Lin Shuya really has a wide range of contacts in the circle. I didn't expect that even the president of kno can be online, or how to say that she is the most entertainer in the background

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Speaking room, the audition has officially begun.

The audition venue is a large T-stage. The artists wear kno clothes to show up in turn. Kno audition officers and staff are under the stage.

Accompanied by the noise at the entrance of the backstage, a tall and handsome man came around.

The man is wearing a black suit with gorgeous constellation embroidery on the back. The Silver Cufflinks of the cufflinks are unique in design, which seems to be the style of a gear accessory on the car.

Wide shoulders and narrow hips, a pair of big long legs are quite eye-catching, and the pair of peach blossom eyes seem to be discharged and embedded with starlight.

"General manager Ji, this side is ready to start at any time." The staff next to him spoke carefully.

Ji Mingzhe raised his hand in boredom. "Let's start. Hurry up. I have something to do later."

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"OK, OK, now!"

Soon, artists who went backstage to change their clothes began to play one after another.

The competition was really fierce this time. All the female artists came from the front-line or even super front-line in the circle.

Even without Lin Shuya, Lin Yan's current coffee position and force can't meet their requirements.

The female artists came on stage one by one. The time per person was no more than three minutes, and the speed was very fast.

In the back, it has become three or five people on the stage together.

Ji Mingzhe always has a casual expression of not waking up. Even an emperor who is used to beauty, his eyes pass one by one from the artists in the audition.

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The assistant next to him brought him a cup of coffee. "Mr. Ji, your coffee."

The assistant looked at the stage and said, "Mr. Ji, please don't be impatient. It's Miss Lin Shuya's turn right away..."

Ji Mingzhe took the coffee, took a sip and nodded without expression.

Someone recommended Lin Shuya to him before. He looked at her information and it was really appropriate.

Ji Mingzhe looked at the information in his hand and looked at Lin Shuya on the stage.

The audition effect is also good

The assistant said, "Mr. Ji, Miss Lin Shuya's temperament is really good, which is very suitable for our style..."

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Ji Mingzhe didn't speak, but nodded slightly, "it's OK."

Although not too amazing, there are not many qualified candidates in the domestic circle. Lin Shuya can already be considered.

The assistant looked at Ji Mingzhe's expression and knew that Lin Shuya was the candidate for the spokesman.

The faces of several other interviewers nearby also looked very satisfied.

"This is not bad, in line with our audience..."

"It is said that he was admitted to the Imperial Academy of film and television with the first place. He is a student of old Feng!"


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The assistant secretly took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Han Yixuan to tell him the good news. It was a favor to sell him.

Ji Mingzhe has decided to be Lin Shuya, so the female artist in the next audition can only be regarded as a formality.

So the assistant gave the back staff a color to speed up.

Soon the remaining seven or eight artists came to the stage together.

Lin Yan was arranged at the end, so he was also among the last batch of auditees.

Ji Mingzhe glanced carelessly and was ready to leave.

However, at the moment when he was ready to get up, when Yu Guang swept to a corner, his eyes seemed to be burned. Then, almost all his blood boiled

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