The girl stared at Wang Jingyang, who was able to deal with it freely. Although she was beaten twice by Wang Jingyang, there was still no expression on her face.

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"If your basic strength is 10, even if you turn on the third-order gene and multiply your combat power by 100, you will have only 1000 combat power at most." Wang Jingyang's eyes fell on the girl and said with a faint smile: "if my basic combat power is 10000, how can you defeat me with a combat power of 1000 after opening the third-order gene?"

The basic gap is too large. Even if the girl's evolutionary power soars after opening the third-order gene, she is also unlikely to be Wang Jingyang's opponent.

"Do you know much about third-order genes?" The girl looked at Wang Jingyang and said faintly.

Without giving Wang Jingyang the opportunity to speak, the girl's face finally changed a little, but it soon disappeared: "without your blood genes, I wouldn't have third-order genes... But the only difference is that I know third-order genes better than you."

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Hearing the sound, Wang Jingyang smiled and said, "you're really talking big."

This is the first time Wang Jingyang has heard that someone claims to know more about third-order genes than he does.

"I have your genes and blood... But unfortunately, after you untie the second-order genes, the body will pay a huge price and become an ordinary person. If you untie the third-order genes, you will die... And I don't have to pay any price."

As the girl's voice fell, the girl's momentum changed dramatically again.

At this moment, the girl's long hair danced in the air and her clothes fluttered. An invisible air wave surged from her body in all directions. The dust was flying. The huge trees around were cut off by the air wave. In a gray, it was like an ancient beast waking up.

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For a long time, this frightening force of evolutionists did not disperse. Several elderly people around showed a look of horror. For fear of impeccable disaster, they quickly retreated towards the rear.

"This is the third-order gene... You've never seen it."

The girl's deep eyes fell on Wang Jingyang, just a word, but it seemed to have great authority, which made people afraid and afraid to approach.

Although Wang Jingyang has mastered the third-order gene, he has never seen it. Once the third-order gene is applied, he will die. Since he has not applied it, he has never seen it.

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The girl's every move surprised Wang Jingyang.

At the moment, the girl seems to be a real God coming to the world. From her appearance to now, she has undergone earth shaking changes, just like two people.

Even Wang Jingyang could feel a trace of genetic oppression on the girl, and even he was a little uncomfortable.

"This is the third-order gene." Wang Jingyang was thoughtful.

"If false, replace it." The girl made a faint sound.

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Wang Jingyang has no doubt about the girl's words. Although he has not turned on the third-order gene, the seed of the third-order gene has always been hidden in his gene blood. His intuition tells Wang Jingyang that the girl's current state is indeed the state that should exist only after turning on the third-order gene.

"You won't die?"

Wang Jingyang frowned slightly.

He had never heard of or seen anything like this.

In theory, after opening the third-order gene, the gene cells will accelerate the combustion until they are exhausted, and there is no doubt that the evolutionist will die and there is no possibility of survival.

Once the third-order gene is turned on, the combat power will be increased dozens or even hundreds of times in a short time, and the evolutors must pay an extremely heavy price.

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