After leaving the team, Lin Yan attended an activity accompanied by Duoduo.

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Towards the end of the activity, she saw the text message sent to her by Pei Yucheng.

[Pei Yucheng: do you want to have dinner together in the evening?]

[Lin Yan: OK! But... What about Xiao Li?]

[Pei Yucheng: take the children together.]

[Lin Yan: OK, OK!]

[Pei Yucheng: we'll wait for you in the underground parking lot.]

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Lin Yan goes down from the VIP channel to the underground parking lot on the lower third floor.

Duoduo walked all the way in his ear and read to her, "what does that Joe Keyu mean just now? It's clear that the organizer arranged for you to play the final game. She had to drag it to the end and rob you of the final game!"

Lin Yan waved his hand, "Oh! I'm in a hurry to eat! It's better to come out early!"

Stare at her more, "can you have a snack? Now your coffee level is getting higher and higher, and your resources are getting better and better. When legend is broadcast, it will be more popular, which has threatened her position, so she has been secretly trying to suppress you!

Moreover, I think she's been hiding from Lin Shuya recently. I don't know what she's thinking! "

Lin Yan rubbed Duoduo's small face, "you see, you worry about this and that all day. You're almost a little old lady. Don't worry! No matter what they do secretly, no one can move to me."

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Duoduo sighed: "don't think it's okay with the support of Pei Yingdi. I'm more worried because of Pei Yingdi!"

Although Lin Yan has a relationship with Pei film emperor, Qiao kexuan's backstage is also Prince Pei Yutang, so he has been in a stable position for so many years.

Unfortunately, the relationship between Lin Yan and Pei Yingdi is very dangerous. Once it is revealed, she will be over.

Pei Yingdi's fans can frustrate her.

Since it was determined that Lin Yan and Pei film emperor were in secret contact, Duoduo was frightened every day, just like walking on a tightrope.

Lin Yan: "...??"

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This child, why do you think she has something to do with Pei film emperor?

Lin Yan was about to speak when a small figure suddenly ran towards her, "sister -"

"Little gift!"

Seeing the cute soft little guy, Lin Yan immediately smiled, leaving behind all his troubles and fatigue.

"Sister... Xiao Li misses you so much..." when the little guy saw her, his eyes were full of light, as if he had the joy of the whole world.

It seems that he is not used to saying such words. The little guy's ears are red and his face is a little shy.

Lin Yan was almost sprouted and touched the little guy's head. "My sister wants you too! Wait, my sister will take you to a big meal!"

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Obviously, she doesn't like children very much. Why does she like this little guy who meets by chance!

At the same time, Duoduo behind Lin Yan stared at the sudden emergence of the baby, which had frightened the whole person.

"The child is..." before Lin Yan introduced him, Duoduo suddenly screamed, "my God!"

"Well, what's the matter with you?" Lin Yan looked confused.

Duoduo pulled Lin Yan aside, shook her wildly and opened his mouth, "you, you... Sister Yan! This... This should not be your illegitimate son with Pei film Emperor..."

Lin Yan: "

What the hell?

Lin Yan's black face asked, "excuse me... Where did you come from with such a terrible idea?"

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