Today's fashion dinner is also a press conference for kno's official spokesman.

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All the top media in the circle were present, and all the magnesium lights were aimed at the two people on the stage.

Ji Mingzhe held the microphone and cleared his throat. First, he said some polite opening remarks as in previous years. Then he looked at Lin Yan and said, "thank you very much for coming. Tonight, we have another very important thing. I believe you all know. Today I want to announce our latest spokesman for kno..."

Ji Mingzhe paused and then continued to say, "that's the one on my side, Lin Yan of peak entertainment, Miss Lin!"

If we all thought that Lin Yan's spokesman might change in the end, now Ji Mingzhe's official announcement in public is a certainty.

Immediately everyone present was in an uproar, and the audience watching the live broadcast was also filled with righteous indignation.

[no! I thought it was false news! It was really Lin Yan!]

[is there any mistake? This is kno, the brain disabled high-level candidate?]

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[isn't Lin Shuya fragrant? Xueba of DIDU film and television doesn't want to choose Lin Yan, who is ignorant and incompetent???]


Sure enough, some reporters began to ask questions and challenge.

"Mr. Ji, what are the criteria and conditions for your company to select spokesmen?"

"As we all know, kno is aimed at high-end people. Why did you choose Linyan this time?"

"I don't know what you think of some online remarks about Lin Yan's not in line with kno's positioning. Is there any dereliction of duty on the part of the company's senior management when selecting a spokesperson?"

Facing a series of questions, Ji Mingzhe's expression was extremely calm and unchanged. He smiled and continued to say, "just in time, I'll take advantage of today's opportunity to answer the questions that many friends are more concerned about."

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The reporters were temporarily quiet when they heard the speech and listened to Ji Mingzhe.

Ji Mingzhe continued, "I personally set the candidate for kno's latest spokesman this year."


Ji Mingzhe decided it himself?

Everyone was surprised when they heard this answer. They thought it should be the decision of the advertising department. Ji Mingzhe, the president, didn't know about the entertainment industry, so he didn't know it.

But unexpectedly, Ji Mingzhe told everyone directly that he chose the spokesman himself.

Under the stage, Meirui, the director of advertising department who was forced to carry the pot, was tearful. The boss was so handsome!

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"I just said who was picked by the mentally retarded senior management, but Ji Mingzhe chose it himself?"

"What does Ji Mingzhe think?"

All the people don't understand what Ji Mingzhe's operation is.

Under the suspicious eyes of all the reporters and guests at the scene, Ji Mingzhe still had that calm smile on his face, ignored everyone's questioning eyes, and then said what would explode the whole network tomorrow——

"As for the reason for choosing Miss Lin Yan, it is because, Miss Lin Yan, she is my... First love."



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There was a strange silence in the whole banquet hall, and the crowd was silent.

The sentence echoed in everyone's mind: "Miss Lin Yan, she is my first love".

Not to mention these reporters and guests, even the party Lin Yan was stunned, choked by his own saliva, and choked vividly on the spot.

What the hell?

Is She Ji Mingzhe's first love?

Why doesn't she know?

Don't touch porcelain!

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