An old man beside Peili stepped forward and seemed to give orders on behalf of Peili.

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The old man stood on Pei Li's left side, word by word, with the dignity of overturning rivers and seas.

"Keep alive." The old man uttered a voice of indifference.

"Lord long, why do you keep alive?" The young man in red looked at the old man with a puzzled face.

The old man, known as the Dragon Lord, said indifferently: "it's necessary to remove the roots to cut grass. See which evolutionist force is behind these people. How dare they cheat on the leader's mother."

The young man in red touched his nose: "Oh, Lord long, what you said is reasonable, but I'm not feeling well today... I'm not in good shape. Go ahead..."

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As soon as the young man in red spoke, he saw that the old man on crutches was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he had broken through the defense line of several "immortal" members and came to Peili.

The evolutionary power displayed by the old man really surprised several "immortal" members. Several of them wanted to intercept the old man. They not only failed to achieve their goal, but suffered losses under the old man's hands.

"Slightly, my area of 30 meters is a restricted area!" Lori Xiaomeng, floating in the air, made a face at the old man with a cane.

"I don't know the height of heaven and earth." With a cold drink, the old man reached out and grabbed Xiaomeng.

The next second, the old man's pupils suddenly shrunk. The little girl in the air turned into a senro ghost up to 100 meters. The old man looked up and even the sky turned blood red.

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The old man frowned deeply and waved ten thousand kilograms of crutches in his hand. As a result, he failed to do any harm to the evil ghost of nasenro.

"When was the magic in..."

The old man kept remembering in his mind that he just looked at the little girl.

Before the old man thought deeply, his arm was in a sharp pain.

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The next second, the ghost disappeared and everything returned to its original state.

"Hahaha, you old man, I'll give you a knife." The young man in red is holding a bloody dagger in his hand and smiling proudly.

However, the half empty Xiaomeng was angry: "you fool, I just dragged him into my fantasy, you stabbed him, and my magic will dissipate!"

Xiaomeng looked at the boy in red and said, "you can stab him to death. Are you the spy sent from the opposite side? You fool, big idiot!"

Hearing the sound, the young man in red felt his nose awkwardly and immediately said, "what? I just planned to cut it. As a result, this old pickpocket, but I have a stomachache and missed the stab. It's not my fault. It's a state problem."

"Fire is fierce, you really can't accomplish anything, you can't defeat anything!" Suddenly, the Dragon Master shouted.

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"I said Mr. long, I just didn't stab him. Just kill him... As for hurting the child's heart so much."

At this moment, the cold sweat exuded from the Dragon Lord's forehead.

The young man in red was full of doubts: "Lord long, is this old man so strong that even you are sweating?"

As soon as the voice of Huo lie fell, a terrible and violent evolutionary force suddenly gushed out. For a moment, Huo lie's body seemed to be pressed by a mountain, and even his breathing began to be short.

"Is it... Pei Li?"

Huo lie looks at Pei Li with horror on his face. This is a sign that Pei Li is out of control!

"I'll go! What's going on! Pei Li shouldn't be out of control!!!" The fire was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground.

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