Looking at the momentary loss on the girl's face, Pei Yucheng's eyebrows were full of tenderness, "don't be nervous. If you want to get married one day, just tell me."

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Although he suppressed all her instincts so that she was no longer afraid of herself, he still didn't dare to act too hastily and didn't dare to step further.

Because of Pei Yucheng's sentence "one day I want to get married", Lin Yancheng couldn't sleep all night until the early morning.

Not long after Lin Yan fell asleep, Pei Li, lying in the middle, slowly opened his eyes.

The little guy's dark eyes looked at the man on the side with a trace of disdain, "shameless."

Pei Yucheng didn't open his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slowly lifted a radian: "what?"

Pei Li repressed his anger: "why should I force my mother to marry you!"

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The man's voice was not urgent or slow: "I remember your Chinese is good. My words just now should not mean coercion. Your mother and I received a certificate three years ago. Because she lost her memory, I gave her a chance to choose again. This is respect, not coercion."

Pei Li's voice was slightly cold: "after losing her memory, my mother didn't know she had married you. If my mother refused you, would you divorce her?"

Pei Yucheng: "naturally not."

Pei Li was surprised by Pei Yucheng's natural tone: "hypocrisy!"

Pei Yucheng: "I said no, because it would not be possible."

Pei Li: "you are too conceited. Are you so sure that your mother won't like others?"

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Pei Yucheng smiled and slowly opened his eyes in the dark. "The so-called others in your mouth are Xiao Yao?"

Pei Yucheng's tone obviously didn't pay any attention to Xiao Yao, and seemed to laugh at his overestimation.

Pei Li wanted to refute, but he couldn't speak at the thought of Xiao Yao's intoxicating low EQ operation.

I knew I shouldn't have put my chips on Xiao Yao!

"What about Pei Nanxu? As far as I know, my mother likes him very much!" Pei Li added four words he liked very much.

Pei Yucheng frowned slightly: "Nanxu? You can try."

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Pei Yucheng's voice was obvious. Pei Nanxu had no courage.

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Pei Li frowned, "if you are really confident, you should compete fairly."

Pei Yucheng laughed: "fair? The world is not fair. What's more, do you think you're sitting here for fair competition?"

"..." Pei Li forced down his anger and displeasure.

Now Pei Yucheng is indeed too dominant, but it is not without flaws to follow.

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Rivers and mountains are easy to change, and his nature is hard to change. He absolutely doesn't believe that he can really disguise for a lifetime.


The next day, Lin Yan specially went back to he Muyun.

She tried to follow Pei Yucheng's instructions last night and chatted with he Muyun.

I don't know if what she said worked. He Muyun paused and remained silent for a long time.

He Muyun held Lin Yan's hand. "Xiaoyan, I'm sorry... It's mom who is sorry for you... Mom's biggest wish is to give you a happy home and let you grow up happily and carefree... But mom didn't do it... Instead, she made you suffer so much..."

Lin Yan looked at he Muyun's self reproach and hurriedly comforted, "Mom, why do you say that? It's not your fault! You didn't do anything wrong. Lin Yuetong did something wrong, not you. You shouldn't impose other people's mistakes on yourself and punish yourself."

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