Ji Shaoyan stripped Zhou Li down while he still had his pajamas and underwear left.

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He leaned against the headboard with a gentle expression on his face, as if he were sitting in a classroom, teaching his classmates. Smiling, he said, “En, the curse of the gold coins, and then?”

Zhou Li tried to move his hand away, but it wasn’t even another two sentences later when the same hand returned to his body.

He was silent for a few seconds. “Do you want to listen or not?”

Ji Shaoyan squeezed his chin with his free hand, leaning in to kiss him. His eyes seemed to hold the desire to digest his entire body. He softly laughed, “I want to listen, you can keep talking.”

This light laugh seemed to form into a hook, one that could directly hook into a person’s heart.

Zhou Li’s spine* tingled. For the first time, he realised how nice this young master’s voice was to the ears. However, this menace was still not finished. Not only did he refuse to let go, but the young master also leaned slightly closer, wrapping his arms around his body.

[T/N: technically, scalp became numb, but that sounds weird]

With a change in strategy, he quickly added, “When Barbossa saw Elizabeth freeze from the shock, he was so happy that he clasped his hands and sang a song. The great river flows to the east wa, the stars in the sky form Big Dipper wa——!”

[T/N: had to find clips to see if Barbossa ever sang. He did not. This song is called 好汉歌/The heroic song, which ZL started singing to break the mood haha]

Ji Shaoyan: “……”

Zhou Li silently stared back with an innocent expression.

Ji Shaoyan returned to his senses and lovingly assured, “Sing, I’m already used to it.”

Zhou Li was very obedient. “Hehehehe, the Big Dipper wa, friends in life and death share a bowl of wine wa——!”

Ji Shaoyan remained unaffected, pulling him into his arms.

Zhou Li roared, “If you say to go, we will go wa, you have, I have, we all have it wa——!”

Ji Shaoyan kept smiling and kissed him again, as if he was encouraging.

Zhou Li opened his mouth, then opened his mouth again. This time, he couldn’t even sing a single word anymore.

Was Young Master Ji ruthless or what? Even with the accompanying 《The Hero’s Song》, he still had the desire to eat tofu*. Zhou Li’s adam’s apple bobbed slightly. “…are you a normal human being?”

[T/N: sexual harassment]

Young Master Ji was very calm. “No. Didn’t you already know this long ago?”

Zhou Li, too, had no idea what essential part of his own brain was missing, because thought that the young master’s moral character was very charming. Even so, he couldn’t help but complain, “Didn’t you say you wouldn’t do anything to me?”

Ji Shaoyan faintly smiled. “I said that for yesterday’s stay.”

Zhou Li took a deep breath, recalling the lingering kiss he received yesterday, and said, “You didn’t comply all that much yesterday either.”

Ji Shaoyan displayed a good attitude. “I was wrong.”

He murmured against the corner of his lips, “I shall compensate you.”

Zhou Li has never suffered so much physically or mentally in his lifetime. “…I am a minor, please pay attention.”

Ji Shaoyan chuckled in a low voice. “Baby*, I am not so far gone that I would push things further.”

[T/N: ‘baobei-er’ aaaah! After that, JSY is saying “I have not become that thirsty of a beast (that I would push for sex)”]

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Zhou Li’s spine grew numb again at the sound of this voice. His reason was completely destroyed as he took the initiative to kiss the other boy.

The next morning, Zhou Lubo went to sit at the dining table and noticed that the atmosphere between the two people was slightly delicate.

Ji Shaoyan smiled too brilliantly, and his little brother was similarly in a good mood. The two sat closer than before, and their eyes could collide from time to time.

Oh, the honeymoon phase.

It was as if they could become inexplicably happy just by seeing a blade of grass.

He remembered going back to his bedroom from the study last night, passing by a certain someone’s room and vaguely hearing someone singing that magical song. He lowered his head to eat and stopped looking at them.

Zhou Luwen looked at Zhou Li and told him that today was the last day of the half-month agreement.

He talked with the little brothers last night. They will be free after they clock out in the morning and they can have lunch together at noon.

It was without saying that Zhou Li would go for the meal, particularly wanting to know what happened to those stupid little hooligans.

Ji Shaoyan had nothing better to do, so he decided to accompany Zhou Li.

Zhou Luwen chose the restaurant and headed over with the pair at noon to meet with the little brothers.

There were both good and bad outcomes following the incident last time.

The good thing was that the little brothers were on the news with a positive image, but the bad thing was that when they got excited, they had blown their own praises in front of the media. There was no way to step down halfway. They could only endure for half a month, and had all blackened to some degree.

RIght now, seeing Zhou Li, they almost wanted to grab onto his thighs and start bawling.

The life of deliverymen was too difficult. They had all developed a psychological shadow to the sound of a phone ringing.

Zhou Li observed them and asked, “Let’s talk ba, what are your feelings and thoughts, how is this line of work?”

The little brothers said, “…it’s okay.”

Zhou Li smiled. “If it’s okay, you should just continue with this job. I won’t force you to study in the future.”

The little brothers instantly shook their heads. “No, no, no, we’re students, we must naturally focus on our studies.”

“Life needs periods of excitement. We have come, loved, cried, laughed, and that is enough.”

“That’s right, we’ve already experienced our share of glory. How can we fail the expectations of our parents and the netizens?”

Zhou Li laughed loudly. “Then should we continue our tutoring sessions from next week onwards?”

The little brothers said, “Yes, let’s do it!”

Zhou Li looked at Er-ge and Lao San, and saw their expressions hold some hints of hesitation. He thought to himself, they couldn’t actually be considering promoting the takeaway business, right?

He asked, “Do you have other ideas? If you do, just put it out here.”

The other little brothers also looked at them, without any surprise in their expressions. They obviously knew what was going on.

Lao San looked at Er-ge. Er-ge hesitated for a few seconds, then he took out a contract from his backpack and handed it to Zhou Li. “It’s like this, last time with the arrest and the police station, Lao San biting someone and me cheering him on was recorded and posted online, and it became trending. Later, our interview was made into a meme, and also grew in popularity. A live broadcast platform came to us and asked if we could be the anchors…”

Zhou Li: “……”

Ji Shaoyan: “……”

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Zhou Luwen: “……”

This was never about cultivating delivery boys. It was all about cultivating two internet celebrities.

Zhou Li silently accepted the contract. He had lost count of how many times his predictions have swerved completely in the other direction. He couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. Because this industry was emerging, some powerful anchors could make enough money in a year that ordinary people could only make in a few lifetimes.

And to be honest, these stupid little teenagers had quite a lot of entertainment points in their skillset. It wasn’t easy for him to analyse whether this was good or bad, and he subconsciously looked to Ji Shaoyan for help.

Ji Shaoyan said, “Do you two want to do this?”

Er-ge scratched his head. “It looks…it looks interesting, I want to try.”

Zhou Li thought that his plans may be ending right here and now; there was no need to follow up any further.

Ji Shaoyan said, “Try it if you want to.”

He didn’t wait for them to be happy, immediately following up, “But you are still students. Frequent live broadcasts will lead to backlash. We will take care of the contract for you. You can only broadcast live on weekends. After finishing your tutoring sessions, you can only broadcast for two hours after. Let’s see how things go first.”

Zhou Li had also thought of a similar solution.

This way, they will not be delayed in their studies, but it still left them another path if they chose to pursue this job.

Er-ge and Lao San naturally listened to them and responded with visible joy.

After they all finished discussing their business, the food was finally served to the table.

The little brothers exchanged looks with each other and stood up in tandem, all holding their tea cups.

“Ying-ge, replacing wine with tea*, this round is for you!”

[T/N: when people who are weak against alcohol but still want the same meaning as if they were offering wine]

“Finding a tutor for us, taking so much time out of your life for us, calling you Dad isn’t enough!”

“You, are our Dage for a lifetime!”

“From now on, whether it’s going up a mountain of swords or into a sea of fire, just say one word and we will go through fire and water without hesitation!”

Zhou Li, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, also stood up, knocking glasses with each of them and raised his head to down his drink. Feeling a rare opportunity arise, he pointed to Ji Shaoyan next to him. “You all know who this is ba?”

The little brothers were already completely devoted to Young Master Ji and chorused, “Of course!”

“Right, we also offer a round to Ji-shao and Wen-ge. We are no longer in the same school as Ying-ge, so he will be under your care in the future!”

“We kindly request this of you!”

“Don’t be so quick to pay your respects, wait for me to finish.” Zhou Li held Ji Shaoyan’s hand. “I just got together with him not too long ago. I will introduce him to you again today. This is my boyfriend.”

The little brothers: “……”


Tea was spilled over the table.

The group of boys yelled in unison, “What?“

Zhou Li said, “My boyfriend.”

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He knew that a small urban area like Xiangman Town might not be accepting of this kind of thing and added more anyone could say anything, “If you are discriminant then speak now, don’t stay silent and secretly keep the discomfort in your heart.”

The little brothers immediately returned to the present.

“No way, you are our Dage ah, if someone talks shit about you, we will definitely beat him up!”

“Right, we’ll punch all his shit outta him!”

“Fuck, shut up, we’re eating!”

“Sorry sorry sorry, punch the food outta him!”


Zhou Li: “……”

Ji Shaoyan: “……”

Zhou Luwen: “……”

The private room sunk into chaos* for a short while before everyone settled down to honestly eat their food.

[T/N: literally, flying chickens, jumping dogs]

Later, the little brothers felt that drinking tea was not enough, so they ordered a few bottles of wine, but once they became drunk one by one, in the end all of them clambered over Zhou Li and howled with tears down their faces.

Ji Shaoyan narrowed his eyes in an obviously poor mood, resisting the urge to chop off their paws and reaching to snatch his person back.

The little boys suddenly remembered something and turned around to hold Zhou Luwen instead.

Xiao Wu was sitting next to Zhou Li. Because he drank a lot, he was currently lacking a clear expression. “Ge, I’m not going to university. I’ll be your bodyguard.”

He was still thinking about this?

Zhou Li reasoned, “Bodyguards also need a solid education. I will go abroad in the future, so you must at least speak English.”

Xiao Wu said, “I will learn.”

Zhou Li said, “If you can’t even study properly, how can I believe you will put effort into learning other things?”

Xiao Wu’s wooden face reacted slightly, feeling what he said made sense, then nodded and fell asleep on the table.

This meal ended when everyone had a little too much of their fill.

Zhou Li packed them up and threw them into the car, sending them to their rental home, waiting for them to sober up in the afternoon before they started tidying up their things to return home.

Grandpa Ji was to return today and Ji Shaoyan had to accompany the old man for dinner, so he didn’t stay the night.

Zhou Li laid in his bed alone, feeling like something was missing. After rolling around twice, he finally fell asleep. The next day, he went to school with his bag on his back. The moment he stepped out of the elevator, he saw a poster promoting the campus festival in the resting area and heard other people discussing this same topic when he stepped into the classroom.

He casually eavesdropped in on a few conversations and asked, “Our class is putting on a play? How can it be decided so quickly?”

His deskmate said, “No, we chose this last semester.”

Zhou Li understood, curiously asking what they chose to put on, and found out that they had settled on《Snow White》.

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Although the plot was a little different from that in his world, they had roughly the same outline and the characters were all constant. Perhaps a transmigrater from long ago popularised this story, where it was passed down many generations until the story became like so.

He asked, “Then who’s playing who ah?”

“Still discussing.” The class monitor interrupted from the side and looked at him, “Is Zhou-shao interested? How about playing the prince for us?”

“Fuck, that’s brilliant.” The class leader and his small group hurriedly stepped forward and spouted exaggerated praises*. “Just the appearance of our Zhou-shao is the perfect semblance of a prince!”

[T/N: literally, blew rainbow farts]

The class monitor also had stars in her eyes, clearly thinking that this could work.

Zhou Li looked at them and said, “It’s a play, be creative, it’ll have more impact.”

The monitor said, “Such as?”

Zhou Li said, “Such as getting a person to play a role that no one could match their name to. It’ll also be quite interesting.”

He was afraid that they still wanted to pull him into the water, so he added, “Furthermore, this is a class activity. What if someone wants to participate but they’re too embarrassed to bring it up, what should we do then?”

The monitor humbly asked for advice, “What’s your idea?”

Zhou Li said, “How about we take lots ba? Write down all the stage roles and behind-the-scenes roles, people play whatever they grab. Not only will it be more nerve-racking, but it’ll give everyone the chance to participate.”

The class leader and his small group once again sung his praises. “So talented, we all agree!”

If there was one, then another will follow. Soon, everyone was keen to try this out.

The class monitor quickly tore a few pieces of paper to make the lottery. More than twenty people in the class grabbed at a role and selected their respective positions on or off stage.

When Zhou Li sat in the cafeteria with Ji Shaoyan at noon, Liang Jingxiu and the others happened to come across the topic of the campus festival. They found out that Zhou Li and his class had already decided to perform a play, and asked, “Are you participating?”

Zhou Li hummed “en”.

Ji Shaoyan glanced at him. “Who are you playing?”

Zhou Li said, “A rather important role.”

Liang Jingxiu asked, “The prince?”

The hand Ji Shaoyan had around his cup paused mid-air. He thought about how the prince would kiss the princess, and that even if it was a fake kiss, he won’t be happy to watch such a scene either.

He continued to stare at Zhou Li and saw the other boy shake his head.

Liang Jingxiu was bewildered. “What are you playing if not the prince? It can’t be that you’re playing Snow White.”

Zhou Li said, “Neither.”

“Then you’re playing one of the dwarfs?” Liang Jingxiu looked at him. “Is your class so extravagant? Letting such a handsome guy have the role of a short dwarf.”

Zhou Li took a sip of coffee and finally confessed, “I’m playing the magic mirror.”

The author has something to say:

Ji Shaoyan: Magic Mirror, who is the best looking person in the world?

Zhou Li: Do you even need to ask? Of course it’s me!

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