Luzon: "

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For sun shuoran's words, Rosen can't refute it at all.

The four top drivers of WZ are all taught by Lin Yan. Anyone can steal the division. Only she can't. she herself is the "division".

"You... Smelly boy! Why didn't you say it earlier!" Lu Sen was surprised, delighted and tangled, "Hey, wait, since Yeva has returned to the competition, why not go back to WZ and run to an unknown small team in China?"

Sun Shuo sighed, "master, it must be because things were too cold in those years. In addition, he didn't want to involve us in being targeted..."

Before, Lin Yan was so popular that he almost subverted the GD empire that had dominated the racing industry for many years.

At that time, he was caught taking forbidden drugs. How could those people let him go? Plus, Shifu later learned that he had been punished The truth of Medicine... At that time, he was really afraid that Shifu would never touch the car again in his life.

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Fortunately, master finally returned to the game.

Sun Shuo ran said with longing on his face, "the aurora is the team set up by master himself! I really want to go to master's team, too!"

As soon as he said this, he was so angry that Luzon almost couldn't lift it at one breath, "smelly boy, you dare to run, I won't break your leg!"

Sun shuoran: "people want to be with the master!"

"Then find a way to bring the master back! It's easy to say about money!" Luzon rubbed the ground secretly.

Sun Shuo ran muttered: "of course I want to, but how can it be? The master has entered the competition as a Chinese racing driver. Moreover, the master was originally Chinese and came abroad because of lack of money. Now the master is not short of money.

You don't know, my master's new six younger martial brothers are rich, and his new boyfriend is even richer... "

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As soon as Luzon heard this, he immediately stopped thinking. Is he short of money? That must be over.

"All right, all right, I won't talk to you. I'll go and say hello!" Luzon quickly adjusted his clothes.

Sun Shuo ran didn't forget to whisper, "you behave normally. Don't let people see it. I promised Shifu that her identity would be kept secret for the time being."

"I also use you to teach."

Luzon gave him a white look and walked in the direction of Lin Yan.

Luzon looked quite calm, and his steps were indeed quite stable.

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However, just a few steps in the direction of Lin Yan, he suddenly stumbled and almost stepped on his left foot to his right foot.

"Er, cough, y... Hello, Miss Lin Yan! I'm Luzon Garcia, manager of WZ team!" Lu Sen greeted Lin Yan in fluent Chinese.

Lin Yan saw the visitor with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Garcia. I've heard a lot about you."

Lu Sen: "Miss Lin, Shuo ran told me just now that you can use the venue here at will. You're welcome. You can come to me whenever you need anything."

Zhou Yue and others on one side were stunned to see that Lu Sen was not only not opposed, but also so enthusiastic.

Where is this enthusiasm? It's almost... Flattery, isn't it?

"Is this really the manager of WZ team? It's too approachable!"

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"Yes, he did. I saw it on TV."


Mo Shuyun on one side said, "is this... Too disturbing?"

Lu Sen hurriedly said: "where, where, no, what's the trouble? It's a great honor."

Mo Shuyun: "...??"

If this is really a small team, it can be understood. At the level of WZ team, is there something wrong with this.

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