Interview waiting room.

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Pei Yutang politely went to pour tea for Lin Yan himself.

Duoduo couldn't help it now. While Zhao Hongling was communicating with the reporter, Pei Yutang went to the empty slot of pouring tea and hurriedly asked, "sister Yan, sister Yan, sister Yan! What's the matter? Why... Why did the third Shao call you... Call your father..."

Lin Yan had already thought out his speech, and naturally said, "isn't he a racing fan? It happens that I can run a racing car. Once I helped him win a race, and then he began to call me dad. For professional racing drivers, who is powerful and who is Dad..."

Duoduo suddenly looked silly, "just... Is it so simple?"

Lin Yan spread his hand: "otherwise?"

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Although Duoduo thinks it's incredible, it's really possible for Lin Yan to talk about Pei Yutang's obsession with racing.

I really didn't expect that Lin Yan would compare Qiao Keyu's status with the past because of this.

Pei Yutang came over with a teacup. "Hey, Dad, you drink tea!"

Lin Yan glanced at him and took the tea, but he didn't speak.

Pei Yutang was really not sure what she meant and said weakly, "Dad, the so-called unknown is innocent. Before, I really didn't know that she used my name to do so many bullying things outside. Forgive me this time!"

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The bear child didn't care about anything except racing cars. One day he was sold and helped people pay. Lin Yan wanted to teach him a lesson so that he could have a long memory, so he said coldly: "an apology is over?"

Pei Yutang was tearful. Then, with a sad expression on his face, he lowered his head and beat the drum on his mobile phone twice.

The next second, Lin Yan's mobile phone came to a voice -- "Alipay arrives at one million yuan!"

Lin Yan's brow was slightly unchecked Yang Yang, and then saw Pei Yutang's Alipay transfer information: "what do you mean? Bribe me?"

Pei Yutang flattered: "where! Dad, are you so fond of money? You have high integrity and regard money as dirt. How could I bribe you with such vulgar means! This is my investment in the aurora team! It is investment! Dad, you accept it!"

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"Where did you get so much money?" Lin Yan asked.

"I tightened my belt and saved it. I was going to upgrade the racing equipment, but I know that my high wind team is definitely not qualified to participate in the global league. The funds in the team are tight, and this money is only enough to buy an engine.

So, I thought, it's better to invest this money in this year's popular team. Maybe I can make a profit. If I make a profit, I will have more money to buy equipment! "

Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, "which team were you going to invest in!"

When Pei Yutang heard this, he immediately looked guilty, looked left and right, and dared not face Lin Yan's line of sight.

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Lin Yan recalled that he said on the phone that he was going to see the team manager of Leiyin team because he stood Joe kexuan up tonight.

"Are you going to invest in Leiyin team?" Lin yantiao eyebrows.

Pei Yutang said, "that's one of the old monster level giants in China. I just got their latest training data recently. It's definitely the strongest in China this year!

In addition, the light speed of the old monster team is also strong. After careful consideration, I chose Leiyin! Well, it's a pity... People despise me because I have less money... "

Lin Yanbai glanced at him, "the strongest in China is right in front of you. You don't invest. You run to give it to others. Others don't want it! How can I have such a silly son like you?"

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