Yunxuan, who had not spoken for a long time, finally couldn't help but say, "thank you... Thank you for your advice

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But... Every... Every racer has his own style and characteristics

No... no... it can't be generalized

I... I don't think my running method... Can't cope with... Higher... Higher level competitions

In addition... Thank you... Miss Su for your kindness

But I... my master is very good and powerful

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In my whole life... I have only Lin Yan as a master... I have no intention to worship the master again... "

Yunxuan finished this long series of answers with difficulty. He spoke haltingly and looked shy, which made everyone laugh.

"Yunxuan, I didn't expect you to stammer! You can't speak clearly. No wonder you don't speak at ordinary times, hahaha..."

Yunxuan's usual character is really in great contrast to his racing.

However, although Yunxuan stammered, his meaning had been expressed very clearly.

Ling Yang didn't expect his kind advice. Yunxuan didn't appreciate it and retorted in public. He even preferred to worship Lin Yan as a master rather than be a master himself, so his face suddenly darkened.

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Ling Yang looked at Su Cai unhappily and said in a cold voice, "Su Cai, do you think I'm the one who will accept disciples at will?"

Su Cai quickly apologized to Ling Yang, "of course not. I just mentioned it casually. Yang God, how can you take an apprentice at will!"

In order to curry favor with Ling Yang, a racing driver next to him mocked Yun Xuan, "Yun Xuan, you're just running well in a race. You're so arrogant that you don't even pay attention to Yang God's words. It's too arrogant!"

Other racing drivers also echoed, "it's really ignorant!"

Su Cai sneered, "Yunxuan, are you kidding? Your master is very powerful? She's also called powerful? Then you're too ignorant! Lin Yan's ability is put in front of Yang God, and he can't even compare with Yang God's little finger! What kind of master there is, what kind of disciple, frog at the bottom of the well, really laughs to death!"

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Yunxuan took a deep breath, his eyes were stubborn and stammered: "you... You can say me, but please... Please don't insult my master. As I said, my master is very powerful."

Su Cai's eyes at Yunxuan seemed to be looking at a fool: "if you say it's powerful, it's powerful. You're funny. The food is the food. It's hard to face. Yang Shen just ran first in area a and first in the third league..."

Su Cai said angrily and continued to scold Yunxuan, "Yunxuan! We also see that you are very talented and kindly remind you that you are afraid of going astray. What's your attitude and what do you mean!"

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Yunxuan tightly pursed his lips. He really didn't want to argue with people on this occasion. Besides, those words just now were his limit.

The more eyes fell on him, the more nervous he became. The more he wanted to speak, the more he couldn't speak. The serious social phobia almost made him unable to breathe. However, Su CAI was also aggressive

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"I... I didn't... i... my master..."

Fine beads of sweat oozed from Yunxuan's forehead. He just felt that there was less and less air in his chest, and the whole world seemed to rotate in front of him

Just then, a warm palm gently rested on his shoulder, and behind him came the girl's lazy and indifferent voice——

"Tut, Su Cai, did you not learn Chinese well in primary school, or did you not understand people? My apprentice's words are not obvious enough?"

I saw Lin Yan and the racing drivers in area C also showed up one after another.

Lin Yan slipped his silver helmet in one hand and put his hand on Yunxuan's shoulder. He glanced at Su CAI and Ling Yang in turn and continued to speak lazily, "OK, since you don't understand, I'll translate it for you. My apprentice means... You Yang God is too good to be his master. Do you understand?"

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