Legend of the Asura

Chapter 245

Chapter 245: Snow Empress’ rage

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“The Extreme Glacier is the coldest place on the continent, so there must be many strange things inside! I want to know if there is something like the Thousand Year Old Profound Ice or something even better to preserve corpses with!” Feng Xioa’s eyes no longer had that shocked and lazy look, but rather was replaced with a look of worry and anger. The current him was most afraid of the Snow Empress denying this.

“There is……” Seeing his expression that suddenly changed, the Snow Empress’ emotionless face turned aside, “But you’ll never be able to get it because they belong to the Azure Dragon. Only the Azure Dragon has the rights to collect them, so no one else should have any ideas.”

“Tell me, what is there?” Feng Xiao didn’t hesitate at all as he looked right into her eyes.

“Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice.” The Snow Empress secretly knitted her brows. Based on his expression, she guessed that an important family member or a lover had suffered an accident, which was why he didn’t hesitate to come all this way. He most likely didn’t receive orders from the empress.

“Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice……Azure Dragon……” Feng Xiao looked at Chen bing and saw that in each other’s eyes, there was anxiousness……and determination!

“Your majesty, please bring us into the Extreme Glacier and I can agree to any request.” Feng Xiao came to her side and wasn’t interested in enjoying the faint fragrance that came from her at all. There was a trace of pleading in his voice.

“Oh? You really are planning on taking the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice? Humph, laughable!” The Snow Empress gave a cold snort. Her fine brows raised and she narrowed her eyes as she asked, “Why do you think that this one has the ability to reach that place?”

Feng Xiao revealed a calm smile, “In order to find the Azure Dragon in times of crisis, each ruler of the City of Ice must have the Freezing Ice Body because only humans with the Freezing Ice Body can learn the Water Attribute Forbidden Spell ‘Ice Goddess Asylum’. This Forbidden Spell can allow you to scatter all your magic power to protect you and your partners from the cold for three hours, reaching the 100% resistance that only the Azure Dragon has!”

“If you didn’t meet us before, your majesty would have already reached the center of the Extreme Glacier and used the ‘Ice Goddess Mirror’ that the Azure Dragon gave you to have it complete one request for you.” Feng Xiao casually said this and calmly watched the reaction on her face. This was what Xuanyuan Wan’er had secretly told him just now.

The cold glowing blue eyes swept over his face. The Snow Empress slowly walked over to the window before calmly saying, “I never thought that someone from outside of the City of Ice would know so much about this city.”

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Feng Xiao followed up, standing a meter behind her, “No matter what, I must obtain the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice you mentioned. It’s not just to preserve the Heavenly Dragon Emperor’s body, but also for an important family member!”

Thinking of Rou Rou who didn’t have a trace of life left, Feng Xiao couldn’t help feeling like his heart was being stabbed by a needle. If he didn’t get the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice, he wouldn’t have time to find the “Angel’s Tears”. Rou Rou would forever leave him……He wouldn’t allow it! He definitely wouldn’t allow this to happen.

“To preserve the Heavenly Dragon Emperor’s body?” The Snow Empress turned around as her ice cold eyes relaxed. The ice cold eyes stayed on his face for a few seconds as if she wanted to see if he was lying or not.

Feng Xiao had a thought and immediately made his face serious, “That’s right, that is my purpose in coming this time. I hope to forever preserve the body of the great previous emperor to be forever respected by the people.”

He added in his heart: But the most important thing is my family’s Rou Rou.

A natural death meant death and they couldn’t revive no matter what. But Rou Rou who died an unnatural death still had a chance to revive. If he only had a single piece of Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice, he definitely would choose Rou Rou without any hesitation.

“If it really is for the previous Heavenly Dragon Emperor, then this one can agree to bring you alone. My City of Ice has received the grace of the imperial city over the past thousand years and hasn’t repaid it yet. This time, I’ll take it as a favour to the previous Heavenly Dragon Emperor.” Seeing the hard to hide excitement the other side had, she coldly turned around again, “But……this one does not think you can get the Ten Thousand Year Old Profound Ice. This one can only give you this opportunity that has no chance of succeeding, everything will be up to your luck.”

“Good! Your majesty does not need to worry about this! As long as your majesty is willing to bring us there, we will be forever grateful!” Feng Xaio excitedly rubbed his hands. As long as he could get there, with his current invincible condition and his countless “Flying Dragon Cloud Seeking Hands”, he didn’t believe that he wouldn’t be able to get anything from the Azure Dragon in several hours.

“Alright, then we’ll head out now. As you can see, the City of Ice is already in a desperate situation and this one must find the Azure Dragon as soon as possible.” Her eyes stopped on Chen Bing’s calm look for a bit before waving her delicate hand. A giant snow white bird suddenly appeared outside the palace with a loud cry.

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Freezing Ice Goose: Level 70 Divine Beast

HP: 20000000

A pet that the Snow Empress tamed a thousand years ago. It has been nourished by the purest ice and snow of ten thousand years to become a Divine Beast.

Innate Skills:

Ice Heart: Water Resistance +75%, Cold Resistance +75%, Freeze Resistance +80%. In a cold region that does not exceed its cold resistance, it will keep recovering HP.

Weakness: None.

Skills: Flying Snow Filling the Sky, Snow Goose Soul Taking Drop. Star Shatter, Ice Filling the Sky, Wind Snow Cry.

Ultimate Skill: Cold Mist Soul Ice Heavenly Shatter.

Feng Xiao couldn’t help secretly clicking his tongue. As expected of a Divine Beast, they were all unnaturally powerful. Then he revealed a depressed and unfair look, based on what! Why is it that when players gain Divine Beasts, they become pets and NPCs didn’t……It’s not fair! Too unfair!

“Let’s go!” The Snow Empress didn’t want to waste any time with him. She teleported onto the back of the Freezing Ice Goose and then it slowly flew up to the horizon.

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Feng Xiao called out Xiao Bai and got on with Chen Bing. Xiao Bai gave a low roar before its purple glowing tiger eyes looked at the Freezing Ice Goose in disdain. Without waiting for its master’s orders, it flapped its wings and chased the Freezing Ice Goose.

The Freezing Ice Goose was fast, reaching 100 move speed, but it couldn’t compare to Xiao Bai’s current speed. Xiao Bai didn’t need to use any effort to catch up to the Freezing Ice Goose.

The Snow Empress’ expression slightly changed. This white tiger that surprised her and gave her a sense of danger surprised her again as it could actually fly! Moreover, it flew so fast!

“Your majesty, can we go a bit faster……Or you can come onto Xiao Bai’s back……Ke, ke, there’s no need to look like that, my Xiao Bai can hold three people.”

Feng Xiao secretly shook his head: This is the difference between rideable pets and mounts. The move speed of mounts would overlap with their owner’s move speed, so naturally those pets that relied on their own move speed couldn’t compare. Moreover, mounts would move based on their owner’s thoughts and had skills that could coordinate with their masters, as well as not receiving any damage. A rideable pet could only be ridden.

The Snow Empress coldly looked at him and closed her eyes, completely ignoring him.

Feng Xiao wasn’t willing to waste any time that could be used to save Rou Rou. He didn’t give up as he shouted at the Snow Empress who was lagging behind, “Come and ride on Xiao Bai with me. That way we can teleport over together.”

The Snow Empress still closed her eyes without saying a thing, even her brows didn’t move.

God damn, this young master was actually being looked down on by a woman!

Feng Xiao curled his lips and used a ‘Wind’s Spirit’, controlling Xiao Bai to fly around in an arc. The one person and goose couldn’t react as he grabbed the Snow Empress’ wrist and pulled her onto Xiao Bai’s back.

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This soft feeling like touching ice jade came from his hand. Feng Xiao didn’t have time to use the “Infinite Space Gate” as he felt the soft feeling from his hand turn ice cold, so cold that it froze his heart.

Search bit.ly/3Tfs4P4 for the original.

Peng! Peng!

Chen Bing knitted his brows because his boss had been knocked into the cold snow by two powerful Ice Storm Spells. The Snow Empress teleported down from Xiao Bai and those blue eyes glared at him, being filled with anger and an ice cold look.

Feng Xiao’s heart beat fast as he secretly regretted his own crudeness. He just wanted to reach the Extreme Glacier as soon as possible, he never thought that she would have such a large reaction. Although he wasn’t afraid of her attacks at all, but……if she went back on her promise, then that would be the worst situation.

“......Your majesty, please calm yourself……It was just a mistake, a mistake! I definitely didn’t have any other intentions, I just wanted to go a bit faster……” Feng Xiao quickly revealed an apologetic and regretful look, but what made his heart beat fast was that the other side’s expression didn’t relax at all. Rather, it was slowly filled with a layer of killing intent!

“No matter who you are! Anyone who dares touch my body must die!” The Snow Empress released the pressure and ice cold anger of an empress. Since she was born, this was her first time losing control of her ice cold calm. That was because the other side had already touched her greatest taboo.

The expression that Feng Xiao tried hard to hold disappeared and he revealed a serious look because those blue eyes had shown……that she couldn’t live in the same world as him!

Just……why? Was it just because I touched her hand?

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