"No matter how angry and puzzled you are, it's a fact and can't be changed." The girl said.

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"Don't splash dirty water. I'm not your father." Wang Jingyang frowned deeply.

"Of course you're not my father." The girl looked at Wang Jingyang coldly: "it's just that I have your genes in my body. Wang Jingyang was relieved that I could be a sound listener.

He said that he was so big that he was not interested in touching the girl's hand. Why did he suddenly jump out of such a big daughter

"Wait, you said you had my genes?" Wang Jingyang frowned: "who are you... Or who is your leader? How can you get my genes?"

The girl's words made Wang Jingyang look more and more surprised.

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If, over the years, there is only one person who has the opportunity to get his own genes and who has never been fortified

In Wang Jingyang's mind, Lin Yan's face suddenly appeared.

Over the years, if someone wants to get his genes, there is only one point in time.

A few years ago, because he evolved to a new level, his body could not bear it in a short time. At the critical point of physical collapse, he was sent to the hospital by Lin Yan who was unaware of it.

If you want to get his blood genes, only at that time, it can only be Lin Yan.

He was only unprepared for Lin Yan. Especially when he was weakest, he could easily feel anyone approaching, whether evolutionists or ordinary people, even when he was in a coma in the hospital.

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Therefore, even during his weakest time in the hospital, it is absolutely impossible for others to approach him and obtain his blood genes, except... Lin Yan?!

"You said you have my blood and my genes... Do you think it's easy for evolutionists like me to get blood genes by others?" Wang Jingyang smiled coldly.

He didn't believe the girl's words, and he wanted to set up a set of the girl.

"Maybe it's hard for others." The girl looked at Wang Jingyang expressionless: "but for the master, it's very simple."

"Master... So who is he?" Wang Jingyang said.

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"You have no right to know." The girl said.

Hearing the sound, Wang Jingyang sighed and pinched his eyebrows with a headache: "it's heartless. I don't recognize my father so soon."

"I will kill you and replace you. From now on, I am the only one in the world who controls the third-order gene." The girl said.

The girl's voice fell, and the whole person had crossed to Wang Jingyang's side and immediately punched out.

The extreme power of the evolutionist dispersed completely at this moment.


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The deafening sound of explosion sounded.

Wang Jingyang collided with the girl's fist like a falling star.

The next second, the girl was the same as before and flew out in an instant.

Wang Jingyang stood in place, looked at the girl who climbed up behind him and looked puzzled. He said faintly, "you do control the third-order gene, but you want to kill me in a thousand years."

"How could this be possible? The adult has solved the first-order gene, but he was shocked by Shanhai Tiangou in his normal state..." an old man looked surprised.

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