Pei Yucheng has never seen Pei Li in such a crazy state. In the years when Pei Li was placed in Pei's family, Pei Li was just an ordinary emotion out of control at most.

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At present, Peili seems to have been greatly stimulated and almost completely lost his mind. The terrible evolution is overwhelming. With Peili as the center, there are visible hurricanes around.

In a flash, most of the whole Yunjian water villa was destroyed.

Lin Yan still stood in place with dull eyes, like a walking corpse.


Like the fury of the beast, Peili stared at Lin Yan.

However, no matter how angry Pei Li was, he still didn't fight Lin Yan.

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But even so, Lin Yan could not bear the pressure of Pei Li's evolutionary power, and his body was like a lonely boat in the ocean.

"Little gift."

Suddenly, Pei Yucheng's voice poured into Peili's ears like magic.

Pei Yucheng's spiritual power immediately entered Peili's inner world.

Pei Yucheng was moved by Pei Li's inner world.

The original beautiful pictures were broken like a mirror.

Soon, in Peili's world, there was a strong wind and rainstorm, and the surroundings were broken.

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Naked, the little guy squatted down in the rainstorm and was devastated by the harsh environment.

Looking at Pei Li's body shaking violently, Pei Yucheng felt an unspeakable taste in his heart.

Even Pei Yucheng can feel the helplessness and despair of the world.

I can't imagine how Pei Li's inner world can be so desperate. How cruel this inner world is.

Pei Li's past events are also circulating in this inner world.

Since he was born, he had no mother and his father was often not around. When Pei was bullied, everyone wanted to stay away from him. Peili could not integrate into it even if he lowered his posture and gave up his dignity. Loneliness and helplessness had already filled his heart.

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Finally, he lost control of the Pei family for the first time, showing unparalleled terrible evolutionary power.

He was severely punished and locked up in a small black house for several months. The people of the clan became more and more disgusted and indifferent to him

He misses his mother, but he has never seen his mother. He misses his father, but his father is very strict.

Helplessness and loneliness turned into fear and despair at this moment.

Pei Yucheng looked at Pei Li trembling in the rainstorm with mixed feelings.

Today, Pei Li's favorite mother wants to kill him.

Pei Yucheng felt this despair in Pei Li's inner world, and even Pei Yucheng suffocated.

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Pei Yucheng could not imagine that Pei Li had endured this unspeakable pain silently for a long time.

Today, Lin Yan's abnormality, like a fuse, completely collapsed Peili's inner world.

He can stand the past, but he can't accept the fact that his favorite mother wants to get rid of him himself.

When Pei Yucheng was in a trance, the little boy who was helpless and pitiful and shivering in the fierce storm and rain changed his body, and his face became more and more ferocious and terrible, as if an ancient fierce beast was about to be born.

Pei Yucheng knows that this is the precursor of the collapse of Pei Li's inner world. Once Pei Li in his inner world becomes a fierce beast, Pei Li in reality will disappear forever. He will become a truly inhuman devil and will never return.

The next second, Pei Yucheng's tall figure appeared beside Peili and gently stroked Peili's hair.

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