Xiaomeng, LONGYE and others also looked like the sky was falling.

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Xiaomeng "whooshed" and floated out of the distance: "what are you waiting for? Do you want to die? Run for your life!!!"

"Quick retreat -"

Lord long glanced at the audience and shouted loudly.

As long Ye spoke, all the members of "immortal" looked at Pei Li at the same time.

The next second, the crowd retreated in all directions as if they had seen a ghost.

They have seen Pei Li out of control. If they don't retreat now, they are afraid that everyone will die in Pei Li's hands.

After losing control, Peili is a devil in the real sense.

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The elder crutch and many of his men did not know what had happened, but the evolutionists who struggled with them fled here one after another, and only the little boy remained where he was.


The old man waved his crutch.

A young man took out a long dagger and immediately stabbed Peili.


The dagger pierced Pei Li's abdomen, which surprised the young man smoothly.

However, there was no sign of pain on the boy's face. In full view of the public, the boy pulled the dagger out of his abdomen, and didn't even see a trace of blood.

Pei Li's abdominal wound had recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, but there was a cut in his clothes pierced by a dagger.

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The young man was unbelievable. He had never heard of it, let alone seen such sensational self-healing ability.

The members of "immortal" hide in the distance, but their eyes are always staring at the situation ahead.

"These idiots, they don't think about why we run... Peili is an immortal monster, especially after losing control, they are unlucky today." Huo lie laughed.

"No!" Suddenly, little Laurie exclaimed, "Peili's mother is still there!"

"You fools, just run away?" Lord long frowned deeply.

Hearing the sound, everyone looked at each other. At that time, they were afraid and forgot Pei li

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"It's too dangerous. Go and bring Peili's mother!" Little Laurie hurried.

"It's so dangerous. Why don't you go?"

"I'm a girl. You let a girl do such a dangerous thing. Are you still human, and my body is very fragile..." said little Laurie.

"I won't go. I almost died in Pei Li's hand last time..."

"I want to go, but my strength doesn't allow it."

"Stop talking, let's go together." The dragon master frowned.


In the blink of an eye, the man fell to the ground. The terrible situation was frightening. The old crutch looked shocked and stared at Peili in disbelief.

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How can you grow to this point at this young age?!

In addition to his unparalleled terrible combat power, he is also completely immune to mental attacks.

"What's the matter with this self-healing ability..." the old crutch looked at Pei Li breathlessly, subconsciously retreated towards the rear, and muttered: "it can't be regarded as self-healing. Is this regenerative ability?!"

Pei Li, who is out of control, has no defense mechanism, but even if he can be hurt, Pei Li's regeneration ability makes the old man desperate.

"Boy, you have a bright future. You won today, but you also offended. You shouldn't offend!"

The old man said, without looking back, he ran away immediately.

Let the old man escape. Pei Li in the out of control state did not pursue and kill, but walked slowly towards Lin Yan in the coma state step by step

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