For the sake of Pei Yucheng's sincere admission, Lin Yan reluctantly accepted the million and didn't make a small report with Pei Yucheng.

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When the banquet ended and returned to the villa, Xiao Li and Pei Yucheng were still awake.

Lin Yan immediately frowned. First he looked at the little guy on the sofa, "Xiao Li, why don't you sleep so late? When you're still growing up!"

Lin Yan angrily looked at Pei Yucheng at the other end of the sofa, "why don't you let the child go to bed early!"

As soon as Lin Yan finished, he found something wrong and said angrily, "no, why don't you sleep so late? I told you, you must go to bed early and get up early! Your body is just a little better!"

The father and son who were killed by Lin Yan at the same time looked at Lin Yan together.

Pei Li wore Lin Yan and bought him some furry pajamas. His bleary eyes were particularly painful. He looked wronged and said, "but Xiao Li wanted to wait for his sister to come back..."

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Pei Yucheng didn't wear glasses at the moment. He looked softer than usual: "me too."

One big and one small pair of eyes stared at himself, and Lin Yan was overwhelmed: "eh..."

Finally, Lin Yan scolded all of them and had no choice but to help them. "I'm sorry, my fault is that I came back too late. Next time, I'll try my best to come back early and don't let you wait so late!"

Pay attention to the official account: Book Club headquarters, focus on sending cash and coins!

At night, after coaxing Xiaoli to sleep, Lin Yan was still completely sleepless.

Pei Yucheng put down the fairy tale book in his hand and looked at the girl next to him, "what's the matter? What's the matter?"

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Lin Yan shook his head and said, "it's not me. It's an uncle of mine. Do you know Xie Zheng, the boss of Xie group..."

Pei Yucheng nodded: "I've heard a little. Why?"

"He's very nice. He's been chasing my mother recently, but he can't catch up. My mother rarely meets a good man. I'm really worried about them.

I hope my mother can try to contact Xie Zheng and find her own happiness again. Don't always immerse herself in the past.

However, I've helped several times before, but it's useless. I really can't think of any good way! "

Lin Yan said, staring at Pei Yucheng's eyes. "By the way, I just want to ask you for advice. Do you have any good ways?"

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Pei Yucheng raised his eyebrows slightly: "why do you want to ask me?"

"Because I feel that your routine is very deep..." Lin Yan said meaningfully.

Pei Yucheng smiled: "thank you for your praise."

Lin Yan: "..." is not praising you?

"How did you help before?" Pei Yucheng asked.

Lin Yan thought, "before? Once, I saw Uncle Xie wandering downstairs of my mother for a long time and didn't dare to go up, so I took the initiative to invite him to sit in and say something. Then, my mother said it was too late and inconvenient. He didn't even fight for it. I immediately followed my mother and said it was too late and inconvenient. That's all.

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I'm so angry that I can only continue to find a way to tell my mother that uncle Xie asked him to go in and let my mother help him apply medicine in order to help her catch the thief's leg

My mother, who is soft hearted and doesn't like to owe others, asked someone to go up.

People went in, but Uncle Xie was so sincere that he had to say that his leg injury had healed and refused to stay longer... "

Pei Yucheng listened carefully to the girl's talk, "and then?"

Lin Yan: "then I really couldn't help kicking him, so he wouldn't be a liar."

Pei Yucheng: "..." it really seems like something she can do.

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