Not far away, he Lefeng couldn't help it any longer and rushed out from behind, "shit! You smelly boy, you're too clever! I thought you were going to confess to my sister! As a result, you went too far and actually wanted to worship a teacher! Sister! You really want to take this boy as an apprentice!"

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"If you don't accept him, do you still accept you?" Lin Yan raised his eyebrow. "Wait, confession? What the hell! What's your magical brain circuit! Under normal circumstances, shouldn't this reaction be to borrow money?"

Mo Shuyun: "

Goddess, your brain circuit is not good!

"Why can't you accept me? There should be a first come, first served! And I'm your brother! Why did you rob him first!" He Lefeng looked sad.

"Don't say you're my brother. Even if you're my son, I can't accept you! Your sister, I want to live two more years!"

Lin Yan ignored he Lefeng's wailing protest and looked at Mo Shuyun and said, "Mo team, Yunxuan set aside three days for me this week. I'll give him a special training."

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Mo Shuyun said with a smile, "OK! Goddess, if you want someone, I dare not give it. Let him follow you all day!"

Yunxuan nodded immediately, "OK!"

Lin Yan laughed: "he teased you. Why follow me all day? I'll tell you in advance when I go back to training!"


She received a clever, sensible and obedient apprentice. Lin Yan was in a good mood. She took the time to log in. She hasn't logged in to a foreign social account for a long time and sent a message in her circle of friends.

[Yeva: next better, next better ^ ^]

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Lin Yan doesn't have many people on his private social accounts abroad. Most of them are the people of the team and her disciples and grandchildren.

As soon as the dynamic of Lin Yan came out, it was the disciples who blew up first.

[langmang: Oh, oh, my God! Shifu, you finally show up! Do you know I've been waiting for you so long! The global league will start soon! Shifu! It's been two years! Are you really not coming back?

Master, this year's global league is held in China. We are ready to go to China soon. Master, are you still in China now? I'm going to see you!]

[death butcher: I care more about what this sentence "the next is better, the next is better" means?]

[sun shuoran: why do I have a bad hunch...]

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[K: Master, aren't you... There's a dog outside? Have you recruited a new apprentice?]

[langmang: no way! Shifu, it's impossible! Second brother, you crow mouth! Don't talk nonsense, I'm XXX, you XXXXXXX]

[sun shuoran: Shifu clearly said that I was her last Apprentice and would not accept anyone else! Maybe Shifu just made a new boyfriend!]

[K: Based on master's EQ, do you think she is more likely to recruit a new apprentice or make a new boyfriend?]

[sun shuoran:... Well, it's impossible to make a boyfriend. Well, it seems that it's possible to recruit a new apprentice!]


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Lin Yan refreshed it and found that these dead children actually chatted under her circle of friends. Not only that, but also diss her EQ?

What happened to her EQ?

She is not only a new apprentice, but also a new boyfriend!

At that time, she must secretly take her boyfriend and blind the eyes of these bastards!

Global league

Yeah! The global league is about to begin

At that time, those bear children must come to her. Don't make any more moths

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