"Why not invite? Anyway, the place is so big ~" Sun Shuo disapproved.

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Lu Sen has long been used to sun shuolan's unreliability, Holding his anger, he said: "is this a big problem in the place? Let alone other teams, even people who are idle and so on can't appear during training. Besides, this team is also a team that has entered the world's first league. Did you ask them to come to our reserved venue for training? What's wrong with your mind?"

Sun Shuo ran raised his eyebrows: "what's the matter, brother Sen? Are you still afraid of them stealing the teacher?"

Looking at Sun Shuo's indifferent attitude, LUSHEN was almost angry with him. "What do you say? The content of the special training is absolutely confidential. Don't you know? You participated in the special training on the first day?"

Sun Shuo blinked: "of course I know. I'm not stupid. But the aurora team can't steal. What's the matter?"

Luzon vowed that if he didn't want the boy to participate in the peak game, he would definitely fight with him: "how do you know that people can't steal the teacher? Is there little news before the game? I took so much trouble to get a safe venue. You'd better take the thief home!"

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Sun Shuo ran took Lu Sen to act like a spoiled child: "Oh, brother, what a thief. It's impossible. Anyone can be. It's impossible for the person I invited!"

"You boy..."

The team manager was almost angry with sun Shuo. Just when he couldn't help being rude, Yu Guang suddenly didn't know what he saw, and the words behind him suddenly stuck in his throat.

He... What did he see

Lucen's Yu Guang accidentally saw an extremely familiar figure in the aurora team.

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The girl was talking to Mo Shuyun. She seemed to notice that someone was looking at her, so she subconsciously turned her head and looked in the direction of her line of sight.

The next second, the girl's eyes were right with Luzon's eyes.

Luzon could hardly believe his eyes: "Y... Yeva!!!"

Sun Shuo ran saw that LUSHEN finally found Lin Yan. He quickly covered his mouth before he shouted, "brother Sen, keep your voice down! I promised the master to keep it secret!"

Luzon stared: "that... That's really Yeva?"

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Although the girl has changed a lot and her appearance is more beautiful, after all, we have worked together in a team for so many years, he can't even recognize Yeva.

Sun shuoran said proudly, "yes!"

Luzon still felt a little incredible: "how could Yeva be in the aurora team?"

Sun shuoran: "she is now the racing driver of the aurora team. The champion of the world's third league and the world's second league, Lin Yan."

Lu Sen was shocked: "you... What did you say? Lin Yan... Lin Yan is Yeva!!!"

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Sun Shuo nodded: "yes."

Luzon was in a trance: "no wonder... No wonder when I watched the video replay, I always felt that the style of this female racing car was familiar... I thought... I thought it was another person who imitated Yeva..."

Who would have thought that it was Yeva himself!

Lin Yan also has the status of a star in China. She doesn't want this status to be too concerned and affect the competition, so she seldom shows her face when participating in the competition and hardly accepts media interviews, so that he has no chance to find out

Sun Shuo ran glanced: "brother Sen, don't worry now. Our master is right across the street. What kind of master do we steal? Even if it's stealing, we want to steal the master back. It's almost the same!"

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