Legend of the Asura

Chapter 246

Chapter 246: Unexplainable change

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Feeling the extreme anger of its master, the Freezing Ice Goose fell down and its large body stood behind the Snow Empress. Xiao Bai also came up behind Feng Xiao and glared at the other side.

“Alright…..I’ll apologize, alright? I really didn’t have any other intentions!”

What came in response were five powerful ice arrows that flew out at him!

Feng Xiao dodged out of the way and the Xuanyuan Sword appeared in his hand. Being inexplicably hated by someone like this, his heart started to fill with anger.

Chen Bing coldly watched the Snow Empress with that scary cold look on her face and Feng Xiao who also had a cold look on his face. Although he felt surprised, he still silently watched. With the Absolute Heaven’s protection, he wasn’t worried about Feng Xiao’s safety at all.

“Alright, even if you must kill me, you should have a reason!” Although his tone was polite, there was a bit of coldness in his voice.

“You deserve death!”

With an ice cold voice, six snowflakes shot out at him. It completely blocked off all paths of retreat for him. Feng Xiao no longer evaded and went forward to meet it.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

Feng Xiao was pushed back six steps before charging out at the Snow Empress.


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Feng Xiao slammed into a wall of ice that suddenly appeared from the ground in front of him. Then there was a thick ice arrow that strangely came out of the ice wall at him, sending him back several meters.

The Snow Empress’ rationale was already swallowed by her rage, she didn’t even notice that her attack wasn’t doing any damage to the other side at all. She just wildly attacked, using everything that she could to tear him to pieces!

Ice Crystal! Ice Explosion! Frozen World! Ice Feather Dagger……All the most powerful skills were thrown at Feng Xiao continuously. Freezing his body, knocking him away……freezing him, knocking him away……

This woman……was crazy!

Feng Xiao crawled up from the ground and patted off the snow from his body as his rage began to surge. Other than that devil Xiao Tong Ying, he had never been oppressed by a woman before. But he had to admit that in front of the Snow Empress’ mighty power, his weak power could only be considered pitiful. EVen if he didn’t fear any attacks, he couldn’t approach her at all.

“Great Ice Goddess, please cover this broad world in your ice……”

The ice cold chanting from the Snow Empress’ mouth slowly came out. She had closed her eyes and her hands were at her chest, as her ice blue hair danced in the cold wind. This goddess like beauty made one unwilling to blink. There was an ice blue glow that appeared in front of her chest.

“This is……Water Attributed Forbidden Spell ‘Ice Overturning Snow Change’! Big brother Feng, quickly stop her! Once she uses it, she won’t be able to use magic for ten days!” Xuanyuan Wan’er quickly called out.

Just what reason made her this angry and reckless? Xuanyuan Wan’er had her doubts, so she used her soul power to check the bottom of her consciousness.

Ah……So it’s like this……It was because of this!

Feng Xiao was shocked. Ten days……That meant ten days without being able to use the ‘Ice Goddess Asylum’ and it would cut off all of Rou Rou’s chances of coming back to life.

This woman……really was crazy! It was just grabbing her hand!

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“Xiao Bai! Quickly stun her!”

“Big brother Feng, quickly take off your Asura’s Illusion! Quickly!”

Take off the Asura’s Illusion? Feng Xiao was surprised, but he didn’t doubt Xuanyuan Wan’er and immediately took off the Asura’s Illusion, revealing his face that was pale from anxiety.

The Freezing Ice Goose’s eyes revealed a strange glow and it started flapping its giant wings with loud cries. It was almost as if it wanted to cut through the world.

Feeling the unusual agitation from the Freezing Ice Goose, the Snow Empress who had been chanting with her eyes closed opened her eyes and suddenly……The expression on her face was frozen as the charming ice blue eyes let out a look that took one’s soul away……

Was this……a dream?

Or did he……really appear……

The chant stopped and the Snow Empress looked at him in a daze. She just stared at him as if there was only that face from her dream that was there. Finally…..She moved and walked over step by step towards that dream figure. With each step, there was a crystal drop that fell from her eyes onto the ground, turning into the purest crystals.

She wanted to cry and she wanted to laugh. She slowly reached out that ice jade slender hand to touch the dream in front of her. Her movement was slow as if she was afraid that this was a dream and it would disappear if she wasn’t careful.

The ice cold look of anger was completely replaced by warmth and tears, with happiness and sadness, with that tearful smile that melted all the ice around her. This giant change made Feng Xiao’s eyes pop out wide and even Xiao Bai was stunned. Only Chen Bing returned to normal after being a bit surprised. That was because he told himself many times that no matter how unbelievable something was, it wasn’t strange if it happened with the boss.

The crystal like jade hands finally touched his face. With this ice cold feeling, there was a trace of warmth.

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Feng Xiao’s expression had frozen because of this sudden change and he didn’t have any idea of moving aside.

This woman……just what was happening!

Could it be that women all liked taking advantage of men?

“Is it you? Is it really you?” The Snow Empress’ small hands unconsciously moved as if she was caressing the most precious thing in the world. Her voice was as soft as the wind.

Feng Xiao’s face froze in shock. The question really was too on the level!

“Big brother Feng, do you believe in love at first sight?” Xuanyuan Wan’er asked in a clear voice.

Feeling the gaze that almost melted him and the soft jade touch on his face, Feng Xiao focused on gathering his mind, “A bit……could it be that she fell in love with me at first sight?”

Ai, it really was a problem. Having this kind of disastrous face, even the ice cold Snow Empress fell for it.

“A thousand years ago, when she was six years old, her father gave her a picture. Her father said that only the man in the picture is worthy of being her man……With confusion and curiosity, she opened the picture……So from that moment on, the six year old her had fallen deeply in love with the man in this picture, but this person hadn’t been born yet!”

This novel is available on bit.ly/3Tfs4P4.

“A woman with the Freezing Ice Body has a heart and body like ice, but their passion towards love can shake the world. Once they fall in love with a man, their hearts would be forever frozen by him and would not allow any other man in at all. For the person they loved, she can give up everything and even in death, her love would never change.”

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“The women with the Freezing Ice Body all treat their chastity as their life, so not a single inch could be touched by anyone other than their lover or they would kill the other person or…..kill themselves…..This was the reason why she was unwilling to live in the same world as you.” Seeing the enamoured look, Xuanyuan Wan’er was very confused. Even her voice had a bit of a daze in it.

A period of love that seemed like it would never have any results had caused the ice like woman to become like this……Was this the so-called unreasonable love……

“You……You’re saying that the person in the picture……is me?” Feng Xiao secretly pinched himself to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming.


Feng Xiao almost fainted……Just what was going on here!

First he was strangely hated and then he was strangely loved by the same person!

Feng Xiao looked up at the snow white sky in doubt, doubting that there was some god playing a joke on him.

“Wan’er, are you certain that the person in the picture is me? It should be a person that looked a bit similar to me……I still haven’t even been born yet a thousand years ago.” The delicate hands kept moving across his face and the dark blue eyes kept looking at him. This beautiful face made him yearn, but all of this was just too absurd!

This world of «Rebirth» shouldn’t have anything to do with the real world……A thousand years ago……My god! Am I crazy or is this world crazy!

“It’s you……it’s exactly the same. Your hair, your eyebrows, your eyes, your nose, the small mole between your brows……even the facial expression is the same. Although I don’t know why this portrait appeared a thousand years ago, that person really is you!” Xuanyuan Wan’er’s voice didn’t have any hesitation. She could clearly tell the moment that the picture appeared in her mind that this person was him……

“Moreover, this portrait was handed down by their ancestors. It was supposed to be handed to the first woman who had the Freezing Ice Body in their Shui Family……The ancestor who passed down the portrait is called Shui Cang Qiong!”

“Shui Cang Qiong!?” Feng Xiao’s heart skipped a beat. The only Water God who lived out of the seven gods that fought the Demon Monarch, it was the person that he had been looking for. That was because it was very likely that he hid the root of the weakness of water magic on him.

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