Life-Saving Days by the Husky’s Side

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Hands off

Zhou Li remembered the videos of burning incense and worship* he had seen on the internet and guessed that people in the film and television industry were all somewhat superstitious. He let out a laugh and continued with the topic, “What troubles did he leave you?”

[T/N: before filming starts, the crew would pray for good luck]

Ji Tianyang hesitated and said, “There is something ba… I’ll tell you, but you can’t be scared.”

Zhou Li boasted, “No problem, just tell me. There’s nothing that can scare me.”

Ji Tianyang cautiously probed, “Last time you saw that husky, didn’t you think it no longer recognised you?”

Zhou Li said, “En, I think it’s because it got whacked in the head, maybe it got amnesia?”

God knows how the beating can give it amnesia.

Ji Tianyang endured the twitches urging to pull at the corners of his lips and said, “It did not. It’s because my uncle works with a certain specialisation.”

He quickly explained the backstory and aftermath of the ordeal and closely observed Zhou Li’s state. Seeing that he had no reaction at all, as if his soul had left, he couldn’t help saying, “You absolutely must not break up with him over this, otherwise he will send me to my death.”

Zhou Li took a sip of the wine in his glass and calmly said, “I won’t. You can continue.”

“…there’s nothing else.” Ji Tianyang peered at him again. “Are you really all right?”

Zhou Li said, “En. I just suddenly understood everything I didn’t understand before.”

He appeased, “Don’t worry, if I say I’m okay then I’m okay. I’ve already experienced such a thing like transmigrating, this won’t scare me.”

Ji Tianyang also thought this, so he said, “In short, such a pot landed on me. When I came over, the husky had already run away.”

Zhou Li sympathised and said, “You were quite wronged.”

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He thought it was bad enough for him to transmigrate through and immediately step on the dog’s head. As it turns out, there was someone worse off. Even he couldn’t think of how to develop a good impression if he stood in Ji Tianyang’s position.

“It’s not just being wronged, I’m facing a complete tragedy.” Ji Tianyang complained, “I wanted to quickly get him back and compensate for the accident. I emphasised thousands of times to Er Ye that they must bring him back to me undamaged, but they actually beat him.”

He sadly assessed, “He absolutely despises me now. I’ve been in the entertainment industry for so long and I have never met a person like him. Hearing him talk to me with that gentle voice all day, I’m constantly panicking.”

Zhou Li subconsciously retorted, “But isn’t he handsome when he does that?”

Ji Tianyang said, “That’s what you think.”

Zhou Li thought for a while before acquiescing.

Ji Tianyang observed his expression, not knowing what he was thinking, then promptly changed the subject. “What were you back then?”

Zhou Li said, “Student.”

Seeing that he didn’t plan to continue, Ji Tianyang didn’t probe any further, asking, “Then do you know that this thing is called Zhonglian?”

Zhou Li said, “I just found out.”

Ji Tianyang was very curious. “Really? I couldn’t find anything on it, how did you find out?”

Zhou Li smiled and said, “It was a coincidence. I wanted to study the history of this place not too long ago and went to the university to listen in on a professor’s lecture. They happened to be learning about the Tiansang tribe.”

Ji Tianyang: “Tiansang tribe?”

Zhou Li: “En, a former ethnic group. Zhonglian was the tribe’s holy artifact. You didn’t know?”

Ji Tianyang’s expression was subtle. “This… The story back in my place was about a certain emperor who pursued immortality and invited eight eminent monks of Virtue and Taoism during ancient times. It took a long eighty one days to create the one jade lotus petal, which was later named Zhonglian. They said the person wearing it will be reborn. Unfortunately, the emperor died before they reached the eight-first day. The new emperor didn’t like these types of things and wanted to kill all the monks involved, but then the monks and the jade mysteriously disappeared together.”

Zhou Li: “……”

Ji Shaoyan, on the other end of the phone: “……”

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Ji Tianyang said, “I got the jade pendant by accident. After listening to the legend, I felt it was a little ridiculous, but that piece of jade was pretty good-looking so I kept wearing it.”

He speculated, “So it’s likely that the legend is different in every world?”

Zhou Li: “Possibly.”

If the jade petals were really scattered across the three thousand worlds, then their existence is legitimate and different versions of their creation will naturally emerge.

Therefore, the ‘Tiansang tribe’ in this world was probably not the true source, but rather something like a superstitious excuse, otherwise he couldn’t think of any scientific energy that could tear apart time and space and scatter the jade petals across many worlds like they were beans.

Ji Tianyang asked, “What else did they say about the Tiansang tribe here?”

Zhou Li briefly went over the contents of the ancient book for him.

Ji Tianyang listened carefully and nodded. “It’s more detailed than what I’ve heard. At least they mentioned the concept of liminal space. There’s an extra ability that was mentioned in my world, that the jade pendants attract each other, so if there are two or more people who transmigrated through the jade petals in the same world, they must stay in the same camp, otherwise one of them will run into misfortune.”

He picked up his glass to toast Zhou Li and sincerely said, “From now on, if Zhou-ge runs into anything, please tell me. And if my brother comes to ask me for repayment, please save my life.”

Zhou Li laughed out loud and reached out to clink their glasses together. After chatting for a while more, the two left separately.

He watched Ji Tianyang take a taxi and leave, then returned to the club, joining Ji Shaoyan in the other private room.

Ji Shaoyan dismissed the bodyguard who had been called over in case of things going downhill, and asked, “What do you think?”

Zhou Li walked to his side and sat down, saying, “I couldn’t see any signs of him lying.”

Ji Shaoyan said, “After all, he is an actor.”

Zhou Li smiled, not commenting.

Ji Shaoyan saw him take out his phone to check what he was eating for dinner and stabbed a fork into a piece of fruit to feed him, wiping the corner of the other’s mouth with his thumb along the way. He suddenly spoke up, “The ancient book we saw today wrote that the Zhonglian can take people to other worlds that also have the jade petals, such as yours.”

Zhou Li hummed “en” and said, “What about it?”

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Ji Shaoyan said, “If you take this piece of jade to transmigrate again, the world you go to will also have one of Zhonglian’s petals. If you are lucky enough to find it in that world, then in theory, you can live forever.”

Zhou Li’s skin erupted with goosebumps at this statement. Knowing what he was hinting at, he said, “That can’t be right ba?”

He thought for a while, “For example, if I travel to another place, then there will be no ‘me’ in this world. Who will I replace when I come back?”

Ji Shaoyan guessed, “Professor Xia said that all worlds will experience a horizontal jump at that exact moment. Every world has its own reincarnation system, so if the extra soul belonging to ‘you’ returns to your previous world to fill the vacancy, won’t that fix everything?”

Zhou Li thought about this, unable to refute.

Ji Shaoyan touched his chin. “In short, don’t let him know that the jade of this world is already with you.”

Zhou Li hummed again, thinking about the possibility of this being the truth, and said, “Then you’ve really made a profit.”

Ji Shaoyan raised an eyebrow.

Zhou Li said, “Think about it, if he has really transmigrated more than once, he will be at least two hundred years old if you add up his total age. Someone more than two hundred years old calling you ‘Ge’ every day, isn’t it refreshing?”

Ji Shaoyan asked in return, “Would you think it’s refreshing?”

Zhou Li said, “I would ah.”

Ji Shaoyan knew that there was a pit in his mind so he didn’t care about his opinions, pulling him up and dragging them outside.

Zhou Li followed him, seriously thinking about this matter, and said, “If he hasn’t seen it, and doesn’t know you are the male lead, then there would’ve been no reason to get you back. So that means his innate character must be pretty good ba?”

Ji Shaoyan said, “Wait for me to observe, then we’ll see.”

Zhou Li hummed “en“.

Neither of them held knowledge of the whole truth, so it was impossible for them to expose everything in their hearts as soon as they revealed their roles. It was natural for the two of them to hold back some facts. Zhou Li concealed the existence of the jade petal on his side, and Ji Tianyang may have also concealed something on his side. But the days ahead are still very long, and Ji Shaoyan’s eyes are as poisonous as ever. Ji Tianyang dangled in his sight every day and sooner or later, he would see what kind of person the opposition was. If his innate character was really as good as he claimed, then it was not too late to make friends.

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After the two of them ate dinner, Ji Shaoyan followed him home once more.

Zhou Li: “If you always stay at my house, won’t your grandfather grow suspicious?”

Ji Shaoyan: “He hasn’t been home these few days, he’ll be back tomorrow night.”

After saying this, he added gently, “My stepmother only thinks about grabbing my pigtails all day. This has been hidden for a while now, so it won’t matter even if he finds out.”

Seeing his calm demeanor, Zhou Li couldn’t be bothered to fight back. He dragged him to their small in-house cinema as per usual to watch a movie. When he came out after a shower, he saw Ji Shaoyan take out the playing cards.

Ji Shaoyan smiled slightly. “Still want to play?”

Zhou Li was very happy. “If you wanted to, just say so.”

The two proceeded to fully arm themselves and played late into the night.

Fortune favoured in turns and Ji Shaoyan finally got what he wanted this time, successfully stripping Zhou Li down.

Seeing the other’s particularly good-looking smile, Zhou Li felt he was going to experience a bout of misfortune and reminded, “I haven’t finished telling you that《Pirates of the Caribbean》story yet, don’t you want to know what happened to Elizabeth?”

Ji Shaoyan was in a good mood and mercifully said, “En, you can tell me ba.”

Zhou Li quickly recalled the plot and settled down beside him to start storytelling. “Elizabeth ran away in fright and ran into Captain Barbossa in a panic, only to find that the captain was also a skeleton. Then, the captain told her about the curse of the gold coins…”

He paused slightly, unable to continue.

Ji Shaoyan’s hands are wandering too far!

The author has something to say:

Zhou Li: Can you please remove your hand!

Ji Shaoyan: No =W=

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