pangu Axe

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Nangong Xiang Xue’s two cute lips escaped from the kiss. Her heart was filled with panic and she was panting as she lay there in Feng Xiao’s chest, without even a bit of energy.

Feng Xiao revealed an evil smile as his right hand grabbed Nangong Xiang Ling watching from the side. He gave her a heavy kiss while also inserting his tongue in.

“Wu, un……Wu……”

The faint moans came from between their lips. The lips of the two sisters were just as tender as each other and had a faint fragrance to it. Feng Xiao couldn’t help being infatuated as a heat came from his heart. His hands holding the two girls reached in front of them and grabbed the two soft peaks.


The body of the three girls trembled at the same time. Nangong Xiang Ling who was being kissed let out an unclear sound as Nangong Xiang Xue who was against Feng Xiao’s chest let out moans. The feeling of her chest being ravaged filled her with shyness and fear, but this strange feeling made her unable to escape.

Nangong Xiang Ning couldn’t take it as the numb feeling of her chest made her moan unconsciously. The slender jade hands began rubbing her own chest as the flames in her heart almost made her collapse. Finally, she thought of something and couldn’t help shyly grabbing Feng Xiao from behind, pushing her soft peaks against his back.

……The three girls moaned for several minutes before they finally slowly stopped.

Feng Xiao laid on the sofa with a satisfied look as he was refreshed. Things went much smoother than he had imagined. Not only had he stolen the first kiss from each of these girls, he had even rubbed every part of their bodies.

Looking at their disorderly clothes, their red faces, and how they kept silently peeking at him, Feng Xiao almost couldn’t help going forward again.

These three ignorant girls had fallen in his hands. If they had fallen into the hands of a village, the consequences would be unimaginable……Un, he had to properly teach them.

Speaking of this, Beiming Chong Yun really was a gentleman like this. Un…..Could it be that he was impotent?

“Good big brother……were you bullying us just now?” Nangong Xiang Xue secretly looked at him as she spoke in a timid voice. Her hand also unconsciously touched her chest that was aching a bit from being pinched.

“Yes, I was bullying my good little sisters.” Feng Xiao replied with a natural look before he couldn’t help laughing.

“You really were bullying us……but the bullying felt good…...and there was a strange feeling.” Nangong Xiang Ling’s face turned even more red. Her legs couldn’t help moving as she tried to get rid of the sticky feeling coming from her legs.

“Then do you like being bullied like this?” Feng Xiao’s smile was as pure as white snowflakes.

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“I…..I don’t know.” Nangong Xiang Ning lowered her head, feeling shy about the shameful actions she had done. Not only did she kiss him, she had even pulled the hand that had been pinching Xiang Xue’s chest to her legs……Why was there such a strange feeling?

“Has your fiance bullied you like this before?” Feng Xiao asked in a seemingly casual manner.

Search bit.ly/3Tfs4P4 for the original.

“Fiance? You’re talking about big brother Chong Yun? He hasn’t. He’s very, very good to us…..he’s not as bad as you.”

“Oh?” Feng Xiao raised a brow, “Do you know what fiance means?”

The three girls were clearly surprised as they looked at each other. After a while, they said in a weak voice, “Mom said that they would be with us forever, playing with us, protecting us, and will bring us to eat good things……”

“Un, un, just like a little follower.”


Feng Xiao found it hard to sit still as he was completely speechless towards the ignorance of the three little girls. He revealed a serious look and said in a serious voice, “Girls can only be bullied by one person in their life and now that you’ve been bullied by me, you can’t let anyone else bully you. Otherwise you will become bad children, understand?”

“Ah……It’s like this? Does that mean that we can only be bullied by you in the future?” The three girls’ clear eyes opened wide.

“Right! It’s like this.” Feng Xiao said while laughing.

“Mom also said that it was like this……”

“Then we can only be bullied by him……”

“......Why do I like being bullied by him……Wu, my face is so hot……”

“Right, it’s like this. You definitely can’t let other people bully you in the future. Un…..you can’t even touch their hands, understand? If someone wants to bully you, you have to tell me.”

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The three girls gave confused nods before suddenly saying in excited voices, “Good big brother……do you mean that you will protect us from now on?”

“Of course!”

“Yay! This is great! With the most powerful Asura protecting us, we can bully anyone we want.”

“Un, un! Then we can eat the Platinum Banquet when we want……”

“I like good big brother more and more……”

Seeing these pure girls dancing, Feng Xiao’s mood became even better.


Coming out of “Popular World”, a fuzzy figure appeared in Feng Xiao’s mind. He shook his head to seal that memory deep in his mind before giving a sigh and returning to Bao Bao.

“Big brother Asura, you’re late. You clearly told me it would only take thirty minutes.” Bao Bao’s bright eyes had a happy expression in them, not showing any signs of anger.

When he met the three Nangong sisters, Feng Xiao had already sent a message to Bao Bao asking for thirty minutes. It seemed like he was indeed a bit late now.

Feng Xiao picked up Bao Bao’s soft body and said with a smile, “It was big brother Asura’s fault, I’ve made Bao Bao wait this long. How about Bao Bao punish me?”

“Then I’ll punish big brother Asura to keep holding me……” Bao Bao hugged Feng Xiao’s neck with a smile.

“That isn’t a punishment, that is a reward for me……”

There was a sharp pain that came from his mind that made Feng Xiao’s smile freeze. His body suddenly started shaking.

“Wan’er, what is it…..What is wrong with you?” Feng Xiao was surprised. This was the first time there was such a strong trembling coming from his sea of consciousness.

“......So terrifying, so powerful. This is a power that can even scare me and it’s an evil power……Big brother Feng, it’s dangerous, it’s very dangerous.” Xuanyuan Wan’er’s voice was filled with an unsettled tone.

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Feng Xiao’s heart sank and he couldn’t help holding Bao Bao tighter.

At the same time, at the barrier by the edge of the Heavenly Dragon Continent.

“This is the region of China where I was born?”

A small figure was covered head to toe in a black armour, as only two faint glowing eyes were revealed. This hoarse voice had a faint chill as it slowly came out and their lips curled into a fierce smile.

The black hands moved and a giant unadorned axe appeared in their hands. With a cold smile, they lifted the axe high up and forcefully slammed down on the country barrier.


Zi! Peng! Hong……

With an intense shaking, the barrier that was impossible to destroy that protected each continent had a five meter long hole created in it by this axe.

The entire Heavenly Dragon Continent shook. Countless players and NPCs stopped as they all looked at the sky with confused looks.

“Could there be earthquakes in this game?”

There was an intense pain that filled Master Zhang Tian’s mind. He took out a golden talisman and was shocked as countless small fissures appeared on the golden talisman.

Master Zhang Tian quickly used his technique and immediately teleported to the royal study. Empress Shui Yue was there with a shocked look on her face as she also had her doubts about the trembling just now.

“Master Zhang Tian, why are you so nervous?” Empress Shui Yue turned around and her heart couldn’t help skipping a beat when she saw Master Zhang Tian’s expression. Even when the Vermilion Bird died, he wasn’t this shocked.

“The world barrier……was shattered!” Master Zhang Tian said in a difficult voice.

“What? How is that possible!” Empress Shui Yue’s expression changed as her limbs turned cold in fear.

The world barrier that was impossible to break, just how much power did it take to break it! Even the Sacred Beasts couldn’t do this.

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“Quickly! Send down the orders and prepare all the cities! Master Zhang Tian, you must immediately verify that person’s location!” Empress Shui Yue forced herself to calm down as she rushed out of the royal study.

Seeing the hole in the world barrier that was slowly closing, the black figure gave a cold laugh of disdain as it flew into the Chinese Server.

“Ding! World announcement, world announcement, all players please pay attention. The Vatican City Region player ‘Slaughtering the Human World’ has entered the Chinese Server. They will not receive sin value for PKing Chinese players. As the first player in «Rebirth» to reach another continent, the system will award them with 3000 prestige and 50000 gold coins.”

The world was shocked!

This person named “Slaughtering the Human World”, just what method did he use to cross the world barrier?

“This power……this power……it’s the Pangu Axe! It’s the Pangu Axe! And it’s a complete Pangu Axe! How could it be like this……Wasn’t the Pangu Axe already lost! Why is it here……”

“It’s no wonder he broke the world barrier……The Pangu Axe has the ability to cross the void, so all space walls are useless in front of it.”

Xuanyuan Wan’er’s voice was filled with panic and disbelief. To her knowledge, the Pangu Axe couldn’t appear in this world…..But there was the fact in front of her that made her even more panicked. There was a bigger and bigger shadow that started appearing in her heart.

Pangu Axe?

There was a feeling that froze his entire body that came from his heart. Feng Xiao’s heart trembled as he quickly put Bao Bao down and said with a serious look, “Bao Bao, quickly return to the city, alright?”

Bao Bao could see something in his face and shook her head, “Big brother Asura, will it be dangerous……I won’t go, I’ll stay here and protect you.”

In the distance, the black figure revealed a fierce smile, “Not bad, I finally found the Xuanyuan Sword. Hei, hei……”

“Crossing the Void!”

The black figure disappear as if it had turned to air, not leaving a single trace.

When Feng Xiao wanted to scare Bao Bao off, there was a cold aura that suddenly wrapped around him that made it hard for him to breathe. Not far away in front of him, there was a black figure holding a giant axe that appeared.


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