Lin Yan smiled and glanced at vice president Xu and other senior managers, "the person you should apologize is director Guo."

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Vice president Xu quickly picked up his glass and looked at Guo Dao; "Director Guo, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'll punish myself for three cups and apologize to you!"

Qiao kexuan was full of anger and stared at Zheng Sijie.

If Zheng Sijie hadn't scolded Guo Changfeng before, maybe Lin Yan wouldn't have called Pei Yutang tonight, and things wouldn't have come to this point.

Today, Pei Yutang said everything to this extent. There are no secrets in this circle. Soon this matter will spread, and she will completely lose the aura of the future third young grandmother

"Don't apologize!" Qiao kexuan looked at Zheng Sijie with anger.

Zheng Sijie's arrogant posture half a minute ago made her sweat. She quickly bent down and apologized to Guo Changfeng. "Guo Dao, my fault is that my dog can't spit out ivory. Your adult has a lot. Don't worry about me."

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Rao Shiguo Changfeng is used to the big storms in the entertainment industry and is surprised by today's dramatic scene.

Producer Qin's mouth hasn't been closed since just now.

The screenwriter teacher on one side sighed and muttered: "even in my dream, I can't write such a magical plot..."

Pei Yutang is still kneeling at the moment. Where are the others sitting? So everyone on the table stood there. The atmosphere was afraid to go out. They all looked at Lin Yan eagerly.

"Dad, you see, the misunderstanding has been explained clearly. Have you calmed down?" Pei Yutang asked weakly.

Lin Yan glanced at him. The bear boy made a lot of trouble today. He didn't know how much trouble he was going to make.

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Why did she remember to call the goods!

Lin Yan kicked him lightly, "let go, you get up first."

"If you don't forgive me, I can't afford..." Pei Yutang muttered wrongfully. What if she let go and go to his big brother and have a mixed doubles.

Lin Yan's face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and his eyes were dangerous. He gave a warning to Pei Yutang.

Pei Yutang trembled with fear, hurriedly reluctantly released and stood up, and then stood in front of Lin Yan.

Pei Nanxu on one side probably couldn't see it either. He helped his silly brother and said, "Miss Lin, I'm sorry, Yutang has caused you trouble."

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Pei Nanxu opened his mouth, and Lin Yan would naturally give face, "Pei Yingdi is polite. I'm also wrong. I'm too impulsive today."

Chu Jiayao came out at the right time, "Oh, misunderstanding! It's all misunderstanding! Just make it clear! Lin Yan, you'll have an interview later. The time is coming."

Lin Yan said hello to Guo Dao and left.

Qiao kexuan originally wanted to talk to Pei Yutang, but he saw that Pei Yutang didn't even look at her and followed Lin Yan.

Joe's legs were soft and almost paralyzed on the spot.

Everyone's nerves finally relaxed if they were granted amnesty.

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As soon as Lin Yangang left, a familiar senior came up to Chu Jiayao to inquire about the situation.

"Mr. Chu, what is the relationship between San Shao and Miss Lin?"

"Yes, why are San Shao so afraid of her? It's shocking, isn't it?"

Chu Jiayao heard the speech and smiled, "is this shocking?"

If you know the relationship between Lin Yan and the big boss, wouldn't you be scared to death.

In fact, he was worried originally, because Pei Yucheng never seemed to ask about Lin Yan, so he was worried that Pei Yucheng didn't care so much about Lin Yan. However, looking at Pei Yutang's attitude towards Lin Yan, we can see Lin Yan's status.

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