Xiao Ji looked at his legs, then said expressionless, "everything I do naturally has my meaning."

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Whether she is Lin Yan or Mu Yan, whether she is the proud daughter of the holy land or the miss of the Mu family, she always carries her own mission. At this last time, it may be the end of life or the opportunity of order breaking and reorganization.

"Pei Yucheng, I still underestimate you."

After a long time, the corners of Xiaoji's mouth rose slightly, and a faint smile hung on his face.

"Pei Yucheng?"

Hearing the sound, Xiao Ze was stunned. He looked at his eldest brother Xiao Ji and asked, "what's the matter with Pei Yucheng?"

Xiao Ji didn't answer Xiao Ze's question. He just glanced at Xiao Ze and immediately said, "Xiao Ze."

As Xiao Ji's voice fell, Xiao Ze looked strange. From small to large, big brother had never called him like this.

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Somehow, Xiaoze always feels that Xiaoji's words and deeds are somewhat abnormal today.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Xiao Ze was puzzled and asked aloud.

Xiao Ji looked at Xiao Ze and seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say a word in the end.


Yunjian water villa.

Lin Yan didn't know when he appeared in the manor.

Seeing Lin Yan, Pei Yucheng subconsciously frowned.

Pei Li was surprised. The little guy immediately ran to Lin Yan.

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Pei Yucheng wanted to hold Pei Li, but Pei Li was too fast and ran to Lin Yan in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Pei Li in front of him, Lin Yan's eyes were dull.

The next second, the dagger appeared in Lin Yan's hand and stabbed Peili's neck in an instant.

Just listen to the "puff".

The dagger pierced Peili's neck.

Pei Li opened his eyes incredulously, and his pupils were shrinking.

Pei Qian, who followed him, was stunned: "Mom..."

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Before Lin Yan could do anything else, Pei Yucheng's left pupil turned slightly and was controlled in place by Pei Yucheng's spiritual power, and could not continue to act.

"Why... Mom did this to me... Mom... Also wanted to kill me..."

Pei Li stepped back, cut off the dagger stabbed into his neck with his fingers, and immediately pulled it out.

Incredibly, the wound on Pei Li's neck was repaired quickly almost with the naked eye, as if the fatal knife had not caused any damage to Pei Li at all.

Looking at his son, Pei Yucheng was not surprised by Pei Li's ability, as if he had been used to it for a long time.

Pei Li is an immortal body.

Any physical attack can't hurt Peili. Even today Peili is immune to most mental attacks.

If Pei Li is given enough time to grow, his path of evolution is unlimited.

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As Pei Li's father, Pei Yucheng naturally knows Pei Li's ability.

I'm afraid most of this ability comes from the genetic inheritance of forest tobacco.

However, at the moment, Pei Yucheng doesn't care about the evolution ability of fans Peili. Even Pei Yucheng can feel that Peili is gradually losing control of his emotions.

Although Pei Li's ability is peerless, he has fatal defects since childhood and is easy to get out of control.

Pei Li's body will no longer be controlled by his mind after his emotions are out of control. Coupled with Pei Li's terrible evolutionary ability, it will be a terrible disaster.

Otherwise, Pei Li will not have the title of "great devil".

"Everyone wants to kill me... Even my mother... Wants me to die..."

At the moment, Pei Yucheng saw that Pei Li's face was gradually distorted, and even a terrible smile that was completely inconsistent with his age hung around his mouth.

Completely crazy.

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