Legend of the Asura

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: Xue Bing Er

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“My man, can you tell me your name?”

This gentle voice could even melt snow. The Snow Empress was smiling with a very infatuated and loving smile while her tears kept falling.

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Feng Xiao felt like the most beautiful ice flower was blooming in front of him and he just looked at her teary eyes in a daze.


Even the way she called him had unknowingly changed to “my man”, why did it sound a bit……

“Ke, ke, how about we head to the Extreme Glacier first……we can slowly talk along the way.” Even for Feng Xiao who had been with flowers for more than ten years and had a face as thick as a city wall, he didn’t know what to do and even looked at Chen Bing for help.

Chen Bing was looking down at an ice flower on the ground, acting like he didn’t see a thing.

“Un! We’ll do whatever my man says.” The Snow Empress obediently agreed. Her voice was as gentle as water, no longer as ice cold as before. Especially when he saw those beautiful eyes that were about to make him melt, he gradually couldn’t hold on any longer.

“Only……” The Snow Empress looked at him with a hopeful look, “Can I ride with my man?”

“You……can.” Feng Xiao quickly shook his head that was falling into chaos and answered in a daze.


With three people on its back, Xiao Bai didn’t slow down at all. Its sharp ears were perked the entire time, listening to the two talking on its back.

The Snow Empress’ face had a faint blush on it and her eyes were closed as she leaned on his chest. Those lips that hadn’t smiled for a thousand years slowly covered as her hands grabbed his clothes. It was as if she let go, this man would leave her world.

Feng Xiao’s expression kept changing……Or it could be said that he didn’t know what expression to use to face this situation……Cry? Not enough. Laugh? Could he laugh? Not knowing whether to laugh or cry……a bit. Until now, he even suspected that he was in a dream. This absurd change in their relationship really gave him a hard to believe feeling. He secretly looked back at Chen Bing sitting behind him and found that his eyes were closed and he didn’t have a single expression on his face.

Could it be that my thoughts are falling behind? Or has my ability to adapt dropped……

“Just now……I actually wanted to kill you……will you blame me?”

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……There was no answer.

The crystal like jade hands tightened and the snow white face paled a bit, “Punish me, alright……You can punish me however you want……”

“Ah……No, no, I’m not angry, not one bit.” Feng Xiao secretly wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. That voice going from being cold enough to make the temperature drop to being as gentle as water really made him stunned for a few seconds.

There was a warm feeling that came from the heart. The body also leaned back a bit and moved closer to him.

“A thousand years, countless days and nights, I’ve been waiting a long time for this day……” Being enchanted with the feeling of being in his embrace, feeling the aura and the warmth of the man behind her. All the heavy thoughts disappeared and there was only happiness in her heart. It was as if she wanted time to freeze at this moment.

Feng Xiao: ……

“The Ice Goddess has finally brought you to my side. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up……”

Feng Xiao: ……

“My man, you still haven’t told me your name……”

“Wind……Spirit.” The gentle voice in his ears made Feng Xiao reply unconsciously.

“Wind Spirit……Your name makes me just as enamoured……” The ice cold brows curved like two crescent moons as that jade nose greedily sniffed his man’s scent.

Feng Xiao: ……

“My man, be with me forever, alright……Forever……”

Feng Xiao: ……

“Ke, ke……Your majesty, this question……”

“Call me Bing Xue Er.” The Snow Empress turned around and looked at him with gentle eyes, “In this world, only you can call me this……alright? My man.”

Feng Xiao’s breath froze. He didn’t dare look into those dark blue eyes because he had only ever seen these eyes from his beloved Yao’er before.

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The first day they met……They had gone from being unable to exist in the same world to her looking at him with these loving eyes that reached the pinnacle. Could it be that she would really fall this deeply in love with a person because of a portrait from a thousand years ago?

Did he have feelings for her? Feng Xiao shook his head. They’ve only known each other this short amount of time, how could there be love? But in his heart, from the first moment that he saw her, there was a strong desire to have her, a desire that didn’t have anything to do with feelings. The second most beautiful woman on the Heavenly Dragon Continent and the ruler of the City of Ice, as well as the dream woman of the men of the City of Ice, that kind of evil feeling!

This idea would appear in the hearts of any normal man, but there were few people who dared to do this. Even he only had a single thought because to subdue this ice cold ruler who didn’t have a trace of human nature that looked threatening would be incredibly hard.

But fate had played a large joke on him, actually making way for him and giving him this thing that could only exist in a fantasy world. He really didn’t know what to do with this.

There were many girls who chased him and there were many that he wanted to own, but he swore that he was the first one in history to encounter something like this.

Reject? Only if he had gone crazy.

A face that matched Yao’er’s, the body of an empress, and the desire to subdue her, it gave him no reason to reject her at all. Moreover, to rescue Rou Rou, even if she couldn’t be more ordinary, he definitely would still “compromise for the greater good”.


Feng Xiao’s heart was a bit conflicted. The other’s status was there and they had just met……so how could he not feel embarrassed?

In the end, he steeled his heart and changed to a righteous look, “Forget it, to save my darling Rou Rou, I’ll go along with it.”

“Bing Xue Er……”

“Un……” The Snow Empress replied in a soft voice. This was her first time being intimately called by a man like this and there was a happiness that she had never felt before that filled her heart. Her face also revealed a charming blush.

A thousand years of hoping, a thousand years of waiting, a thousand years of solitude, she had finally waited until this day……Whether he accepted her or not, whether he loved her or not, whether he would be by her side or not, she decided that she would never let go. Even if she gave up on her empress throne, even if she gave up on the City of Ice, even if she gave up on everything……she would be with him.

Chen Bing secretly opened his eyes to look at the two in front of him before slowly closing them. He felt a bit of panic in his heart.

Through the whisper Feng Xiao sent him, he vaguely knew the general situation. But he wasn’t surprised by the Snow Empress’ actions at all, not one bit!

As Xiao Bai went forward, the surrounding area became colder, but the strange warm atmosphere around Feng Xiao and Bing Xue Er made the coldness much weaker.

After three hours, Feng Xiao was still in a daze. He didn’t know what the Snow Empress had talked to him about on the way, he just vaguely felt that he had said everything.

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The Snow Empress had a faint smile on her face the entire time. She had smiled more today than in the entire past thousand years. She knew in her heart that it wasn’t that she didn’t know to smile, but rather she could only smile when she was with him……Suddenly she opened her eyes and a blue glow appeared in them as she leaned back even more.

“Yan’er, take care of them!”

With a wave of that jade hand, the Freezing Ice Goose appeared in the sky with a cry. Then it charged at the Snow Birds that blocked the way with a thought from its master.

Feng Xiao had just called out the Xuanyuan Sword before taking it back. He watched the large white figure flying around in the sky.

Let me see the might of a Divine Beast!


With a cry that rang through the sky, it rang through the snowy plains. Before Feng Xiao recovered from this cry, there was a wild snow storm that fell from the sky and swept across all of its targets.

Flying Snow Filling the Sky!

Feng Xiao who wanted to see the might of a Divine Beast realized that he made a mistake. That was because before he could even enjoy it, the fight had only lasted a single second……

With the snowstorm mercilessly falling, no one could see the surrounding area. The snow fell for a total of ten seconds, but Feng Xiao could see that whether it was the sky or the land, those monsters that had high water resistances turned into corpses in just a single second as large damage figures appeared.

Divine Beast! This was the might of a Divine Beast!

Just with that move, it wouldn’t be a problem to kill him several dozen times!

The official forums of «Rebirth» had vaguely pointed out: A Divine Beast required at least ten thousand players of the same level to defeat it. As for a Super Divine Beast, it required several tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand……As for a Sacred Beast, it was impossible to fight.

These powerful Divine Beast and Super Divine Beast had a specialty about them. They wouldn’t respawn like the normal bosses that were killed and each one killed meant that there was one less. The only method of creating these powerful monsters was to wait for an opportunity and evolve over a long period of time.

After not wasting any effort to kill these low level monsters, the Freezing Ice Goose looked at Feng Xiao for a few seconds before turning into white light and disappearing into the Snow Empress’ body.

Seeing the look of praise on his face, the Snow Empress revealed the happiness of a little girl in love. Taking out these monsters that she didn’t even need to pay attention to, she just wanted to show off in front of Feng Xiao. The current her had completely put down her restraint and dignity as an empress and just wanted to do everything that she could to get his approval, to stay by his side.

The noble Snow Empress had become the most normal girl after falling in love. She was even more reckless than some people. The current her was like a mouth who had been called to the flame and dived in without a single care.

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Seeing her change like this, Feng Xiao gave a sigh again.

Just how should he face her?

Could it be that he and her were really destined? Or was it luck that he was chosen by the «Rebirth» to become her destined man?

If this was true, if the system chose another person……

Thinking of the Snow Empress loving another man, there was a strong irritated feeling in Feng Xiao’s heart……before he was suddenly surprised.

The possessive feeling in his heart had actually become this strong!

Xiao Bai quickly flew forward, scattering the snow and ice around them. Feng Xiao had fallen into Bing Xue Er’s gentle voice and had completely forgotten to use the “Infinite Space Gate” to return to the Extreme Glacier. They just continued through the snow area that they had passed through before.

Finally, the snow was no longer as soft and the ice sword formed by the cold slowly revealed its true form.

“We’re finally back at the Extreme Glacier!” Seeing the glacier that reached the clouds, Feng Xiao let out a long sigh of relief. He reached his hand out behind him and patted the shivering Chen Bing behind him.

Once they entered the Extreme Glacier, the two of them could only endure for a small area. At that time, they would have to depend on Bing Xue Er to release her protective Forbidden Spell.

“Xiao Bai, charge……Wait!”

Feng Xiao stopped Xiao Bai under him and he looked at the Extreme Glacier entrance with a serious look. The two ice cold eyes made his heart unable to stop itself from tensing.

Bing Xue Er who had her eyes closed suddenly opened them as they became ice cold.

Ice Armour Heaven Shattering Dragon!

With the Absolute Heaven’s protection, Feng Xiao didn’t need to fear it at all and didn’t need to care about it. His left hand with the sealed Space Ring raised and he was about to use the “Infinite Space Gate”.

“Yan’er, beat it!”

Feng Xiao quickly pulled back his hand as his eyes suddenly burned. A Divine Beast against a Divine Beast, how could he miss this shocking scene!

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