[Reading welfare] pay attention to the public No. [book friends' base camp], read books every day, draw cash / count money!

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"In order to let them get along alone, I deliberately left first, but not long after I left, uncle Xie came out with me and said that my mother would be uncomfortable if I were alone."

Lin Yan sighed as he said, "Hey, I can't take it!"

"In fact, the biggest problem in this matter is not Xie Zheng, but your mother." Pei Yucheng spoke.

"My mother?" Lin Yan thought a little, "That's true. My mother always thought that if she hadn't insisted on marrying Lin Yuetong, she wouldn't lead wolves into the house, so that Grandpa's industry would be robbed, and even the only team could not be saved. Now the team is in the hands of Lin Shuya and uncle, and grandpa is still in hospital. However, soon it won't be a big problem. I will help Grandpa fulfill his dream. ”

Looking at the girl's confident eyes, Pei Yucheng was a little distracted.

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No matter what the price, I hope she can always be so confident and dazzling.

"Yes." Pei Yucheng nodded and then said, "in addition, you have to let your mother have the motivation to start a new life."

Lin Yan asked for advice on his face. He almost took out a small book and wrote it down. He hurriedly asked, "how can my mother want to start a new life and be willing to try to accept uncle Xie Zheng?"

This is the problem she has always wanted to solve.

"The key to this motivation is you." Pei Yucheng spoke.

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"Me?" Lin Yan doesn't understand.

Pei Yucheng thought a little and then suggested, "the next time you see your mother, you can say this to your mother. You said that you went to a little sister's wedding before. When you saw her walking on stage with her father and handed her over to another man who will accompany you for life, you were particularly moved."

Lin Yan pondered, "that's it? And then?"

"Needless to say, your mother will naturally think that she wants her daughter to have a complete wedding. With Lin Yuetong's actions, you and she can't let Lin Yuetong attend your wedding as a father. Then, your mother may have the idea of finding another partner for you." Pei Yucheng spoke.

Lin Yan was directly amazed by Pei Yucheng's words, "that's OK!"

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"Although it was for you at the beginning, as long as she is willing to try, she will have a chance. Otherwise, she may not be able to step out of this barrier all her life. I have heard of Xie Zheng. She has a good reputation in the circle and can be trusted for life." Pei Yucheng analysis.

Lin Yan opened the door of the new world: "baby, you are so powerful!!!"

Pei Yucheng for a while, his eyes suddenly turned deep, "what do you... Call me?"

Lin Yan reacted and immediately choked, "well, cough... Sorry, I'm so excited!"

Lin Yan suddenly thought of a question, "wait, I have a question."

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Pei Yucheng: "what?"

"I told my mother before that I had made a boyfriend. If I said these words to her, if she thought I was going to get married and asked me when I was going to get married, how would I answer?" Lin Yan threw an inquiring look at Pei Yucheng.

Pei Yucheng looked at the girl in silence for a while, then slowly threw the question back, "yes, Miss Lin, when shall we get married?"

Lin Yan: "...!"

What's going on!

Didn't she come to ask Pei Yucheng how to help Xie Zheng? How did she feel that she was routine again???

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