Ji Mingzhe's hand holding the coffee trembled fiercely, and most of the remaining coffee spilled on his suit pants in an instant.

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It's a mess.

"Mr. Ji! Mr. Ji, are you okay?" The assistant was startled and hurried to get a paper towel for him to wipe.

However, Ji Mingzhe pushed him away and looked in a direction on the stage. It seemed that he couldn't believe it

"President Ji... President Ji..."

"Shut up!"

Ji Mingzhe's sight is like a root.

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Ji Mingzhe didn't come back until all the artists on the stage went down, "resume! Give me your resume!"

"Ah?" The assistant looked confused and thought he wanted Lin Shuya's resume, so he quickly found Lin Shuya's resume and handed it to him.

Ji Mingzhe just glanced and threw it aside. "It's not her. Just the resumes of these eight people on the stage. Find them for me!"

The assistant didn't know what had happened, so he had to quickly find out all the resumes of the last audition to Ji Mingzhe according to Ji Mingzhe's requirements.

Ji Mingzhe swept the past one by one, looking more and more anxious.

Finally, he finally saw the familiar photos on the last resume

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"Lin Yan..." Ji Mingzhe stared at the name, his eyes shining, "it turns out... Her Chinese name is Lin Yan..."

"Mr. Ji..." the assistant has never seen his boss look so impolite. He can't help worrying, "what's the problem?"

Ji Mingzhe held the resume like a treasure.

Then Ji Mingzhe turned around and said to his assistant and other interviewers present, "I have decided on kno's latest spokesman this year."

"Who is Ji zongding?"

"Is it Lin Shuya?"

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When they asked, they basically concluded that the man appointed by Ji Mingzhe was Lin Shuya.

Ji Mingzhe slightly closed his eyes and seemed to be remembering something. Then he raised his head and said, "Lin Yan. The spokesman of this session is Lin Yan."

When Ji Mingzhe heard the name "Lin Yan" from his mouth, all the other interviewers nearby were surprised, and the assistant was shocked.

"What? Lin Yan?"

The assistant was completely frightened by Ji Mingzhe's amazing decision and anxiously said, "boss, I'm afraid this artist is not suitable. Her image doesn't match our positioning!"

Another interviewer on the side also said, "I'm impressed by the information of this artist. Her education is too low. She has only a high school education. How can she be our spokesman? It's just a joke..."

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"Yes! What do our customers think of such an image as our spokesman? Our customers are senior intellectuals and even scientific researchers in top fields!"

As soon as Ji Mingzhe's decision came out, it was opposed by almost everyone.

However, some smart interviewers found that Ji Mingzhe's attitude was different, so they tried to ask, "well, Mr. Ji, didn't you always intend to let Miss Lin Shuya be our spokesman? Why did you suddenly change your mind? This Miss Lin Yan is yours..."

Unless Lin Yan has something to do with Ji Mingzhe, why does Ji Mingzhe suddenly change people?

Reminded by the interviewer, others also reacted and wondered what the relationship between Lin Yan and Ji Mingzhe was.

Ji Mingzhe smiled, then lowered his eyes, kissed the resume in his hand with great piety, and whispered, "she is my... First love..."

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