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Yunxuan looked stunned. The crow feather like eyelashes trembled. The warmth gradually spread from the girl's shoulder covered by her palm to her whole body. The feeling of being unable to breathe dissipated in an instant.

Lin Yan gave Yunxuan a soothing look and swept to the bottom of everyone's eyes with a cold idea.

As soon as she approached, she found the picture of Yunxuan being besieged by everyone. The child had social barriers and didn't know how to refute. Standing there was like a helpless cub, which provoked Lin Yan's anger and directly and rudely took back. Where could he take care of those superficial Kung Fu.

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Lin Yan's words were so arrogant that he caused an uproar as soon as his voice fell.

Ling Yang's position in China's racing circle is unmatched. Everyone respects him like a God and wants to give him up. No one dares to say such words to him.

Lin Yan's behavior just now is death, and even offended the whole Chinese racing circle.

Su Cai didn't expect that Lin Yan dared to say such words in full view of the public. His face was incredible, "Lin Yan, what are you talking about? I don't think you are arrogant and ignorant, but there is something wrong with your brain!"

Lin Yanyang raised his eyebrows. "Su Cai, I find you very interesting too. It has something to do with you who others worship as a master? Is it too wide for you?"

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Those admirers of Ling Yang nearby can't listen anymore and stand up one after another.

One of the racers spoke angrily to Lin Yan, "Captain Lin, you don't think you have the title of captain, so you really have the highest status! The racing circle doesn't look at this false name, but the strength killed one race after another. What's your attitude towards your predecessors?"

Lin Yan smiled, "then you teach me. What attitude should I have?"

"There should always be the most basic respect for predecessors!"

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"How can you be regarded as an elder in the racing circle?" Lin Yan asked again.

The person who answered replied with an expression that Lin Yan was a novice and didn't even know this kind of thing. He replied impatiently, "the racing circle naturally speaks with strength, and those who have strength are predecessors.

We think you are a woman. Qi Huichang insists on flattering you. We don't want to argue with you, but you don't want to fool the past in this matter today. You two insult Yang God and must apologize to Yang God! "

Su Cai, with his arms around his chest and a face of schadenfreude, looked at Lin Yan being besieged. "This kind of moral villain is simply the scum of China's racing circle. I want to ask President Qi why such people can continue to stay in China's team and even occupy the position of the captain!"

"Yes, if she doesn't apologize today, she must let president Qi give us an explanation!"

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Lin Yan lost his smile and was almost laughed by the logic of these people.

Yunxuan did nothing there. It was these people who mocked and bullied, but they wanted them to apologize.

Lin Yan originally wanted to argue. Finally, looking at the aggressive appearance of these people, he gave up reasoning with them directly, glanced at Su CAI and others carelessly, smiled gently, lengthened his voice, and said lazily, "apologize? Do you want to apologize to tell the truth these days? If you rob disciples with me, you should also see if you have this ability."

"Lin Yan! You..."

Ling Yang changed his face. Everyone seemed to be shocked by Lin Yan's shamelessness. They were all shouting to get in front of President Qi and ask President Qi to expel Lin Yan from the Racing Association.

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