"I'll go! Amazing gossip! It's the party who broke the news!"

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"Kno president Ji Mingzhe actually revealed that Lin Yan was his first love!"

"Ji Mingzhe is so selective that he can actually see Lin Yan? Or his first love? Am I dreaming?"


Almost all the reporters, guests and fans before the live broadcast were fried.

People guessed what the relationship was between Lin Yan's departure and got the endorsement only when there was a backstage. They just didn't expect that the backstage was so hard.

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Lin Shuya's face was dark.

Is Lin Yan Ji Mingzhe's first love?

She didn't expect that Lin Yan had such a relationship with Ji Mingzhe, and it seems that Ji Mingzhe still remembers Lin Yan

But so what? Ji Mingzhe is so high-profile now. Lin Yan will fall badly later.

He Shanshan bit her teeth and said, "President Ji said on the spot that he chose Lin Yan's spokesman because Lin Yan is his first love. Doesn't this mean that he opened the back door for Lin Yan out of selfishness! Lin Yan is definitely finished this time!"

Lin Shuya sighed, "as president Ji, he didn't have much impact on himself. I'm afraid it's his sister's side, which doesn't end well..."

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People will only put the pot on Lin Yan, and kno's public relations will only attribute the responsibility to Lin Yan at that time.

Sure enough, after a brief shock, the reporters began to find the key to the problem.

"Mr. Ji, you just said that Miss Lin Yan was your first love, and you chose Miss Lin Yan as the spokesman of kno because of this. Can I think that Miss Lin Yan got this endorsement not because of her strength, but because of your selfishness?"

"As we all know, Miss Lin Yan's conditions can't be up to the standard of kno spokesman anyway!"

"Yes, it's unfair to other artists. Why can Lin Yan get this qualification?"

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Driven by people with intentions, the whole venue was in a mess, and everyone was questioning Ji Mingzhe's decision.

The kno executives under the stage were also anxious. They looked at Lin Yan with some anger. They didn't know what ecstasy the woman had given the president to make him do such a careless thing.

How can it end now!

This is really not like Ji Mingzhe's style.

Lin Yan's mind was full of Ji Mingzhe's "first love" and how to explain to Pei Yucheng when he was finished.

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In desperation, she could only lower her voice and speak to Ji Mingzhe, "Mr. Ji, are you mistaken? Or do you recognize the wrong person?"

Ji Mingzhe looked helplessly at Lin Yan, then showed the eyes of abandoned pets, and said, "primary school sister... You really hurt people... I think with my face, even if you rejected me at the beginning, you should not forget me..."

Lin Yan: "...??"

Wait, wait, elementary school sister? what do you mean?

Before Lin Yan reacted, he saw Ji Mingzhe facing the microphone, glancing at everyone present, and then opened his mouth, "although I chose Miss Lin Yan as the spokesman of kno, part of the reason is my selfishness, but also because she is the most suitable candidate."

Ji Mingzhe didn't wait for the people to question and continued, "Lin Yan is my first love. At the same time, he is also my primary school sister when I was at MIT."

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